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File: openvdb/openvdb/tools/RayTracer.h
Date: 2022-07-25 17:40:05
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 0 134 0.0%
Functions: 0 49 0.0%
Branches: 0 132 0.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
4 /// @file RayTracer.h
5 ///
6 /// @author Ken Museth
7 ///
8 /// @brief Defines two simple but multithreaded renders, a level-set
9 /// ray tracer and a volume render. To support these renders we also define
10 /// perspective and orthographic cameras (both designed to mimic a Houdini camera),
11 /// a Film class and some rather naive shaders.
12 ///
13 /// @note These classes are included mainly as reference implementations for
14 /// ray-tracing of OpenVDB volumes. In other words they are not intended for
15 /// production-quality rendering, but could be used for fast pre-visualization
16 /// or as a starting point for a more serious render.
21 #include <openvdb/Types.h>
22 #include <openvdb/math/BBox.h>
23 #include <openvdb/math/Ray.h>
24 #include <openvdb/math/Math.h>
25 #include <openvdb/tools/RayIntersector.h>
26 #include <openvdb/tools/Interpolation.h>
27 #include <openvdb/openvdb.h>
28 #include <deque>
29 #include <iostream>
30 #include <fstream>
31 #include <limits>
32 #include <memory>
33 #include <string>
34 #include <type_traits>
35 #include <vector>
37 namespace openvdb {
40 namespace tools {
42 // Forward declarations
43 class BaseCamera;
44 class BaseShader;
46 /// @brief Ray-trace a volume.
47 template<typename GridT>
48 void rayTrace(const GridT&,
49 const BaseShader&,
50 BaseCamera&,
51 size_t pixelSamples = 1,
52 unsigned int seed = 0,
53 bool threaded = true);
55 /// @brief Ray-trace a volume using a given ray intersector.
56 template<typename GridT, typename IntersectorT>
57 void rayTrace(const GridT&,
58 const IntersectorT&,
59 const BaseShader&,
60 BaseCamera&,
61 size_t pixelSamples = 1,
62 unsigned int seed = 0,
63 bool threaded = true);
66 ///////////////////////////////LEVEL SET RAY TRACER ///////////////////////////////////////
68 /// @brief A (very) simple multithreaded ray tracer specifically for narrow-band level sets.
69 /// @details Included primarily as a reference implementation.
70 template<typename GridT, typename IntersectorT = tools::LevelSetRayIntersector<GridT> >
71 class LevelSetRayTracer
72 {
73 public:
74 using GridType = GridT;
75 using Vec3Type = typename IntersectorT::Vec3Type;
76 using RayType = typename IntersectorT::RayType;
78 /// @brief Constructor based on an instance of the grid to be rendered.
79 LevelSetRayTracer(const GridT& grid,
80 const BaseShader& shader,
81 BaseCamera& camera,
82 size_t pixelSamples = 1,
83 unsigned int seed = 0);
85 /// @brief Constructor based on an instance of the intersector
86 /// performing the ray-intersections.
87 LevelSetRayTracer(const IntersectorT& inter,
88 const BaseShader& shader,
89 BaseCamera& camera,
90 size_t pixelSamples = 1,
91 unsigned int seed = 0);
93 /// @brief Copy constructor
94 LevelSetRayTracer(const LevelSetRayTracer& other);
96 /// @brief Destructor
97 ~LevelSetRayTracer();
99 /// @brief Set the level set grid to be ray-traced
100 void setGrid(const GridT& grid);
102 /// @brief Set the intersector that performs the actual
103 /// intersection of the rays against the narrow-band level set.
104 void setIntersector(const IntersectorT& inter);
106 /// @brief Set the shader derived from the abstract BaseShader class.
107 ///
108 /// @note The shader is not assumed to be thread-safe so each
109 /// thread will get its only deep copy. For instance it could
110 /// contains a ValueAccessor into another grid with auxiliary
111 /// shading information. Thus, make sure it is relatively
112 /// light-weight and efficient to copy (which is the case for ValueAccesors).
113 void setShader(const BaseShader& shader);
115 /// @brief Set the camera derived from the abstract BaseCamera class.
116 void setCamera(BaseCamera& camera);
118 /// @brief Set the number of pixel samples and the seed for
119 /// jittered sub-rays. A value larger than one implies
120 /// anti-aliasing by jittered super-sampling.
121 /// @throw ValueError if pixelSamples is equal to zero.
