OpenVDB  11.0.0
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
CreateNanoGrid.h File Reference

Convert any grid to a nanovdb grid of the same type, e.g. float->float. More...

#include "GridBuilder.h"
#include "NodeManager.h"
#include "GridHandle.h"
#include "GridStats.h"
#include "GridChecksum.h"
#include "Range.h"
#include "Invoke.h"
#include "ForEach.h"
#include "Reduce.h"
#include "PrefixSum.h"
#include "DitherLUT.h"
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <cstring>
#include <type_traits>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  CreateNanoGrid< SrcGridT >
 Creates any nanovdb Grid from any source grid (certain combinations are obviously not allowed) More...
struct  MapToNano< T >
 Trait that maps any type to the corresponding nanovdb type. More...
class  AbsDiff
 Compression oracle based on absolute difference. More...
class  RelDiff
 Compression oracle based on relative difference. More...
class  NodeAccessor< GridT >
 The NodeAccessor provides a uniform API for accessing nodes got NanoVDB, OpenVDB and build Grids. More...
class  NodeAccessor< NanoGrid< BuildT > >
 Template specialization for nanovdb::Grid which is special since its NodeManage uses a handle in order to support node access on the GPU! More...
struct  MapToNano< T >
 Trait that maps any type to the corresponding nanovdb type. More...
class  CreateNanoGrid< SrcGridT >
 Creates any nanovdb Grid from any source grid (certain combinations are obviously not allowed) More...
struct  CreateNanoGrid< SrcGridT >::BlindMetaData




template<typename SrcGridT , typename DstBuildT = typename MapToNano<typename SrcGridT::BuildType>::type, typename BufferT = HostBuffer>
disable_if< BuildTraits< DstBuildT >::is_index||BuildTraits< DstBuildT >::is_Fp, GridHandle< BufferT > >::type createNanoGrid (const SrcGridT &srcGrid, StatsMode sMode=StatsMode::Default, ChecksumMode cMode=ChecksumMode::Default, int verbose=0, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT())
 Freestanding function that creates a NanoGrid<T> from any source grid. More...
template<typename SrcGridT , typename DstBuildT = typename MapToNano<typename SrcGridT::BuildType>::type, typename BufferT = HostBuffer>
enable_if< BuildTraits< DstBuildT >::is_index, GridHandle< BufferT > >::type createNanoGrid (const SrcGridT &srcGrid, uint32_t channels=0u, bool includeStats=true, bool includeTiles=true, int verbose=0, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT())
 Freestanding function that creates a NanoGrid<ValueIndex> or NanoGrid<ValueOnIndex> from any source grid. More...
template<typename SrcGridT , typename DstBuildT = typename MapToNano<typename SrcGridT::BuildType>::type, typename OracleT = AbsDiff, typename BufferT = HostBuffer>
enable_if< is_same< FpN, DstBuildT >::value, GridHandle< BufferT > >::type createNanoGrid (const SrcGridT &srcGrid, StatsMode sMode=StatsMode::Default, ChecksumMode cMode=ChecksumMode::Default, bool ditherOn=false, int verbose=0, const OracleT &oracle=OracleT(), const BufferT &buffer=BufferT())
 Freestanding function to create a NanoGrid<FpN> from any source grid. More...
template<typename SrcGridT , typename DstBuildT = typename MapToNano<typename SrcGridT::BuildType>::type, typename BufferT = HostBuffer>
enable_if< BuildTraits< DstBuildT >::is_FpX, GridHandle< BufferT > >::type createNanoGrid (const SrcGridT &srcGrid, StatsMode sMode=StatsMode::Default, ChecksumMode cMode=ChecksumMode::Default, bool ditherOn=false, int verbose=0, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT())
 Freestanding function to create a NanoGrid<FpX> from any source grid, X=4,8,16. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const AbsDiff &diff)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RelDiff &diff)

Detailed Description

Convert any grid to a nanovdb grid of the same type, e.g. float->float.

Ken Museth
June 26, 2020
In the examples below we assume that srcGrid is a exiting grid of type SrcGridT = openvdb::FloatGrid, openvdb::FloatGrid or nanovdb::build::FloatGrid.
auto handle = nanovdb::createNanoGrid(srcGrid);
auto *dstGrid = handle.grid<float>();

Convert a grid to a nanovdb grid of a different type, e.g. float->half

auto handle = nanovdb::createNanoGrid<SrcGridT,nanovdb::Fp16>(srcGrid);
auto *dstGrid = handle.grid<nanovdb::Fp16>();

Convert a grid to a nanovdb grid of the same type but using a CUDA buffer

auto handle = nanovdb::createNanoGrid<SrcGridT, float, nanovdb::CudaDeviceBuffer>(srcGrid);
auto *dstGrid = handle.grid<float>();

Create a nanovdb grid that indices values in an existing source grid of any type. If DstBuildT = nanovdb::ValueIndex both active and in-active values are indexed and if DstBuildT = nanovdb::ValueOnIndex only active values are indexed.

using DstBuildT = nanovdb::ValueIndex;// index both active an inactive values
auto handle = nanovdb::createNanoGridSrcGridT,DstBuildT>(srcGrid,0,false,false);//no blind data, tile values or stats
auto *dstGrid = handle.grid<DstBuildT>();

Create a NanoVDB grid from scratch

#if defined(NANOVDB_USE_OPENVDB) && !defined(__CUDACC__)
using SrcGridT = openvdb::FloatGrid;
using SrcGridT = nanovdb::build::FloatGrid;
SrcGridT srcGrid(0.0f);// create an empty source grid
auto srcAcc = srcGrid.getAccessor();// create an accessor
srcAcc.setValue(nanovdb::Coord(1,2,3), 1.0f);// set a voxel value
auto handle = nanovdb::createNanoGrid(srcGrid);// convert source grid to a grid handle
auto dstGrid = handle.grid<float>();// get a pointer to the destination grid

Convert a base-pointer to an openvdb grid, denoted srcGrid, to a nanovdb grid of the same type, e.g. float -> float or openvdb::Vec3f -> nanovdb::Vec3f

auto handle = nanovdb::openToNanoVDB(*srcGrid);// convert source grid to a grid handle
auto dstGrid = handle.grid<float>();// get a pointer to the destination grid

Converts any existing grid to a NanoVDB grid, for example: nanovdb::build::Grid<SrcBuildT> -> nanovdb::Grid<DstBuildT> nanovdb::Grid<SrcBuildT> -> nanovdb::Grid<DstBuildT> nanovdb::Grid<SrcBuildT> -> nanovdb::Grid<ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex> openvdb::Grid<SrcBuildT> -> nanovdb::Grid<DstBuildT> openvdb::Grid<PointIndex> -> nanovdb::Grid<PointIndex> openvdb::Grid<PointData> -> nanovdb::Grid<PointData> openvdb::Grid<SrcBuildT> -> nanovdb::Grid<ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex>

This files replaces GridBuilder.h, IndexGridBuilder.h and OpenToNanoVDB.h