OpenVDB  11.0.0
Classes | Namespaces | Typedefs | Functions
Grid.h File Reference
#include "Exceptions.h"
#include "MetaMap.h"
#include "Types.h"
#include "io/io.h"
#include "math/Transform.h"
#include "tree/Tree.h"
#include "util/logging.h"
#include "util/Name.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>

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class  Grid< _TreeType >
 Container class that associates a tree with a transform and metadata. More...
class  GridBase
 Abstract base class for typed grids. More...
struct  GridNamePred
 Predicate functor that returns true for grids that have a specified name. More...
class  Grid< _TreeType >
 Container class that associates a tree with a transform and metadata. More...
struct  Grid< _TreeType >::ValueConverter< OtherValueType >
 ValueConverter<T>::Type is the type of a grid having the same hierarchy as this grid but a different value type, T. More...
struct  TreeAdapter< _TreeType >
 This adapter allows code that is templated on a Tree type to accept either a Tree type or a Grid type. More...
struct  TreeAdapter< Grid< _TreeType > >
 Partial specialization for Grid types. More...
struct  TreeAdapter< tree::ValueAccessor< _TreeType > >
 Partial specialization for ValueAccessor types. More...
struct  HasMultiPassIO< LeafNodeType >
 Metafunction that specifies whether a given leaf node, tree, or grid type requires multiple passes to read and write voxel data. More...
struct  HasMultiPassIO< tree::Tree< RootNodeType > >
struct  HasMultiPassIO< Grid< TreeType > >




using TreeBase = tree::TreeBase
using GridPtrVec = std::vector< GridBase::Ptr >
using GridPtrVecIter = GridPtrVec::iterator
using GridPtrVecCIter = GridPtrVec::const_iterator
using GridPtrVecPtr = SharedPtr< GridPtrVec >
using GridCPtrVec = std::vector< GridBase::ConstPtr >
using GridCPtrVecIter = GridCPtrVec::iterator
using GridCPtrVecCIter = GridCPtrVec::const_iterator
using GridCPtrVecPtr = SharedPtr< GridCPtrVec >
using GridPtrSet = std::set< GridBase::Ptr >
using GridPtrSetIter = GridPtrSet::iterator
using GridPtrSetCIter = GridPtrSet::const_iterator
using GridPtrSetPtr = SharedPtr< GridPtrSet >
using GridCPtrSet = std::set< GridBase::ConstPtr >
using GridCPtrSetIter = GridCPtrSet::iterator
using GridCPtrSetCIter = GridCPtrSet::const_iterator
using GridCPtrSetPtr = SharedPtr< GridCPtrSet >


template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr createGrid (const typename GridType::ValueType &background)
 Create a new grid of type GridType with a given background value. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr createGrid ()
 Create a new grid of type GridType with background value zero. More...
template<typename TreePtrType >
Grid< typename TreePtrType::element_type >::Ptr createGrid (TreePtrType)
 Create a new grid of the appropriate type that wraps the given tree. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr createLevelSet (Real voxelSize=1.0, Real halfWidth=LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH)
 Create a new grid of type GridType classified as a "Level Set", i.e., a narrow-band level set. More...
template<typename GridPtrContainerT >
GridPtrContainerT::value_type findGridByName (const GridPtrContainerT &container, const Name &name)
 Return the first grid in the given container whose name is name. More...
template<typename KeyT , typename GridPtrT >
GridPtrT findGridByName (const std::map< KeyT, GridPtrT > &container, const Name &name)
 Return the first grid in the given map whose name is name. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr gridPtrCast (const GridBase::Ptr &grid)
 Cast a generic grid pointer to a pointer to a grid of a concrete class. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::ConstPtr gridConstPtrCast (const GridBase::ConstPtr &grid)
 Cast a generic const grid pointer to a const pointer to a grid of a concrete class. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr deepCopyTypedGrid (const GridBase::ConstPtr &grid)
 Return a pointer to a deep copy of the given grid, provided that the grid's concrete type is GridType. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr deepCopyTypedGrid (const GridBase &grid)
 Return a pointer to a deep copy of the given grid, provided that the grid's concrete type is GridType. More...