122 void setPixelSamples(size_t pixelSamples, unsigned int seed = 0);
124 /// @brief Perform the actual (potentially multithreaded) ray-tracing.
125 void render(bool threaded = true) const;
127 /// @brief Public method required by tbb::parallel_for.
128 /// @warning Never call it directly.
129 void operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) const;
131 private:
132 const bool mIsMaster;
133 double* mRand;
134 IntersectorT mInter;
135 std::unique_ptr<const BaseShader> mShader;
136 BaseCamera* mCamera;
137 size_t mSubPixels;
138 };// LevelSetRayTracer
141 ///////////////////////////////VOLUME RENDER ///////////////////////////////////////
143 /// @brief A (very) simple multithreaded volume render specifically for scalar density.
144 /// @details Included primarily as a reference implementation.
145 /// @note It will only compile if the IntersectorT is templated on a Grid with a
146 /// floating-point voxel type.
147 template <typename IntersectorT, typename SamplerT = tools::BoxSampler>
148 class VolumeRender
149 {
150 public:
152 using GridType = typename IntersectorT::GridType;
153 using RayType = typename IntersectorT::RayType;
154 using ValueType = typename GridType::ValueType;
155 using AccessorType = typename GridType::ConstAccessor;
156 using SamplerType = tools::GridSampler<AccessorType, SamplerT>;
157 static_assert(std::is_floating_point<ValueType>::value,
158 "VolumeRender requires a floating-point-valued grid");
160 /// @brief Constructor taking an intersector and a base camera.
161 VolumeRender(const IntersectorT& inter, BaseCamera& camera);
163 /// @brief Copy constructor which creates a thread-safe clone
164 VolumeRender(const VolumeRender& other);
166 /// @brief Perform the actual (potentially multithreaded) volume rendering.
167 void render(bool threaded=true) const;
169 /// @brief Set the camera derived from the abstract BaseCamera class.
170 void setCamera(BaseCamera& camera) { mCamera = &camera; }
172 /// @brief Set the intersector that performs the actual
173 /// intersection of the rays against the volume.
174 void setIntersector(const IntersectorT& inter);
176 /// @brief Set the vector components of a directional light source
177 /// @throw ArithmeticError if input is a null vector.
178 void setLightDir(Real x, Real y, Real z) { mLightDir = Vec3R(x,y,z).unit(); }
180 /// @brief Set the color of the directional light source.
181 void setLightColor(Real r, Real g, Real b) { mLightColor = Vec3R(r,g,b); }
183 /// @brief Set the integration step-size in voxel units for the primay ray.
184 void setPrimaryStep(Real primaryStep) { mPrimaryStep = primaryStep; }
186 /// @brief Set the integration step-size in voxel units for the primay ray.
187 void setShadowStep(Real shadowStep) { mShadowStep = shadowStep; }
189 /// @brief Set Scattering coefficients.
190 void setScattering(Real x, Real y, Real z) { mScattering = Vec3R(x,y,z); }
192 /// @brief Set absorption coefficients.
193 void setAbsorption(Real x, Real y, Real z) { mAbsorption = Vec3R(x,y,z); }
195 /// @brief Set parameter that imitates multi-scattering. A value
196 /// of zero implies no multi-scattering.
197 void setLightGain(Real gain) { mLightGain = gain; }
199 /// @brief Set the cut-off value for density and transmittance.
200 void setCutOff(Real cutOff) { mCutOff = cutOff; }
202 /// @brief Print parameters, statistics, memory usage and other information.
203 /// @param os a stream to which to write textual information
204 /// @param verboseLevel 1: print parameters only; 2: include grid
205 /// statistics; 3: include memory usage
206 void print(std::ostream& os = std::cout, int verboseLevel = 1);
208 /// @brief Public method required by tbb::parallel_for.
209 /// @warning Never call it directly.
210 void operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) const;
212 private:
214 AccessorType mAccessor;
215 BaseCamera* mCamera;
216 std::unique_ptr<IntersectorT> mPrimary, mShadow;
217 Real mPrimaryStep, mShadowStep, mCutOff, mLightGain;
218 Vec3R mLightDir, mLightColor, mAbsorption, mScattering;
219 };//VolumeRender
221 //////////////////////////////////////// FILM ////////////////////////////////////////
223 /// @brief A simple class that allows for concurrent writes to pixels in an image,
224 /// background initialization of the image, and PPM file output.
225 class Film
226 {
227 public:
228 /// @brief Floating-point RGBA components in the range [0, 1].
229 /// @details This is our preferred representation for color processing.
230 struct RGBA
231 {
232 using ValueT = float;
234 RGBA() : r(0), g(0), b(0), a(1) {}
235 explicit RGBA(ValueT intensity) : r(intensity), g(intensity), b(intensity), a(1) {}
236 RGBA(ValueT _r, ValueT _g, ValueT _b, ValueT _a = static_cast<ValueT>(1.0)):
237 r(_r), g(_g), b(_b), a(_a)
238 {}
239 RGBA(double _r, double _g, double _b, double _a = 1.0)
240 : r(static_cast<ValueT>(_r))
241 , g(static_cast<ValueT>(_g))
242 , b(static_cast<ValueT>(_b))
243 , a(static_cast<ValueT>(_a))
244 {}
246 RGBA operator* (ValueT scale) const { return RGBA(r*scale, g*scale, b*scale);}
247 RGBA operator+ (const RGBA& rhs) const { return RGBA(r+rhs.r, g+rhs.g, b+rhs.b);}
248 RGBA operator* (const RGBA& rhs) const { return RGBA(r*rhs.r, g*rhs.g, b*rhs.b);}
249 RGBA& operator+=(const RGBA& rhs) { r+=rhs.r; g+=rhs.g; b+=rhs.b; a+=rhs.a; return *this;}
251 void over(const RGBA& rhs)
252 {
253 const float s = rhs.a*(1.0f-a);
254 r = a*r+s*rhs.r;
255 g = a*g+s*rhs.g;
256 b = a*b+s*rhs.b;
257 a = a + s;
258 }
260 ValueT r, g, b, a;
261 };
264 Film(size_t width, size_t height)
265 : mWidth(width), mHeight(height), mSize(width*height), mPixels(new RGBA[mSize])
266 {
267 }
268 Film(size_t width, size_t height, const RGBA& bg)
269 : mWidth(width), mHeight(height), mSize(width*height), mPixels(new RGBA[mSize])
270 {
271 this->fill(bg);
272 }
274 const RGBA& pixel(size_t w, size_t h) const
275 {
276 assert(w < mWidth);
277 assert(h < mHeight);
278 return mPixels[w + h*mWidth];
279 }
281 RGBA& pixel(size_t w, size_t h)
282 {
283 assert(w < mWidth);
284 assert(h < mHeight);
285 return mPixels[w + h*mWidth];
286 }
288 void fill(const RGBA& rgb=RGBA(0)) { for (size_t i=0; i<mSize; ++i) mPixels[i] = rgb; }
289 void checkerboard(const RGBA& c1=RGBA(0.3f), const RGBA& c2=RGBA(0.6f), size_t size=32)
290 {
291 RGBA *p = mPixels.get();
292 for (size_t j = 0; j < mHeight; ++j) {
293 for (size_t i = 0; i < mWidth; ++i, ++p) {
294 *p = ((i & size) ^ (j & size)) ? c1 : c2;
295 }
296 }
297 }
299 template <typename Type = unsigned char>
300 std::unique_ptr<Type[]> convertToBitBuffer(const bool alpha = true) const
301 {
302 const size_t totalSize = mSize * (alpha ? 4 : 3);
303 std::unique_ptr<Type[]> buffer(new Type[totalSize]);
304 Type *q = buffer.get();
305 const RGBA* p = this->pixels();
306 size_t n = mSize;
307 while (n--) {
308 *q++ = static_cast<Type>(255.0f*(*p).r);
309 *q++ = static_cast<Type>(255.0f*(*p).g);
310 *q++ = static_cast<Type>(255.0f*(*p).b);
311 if(alpha)
312 *q++ = static_cast<Type>(255.0f*(*p).a);
313 ++p;
314 }
315 return buffer;
316 }
318 void savePPM(const std::string& fileName)
319 {
320 std::string name(fileName);
321 if (name.find_last_of(".") == std::string::npos) name.append(".ppm");
323 std::ofstream os(name.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary);
324 if (!os.is_open()) {
325 std::cerr << "Error opening PPM file \"" << name << "\"" << std::endl;
326 return;
327 }
329 auto buf = this->convertToBitBuffer<unsigned char>(/*alpha=*/false);
330 unsigned char* tmp = buf.get();
332 os << "P6\n" << mWidth << " " << mHeight << "\n255\n";
333 os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&(*tmp)), 3 * mSize * sizeof(unsigned char));
334 }
336 size_t width() const { return mWidth; }
337 size_t height() const { return mHeight; }
338 size_t numPixels() const { return mSize; }
339 const RGBA* pixels() const { return mPixels.get(); }
341 private:
342 size_t mWidth, mHeight, mSize;
343 std::unique_ptr<RGBA[]> mPixels;
344 };// Film
347 //////////////////////////////////////// CAMERAS ////////////////////////////////////////
349 /// Abstract base class for the perspective and orthographic cameras
350 class BaseCamera
351 {
352 public:
353 BaseCamera(Film& film, const Vec3R& rotation, const Vec3R& translation,
354 double frameWidth, double nearPlane, double farPlane)
355 : mFilm(&film)
356 , mScaleWidth(frameWidth)
357 , mScaleHeight(frameWidth * double(film.height()) / double(film.width()))
358 {
359 assert(nearPlane > 0 && farPlane > nearPlane);
360 mScreenToWorld.accumPostRotation(math::X_AXIS, rotation[0] * M_PI / 180.0);
361 mScreenToWorld.accumPostRotation(math::Y_AXIS, rotation[1] * M_PI / 180.0);
362 mScreenToWorld.accumPostRotation(math::Z_AXIS, rotation[2] * M_PI / 180.0);
363 mScreenToWorld.accumPostTranslation(translation);
364 this->initRay(nearPlane, farPlane);
365 }
367 virtual ~BaseCamera() {}
369 Film::RGBA& pixel(size_t i, size_t j) { return mFilm->pixel(i, j); }
371 size_t width() const { return mFilm->width(); }
372 size_t height() const { return mFilm->height(); }
374 /// Rotate the camera so its negative z-axis points at xyz and its
375 /// y axis is in the plane of the xyz and up vectors. In other
376 /// words the camera will look at xyz and use up as the
377 /// horizontal direction.
378 void lookAt(const Vec3R& xyz, const Vec3R& up = Vec3R(0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
379 {
380 const Vec3R orig = mScreenToWorld.applyMap(Vec3R(0.0));
381 const Vec3R dir = orig - xyz;
382 try {
383 Mat4d xform = math::aim<Mat4d>(dir, up);
384 xform.postTranslate(orig);
385 mScreenToWorld = math::AffineMap(xform);
386 this->initRay(mRay.t0(), mRay.t1());
387 } catch (...) {}
388 }
390 Vec3R rasterToScreen(double i, double j, double z) const
391 {
392 return Vec3R( (2 * i / double(mFilm->width()) - 1) * mScaleWidth,
393 (1 - 2 * j / double(mFilm->height())) * mScaleHeight, z );
394 }
396 /// @brief Return a Ray in world space given the pixel indices and
397 /// optional offsets in the range [0, 1]. An offset of 0.5 corresponds
398 /// to the center of the pixel.
399 virtual math::Ray<double> getRay(
400 size_t i, size_t j, double iOffset = 0.5, double jOffset = 0.5) const = 0;
402 protected:
403 void initRay(double t0, double t1)
404 {
405 mRay.setTimes(t0, t1);
406 mRay.setEye(mScreenToWorld.applyMap(Vec3R(0.0)));
407 mRay.setDir(mScreenToWorld.applyJacobian(Vec3R(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)));
408 }
410 Film* mFilm;
411 double mScaleWidth, mScaleHeight;
412 math::Ray<double> mRay;
413 math::AffineMap mScreenToWorld;
414 };// BaseCamera
417 class PerspectiveCamera: public BaseCamera
418 {
419 public:
420 /// @brief Constructor
421 /// @param film film (i.e. image) defining the pixel resolution
422 /// @param rotation rotation in degrees of the camera in world space
423 /// (applied in x, y, z order)
424 /// @param translation translation of the camera in world-space units,
425 /// applied after rotation
426 /// @param focalLength focal length of the camera in mm
427 /// (the default of 50mm corresponds to Houdini's default camera)
428 /// @param aperture width in mm of the frame, i.e., the visible field
429 /// (the default 41.2136 mm corresponds to Houdini's default camera)
430 /// @param nearPlane depth of the near clipping plane in world-space units
431 /// @param farPlane depth of the far clipping plane in world-space units
432 ///
433 /// @details If no rotation or translation is provided, the camera is placed
434 /// at (0,0,0) in world space and points in the direction of the negative z axis.
435 PerspectiveCamera(Film& film,
436 const Vec3R& rotation = Vec3R(0.0),
437 const Vec3R& translation = Vec3R(0.0),
438 double focalLength = 50.0,
439 double aperture = 41.2136,
440 double nearPlane = 1e-3,
441 double farPlane = std::numeric_limits<double>::max())
442 : BaseCamera(film, rotation, translation, 0.5*aperture/focalLength, nearPlane, farPlane)
443 {
444 }
446 ~PerspectiveCamera() override = default;
448 /// @brief Return a Ray in world space given the pixel indices and
449 /// optional offsets in the range [0,1]. An offset of 0.5 corresponds
450 /// to the center of the pixel.
451 math::Ray<double> getRay(
452 size_t i, size_t j, double iOffset = 0.5, double jOffset = 0.5) const override
453 {
454 math::Ray<double> ray(mRay);
455 Vec3R dir = BaseCamera::rasterToScreen(Real(i) + iOffset, Real(j) + jOffset, -1.0);
456 dir = BaseCamera::mScreenToWorld.applyJacobian(dir);
457 dir.normalize();
458 ray.scaleTimes(1.0/dir.dot(ray.dir()));
459 ray.setDir(dir);
460 return ray;
461 }
463 /// @brief Return the horizontal field of view in degrees given a
464 /// focal lenth in mm and the specified aperture in mm.
465 static double focalLengthToFieldOfView(double length, double aperture)
466 {
467 return 360.0 / M_PI * atan(aperture/(2.0*length));
468 }
469 /// @brief Return the focal length in mm given a horizontal field of
470 /// view in degrees and the specified aperture in mm.
471 static double fieldOfViewToFocalLength(double fov, double aperture)
472 {
473 return aperture/(2.0*(tan(fov * M_PI / 360.0)));
474 }
475 };// PerspectiveCamera
478 class OrthographicCamera: public BaseCamera
479 {
480 public:
481 /// @brief Constructor
482 /// @param film film (i.e. image) defining the pixel resolution
483 /// @param rotation rotation in degrees of the camera in world space
484 /// (applied in x, y, z order)
485 /// @param translation translation of the camera in world-space units,
486 /// applied after rotation
487 /// @param frameWidth width in of the frame in world-space units
488 /// @param nearPlane depth of the near clipping plane in world-space units
489 /// @param farPlane depth of the far clipping plane in world-space units
490 ///
491 /// @details If no rotation or translation is provided, the camera is placed
492 /// at (0,0,0) in world space and points in the direction of the negative z axis.
493 OrthographicCamera(Film& film,
494 const Vec3R& rotation = Vec3R(0.0),
495 const Vec3R& translation = Vec3R(0.0),
496 double frameWidth = 1.0,
497 double nearPlane = 1e-3,
498 double farPlane = std::numeric_limits<double>::max())
499 : BaseCamera(film, rotation, translation, 0.5*frameWidth, nearPlane, farPlane)
500 {
501 }
502 ~OrthographicCamera() override = default;
504 math::Ray<double> getRay(
505 size_t i, size_t j, double iOffset = 0.5, double jOffset = 0.5) const override
506 {
507 math::Ray<double> ray(mRay);
508 Vec3R eye = BaseCamera::rasterToScreen(Real(i) + iOffset, Real(j) + jOffset, 0.0);
509 ray.setEye(BaseCamera::mScreenToWorld.applyMap(eye));
510 return ray;
511 }
512 };// OrthographicCamera
515 //////////////////////////////////////// SHADERS ////////////////////////////////////////
518 /// Abstract base class for the shaders
519 class BaseShader
520 {
521 public:
522 using RayT = math::Ray<Real>;
523 BaseShader() {}
524 BaseShader(const BaseShader&) = default;
525 virtual ~BaseShader() = default;
526 /// @brief Defines the interface of the virtual function that returns a RGB color.
527 /// @param xyz World position of the intersection point.
528 /// @param nml Normal in world space at the intersection point.
529 /// @param dir Direction of the ray in world space.
530 virtual Film::RGBA operator()(const Vec3R& xyz, const Vec3R& nml, const Vec3R& dir) const = 0;
531 virtual BaseShader* copy() const = 0;
532 };
535 /// @brief Shader that produces a simple matte.
536 ///
537 /// @details The color can either be constant (if GridT =
538 /// Film::RGBA which is the default) or defined in a separate Vec3
539 /// color grid. Use SamplerType to define the order of interpolation
540 /// (default is zero order, i.e. closes-point).
541 template<typename GridT = Film::RGBA,
542 typename SamplerType = tools::PointSampler>
543 class MatteShader: public BaseShader
544 {
545 public:
546 MatteShader(const GridT& grid) : mAcc(grid.getAccessor()), mXform(&grid.transform()) {}
547 MatteShader(const MatteShader&) = default;
548 ~MatteShader() override = default;
549 Film::RGBA operator()(const Vec3R& xyz, const Vec3R&, const Vec3R&) const override
550 {
551 typename GridT::ValueType v = zeroVal<typename GridT::ValueType>();
552 SamplerType::sample(mAcc, mXform->worldToIndex(xyz), v);
553 return Film::RGBA(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
554 }
555 BaseShader* copy() const override { return new MatteShader<GridT, SamplerType>(*this); }
557 private:
558 typename GridT::ConstAccessor mAcc;
559 const math::Transform* mXform;
560 };
562 // Template specialization using a constant color of the material.
563 template<typename SamplerType>
564 class MatteShader<Film::RGBA, SamplerType>: public BaseShader
565 {
566 public:
567 MatteShader(const Film::RGBA& c = Film::RGBA(1.0f)): mRGBA(c) {}
568 MatteShader(const MatteShader&) = default;
569 ~MatteShader() override = default;
570 Film::RGBA operator()(const Vec3R&, const Vec3R&, const Vec3R&) const override
571 {
572 return mRGBA;
573 }
574 BaseShader* copy() const override { return new MatteShader<Film::RGBA, SamplerType>(*this); }
576 private:
577 const Film::RGBA mRGBA;
578 };
581 /// @brief Color shader that treats the surface normal (x, y, z) as an
582 /// RGB color.
583 ///
584 /// @details The color can either be constant (if GridT =
585 /// Film::RGBA which is the default) or defined in a separate Vec3
586 /// color grid. Use SamplerType to define the order of interpolation
587 /// (default is zero order, i.e. closes-point).
588 template<typename GridT = Film::RGBA,
589 typename SamplerType = tools::PointSampler>
590 class NormalShader: public BaseShader
591 {
592 public:
593 NormalShader(const GridT& grid) : mAcc(grid.getAccessor()), mXform(&grid.transform()) {}
594 NormalShader(const NormalShader&) = default;
595 ~NormalShader() override = default;
596 Film::RGBA operator()(const Vec3R& xyz, const Vec3R& normal, const Vec3R&) const override
597 {
598 typename GridT::ValueType v = zeroVal<typename GridT::ValueType>();
599 SamplerType::sample(mAcc, mXform->worldToIndex(xyz), v);
600 return Film::RGBA(v[0]*(normal[0]+1.0), v[1]*(normal[1]+1.0), v[2]*(normal[2]+1.0));
601 }
602 BaseShader* copy() const override { return new NormalShader<GridT, SamplerType>(*this); }
604 private:
605 typename GridT::ConstAccessor mAcc;
606 const math::Transform* mXform;
607 };
609 // Template specialization using a constant color of the material.
610 template<typename SamplerType>
611 class NormalShader<Film::RGBA, SamplerType>: public BaseShader
612 {
613 public:
614 NormalShader(const Film::RGBA& c = Film::RGBA(1.0f)) : mRGBA(c*0.5f) {}
615 NormalShader(const NormalShader&) = default;
616 ~NormalShader() override = default;
617 Film::RGBA operator()(const Vec3R&, const Vec3R& normal, const Vec3R&) const override
618 {
619 return mRGBA * Film::RGBA(normal[0] + 1.0, normal[1] + 1.0, normal[2] + 1.0);
620 }
621 BaseShader* copy() const override { return new NormalShader<Film::RGBA, SamplerType>(*this); }
623 private:
624 const Film::RGBA mRGBA;
625 };
628 /// @brief Color shader that treats position (x, y, z) as an RGB color in a
629 /// cube defined from an axis-aligned bounding box in world space.
630 ///
631 /// @details The color can either be constant (if GridT =
632 /// Film::RGBA which is the default) or defined in a separate Vec3
633 /// color grid. Use SamplerType to define the order of interpolation
634 /// (default is zero order, i.e. closes-point).
635 template<typename GridT = Film::RGBA,
636 typename SamplerType = tools::PointSampler>
637 class PositionShader: public BaseShader
638 {
639 public:
640 PositionShader(const math::BBox<Vec3R>& bbox, const GridT& grid)
641 : mMin(bbox.min())
642 , mInvDim(1.0/bbox.extents())
643 , mAcc(grid.getAccessor())
644 , mXform(&grid.transform())
645 {
646 }
647 PositionShader(const PositionShader&) = default;
648 ~PositionShader() override = default;
649 Film::RGBA operator()(const Vec3R& xyz, const Vec3R&, const Vec3R&) const override
650 {
651 typename GridT::ValueType v = zeroVal<typename GridT::ValueType>();
652 SamplerType::sample(mAcc, mXform->worldToIndex(xyz), v);
653 const Vec3R rgb = (xyz - mMin) * mInvDim;
654 return Film::RGBA(v[0],v[1],v[2]) * Film::RGBA(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
655 }
656 BaseShader* copy() const override { return new PositionShader<GridT, SamplerType>(*this); }
658 private:
659 const Vec3R mMin, mInvDim;
660 typename GridT::ConstAccessor mAcc;
661 const math::Transform* mXform;
662 };
664 // Template specialization using a constant color of the material.
665 template<typename SamplerType>
666 class PositionShader<Film::RGBA, SamplerType>: public BaseShader
667 {
668 public:
669 PositionShader(const math::BBox<Vec3R>& bbox, const Film::RGBA& c = Film::RGBA(1.0f))
670 : mMin(bbox.min()), mInvDim(1.0/bbox.extents()), mRGBA(c) {}
671 PositionShader(const PositionShader&) = default;
672 ~PositionShader() override = default;
673 Film::RGBA operator()(const Vec3R& xyz, const Vec3R&, const Vec3R&) const override
674 {
675 const Vec3R rgb = (xyz - mMin)*mInvDim;
676 return mRGBA*Film::RGBA(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
677 }
678 BaseShader* copy() const override { return new PositionShader<Film::RGBA, SamplerType>(*this); }
680 private:
681 const Vec3R mMin, mInvDim;
682 const Film::RGBA mRGBA;
683 };
686 /// @brief Simple diffuse Lambertian surface shader.
687 ///
688 /// @details The diffuse color can either be constant (if GridT =
689 /// Film::RGBA which is the default) or defined in a separate Vec3
690 /// color grid. Lambertian implies that the (radiant) intensity is
691 /// directly proportional to the cosine of the angle between the
692 /// surface normal and the direction of the light source. Use
693 /// SamplerType to define the order of interpolation (default is
694 /// zero order, i.e. closes-point).
695 template<typename GridT = Film::RGBA,
696 typename SamplerType = tools::PointSampler>
697 class DiffuseShader: public BaseShader
698 {
699 public:
700 DiffuseShader(const GridT& grid): mAcc(grid.getAccessor()), mXform(&grid.transform()) {}
701 DiffuseShader(const DiffuseShader&) = default;
702 ~DiffuseShader() override = default;
703 Film::RGBA operator()(const Vec3R& xyz, const Vec3R& normal, const Vec3R& rayDir) const override
704 {
705 typename GridT::ValueType v = zeroVal<typename GridT::ValueType>();
706 SamplerType::sample(mAcc, mXform->worldToIndex(xyz), v);
707 // We take the abs of the dot product corresponding to having
708 // light sources at +/- rayDir, i.e., two-sided shading.
709 return Film::RGBA(v[0],v[1],v[2])
710 * static_cast<Film::RGBA::ValueT>(math::Abs(normal.dot(rayDir)));
711 }
712 BaseShader* copy() const override { return new DiffuseShader<GridT, SamplerType>(*this); }
714 private:
715 typename GridT::ConstAccessor mAcc;
716 const math::Transform* mXform;
717 };
719 // Template specialization using a constant color of the material.
720 template <typename SamplerType>
721 class DiffuseShader<Film::RGBA, SamplerType>: public BaseShader
722 {
723 public:
724 DiffuseShader(const Film::RGBA& d = Film::RGBA(1.0f)): mRGBA(d) {}
725 DiffuseShader(const DiffuseShader&) = default;
726 ~DiffuseShader() override = default;
727 Film::RGBA operator()(const Vec3R&, const Vec3R& normal, const Vec3R& rayDir) const override
728 {
729 // We assume a single directional light source at the camera,
730 // so the cosine of the angle between the surface normal and the
731 // direction of the light source becomes the dot product of the
732 // surface normal and inverse direction of the ray. We also ignore
733 // negative dot products, corresponding to strict one-sided shading.
734 //return mRGBA * math::Max(0.0, normal.dot(-rayDir));
736 // We take the abs of the dot product corresponding to having
737 // light sources at +/- rayDir, i.e., two-sided shading.
738 return mRGBA * static_cast<Film::RGBA::ValueT>(math::Abs(normal.dot(rayDir)));
739 }
740 BaseShader* copy() const override { return new DiffuseShader<Film::RGBA, SamplerType>(*this); }
742 private:
743 const Film::RGBA mRGBA;
744 };
747 //////////////////////////////////////// RAYTRACER ////////////////////////////////////////
749 template<typename GridT>
750 void rayTrace(const GridT& grid,
751 const BaseShader& shader,
752 BaseCamera& camera,
753 size_t pixelSamples,
754 unsigned int seed,
755 bool threaded)
756 {
757 LevelSetRayTracer<GridT, tools::LevelSetRayIntersector<GridT> >
758 tracer(grid, shader, camera, pixelSamples, seed);
759 tracer.render(threaded);
760 }
763 template<typename GridT, typename IntersectorT>
764 void rayTrace(const GridT&,
765 const IntersectorT& inter,
766 const BaseShader& shader,
767 BaseCamera& camera,
768 size_t pixelSamples,
769 unsigned int seed,
770 bool threaded)
771 {
772 LevelSetRayTracer<GridT, IntersectorT> tracer(inter, shader, camera, pixelSamples, seed);
773 tracer.render(threaded);
774 }
777 //////////////////////////////////////// LevelSetRayTracer ////////////////////////////////////////
780 template<typename GridT, typename IntersectorT>
781 inline LevelSetRayTracer<GridT, IntersectorT>::
782 LevelSetRayTracer(const GridT& grid,
783 const BaseShader& shader,
784 BaseCamera& camera,
785 size_t pixelSamples,
786 unsigned int seed)
787 : mIsMaster(true),
788 mRand(nullptr),
789 mInter(grid),
790 mShader(shader.copy()),
791 mCamera(&camera)
792 {
793 this->setPixelSamples(pixelSamples, seed);
794 }
796 template<typename GridT, typename IntersectorT>
797 inline LevelSetRayTracer<GridT, IntersectorT>::
798 LevelSetRayTracer(const IntersectorT& inter,
799 const BaseShader& shader,
800 BaseCamera& camera,
801 size_t pixelSamples,
802 unsigned int seed)
803 : mIsMaster(true),
804 mRand(nullptr),
805 mInter(inter),
806 mShader(shader.copy()),
807 mCamera(&camera)
808 {
809 this->setPixelSamples(pixelSamples, seed);
810 }
812 template<typename GridT, typename IntersectorT>
813 inline LevelSetRayTracer<GridT, IntersectorT>::
814 LevelSetRayTracer(const LevelSetRayTracer& other) :
815 mIsMaster(false),
816 mRand(other.mRand),
817 mInter(other.mInter),
818 mShader(other.mShader->copy()),
819 mCamera(other.mCamera),
820 mSubPixels(other.mSubPixels)
821 {
822 }
824 template<typename GridT, typename IntersectorT>
825 inline LevelSetRayTracer<GridT, IntersectorT>::
826 ~LevelSetRayTracer()
827 {
828 if (mIsMaster) delete [] mRand;
829 }
831 template<typename GridT, typename IntersectorT>
832 inline void LevelSetRayTracer<GridT, IntersectorT>::
833 setGrid(const GridT& grid)
834 {
835 assert(mIsMaster);
836 mInter = IntersectorT(grid);
837 }
839 template<typename GridT, typename IntersectorT>
840 inline void LevelSetRayTracer<GridT, IntersectorT>::
841 setIntersector(const IntersectorT& inter)
842 {
843 assert(mIsMaster);
844 mInter = inter;
845 }
847 template<typename GridT, typename IntersectorT>
848 inline void LevelSetRayTracer<GridT, IntersectorT>::
849 setShader(const BaseShader& shader)
850 {
851 assert(mIsMaster);
852 mShader.reset(shader.copy());
853 }
855 template<typename GridT, typename IntersectorT>
856 inline void LevelSetRayTracer<GridT, IntersectorT>::
857 setCamera(BaseCamera& camera)
858 {
859 assert(mIsMaster);
860 mCamera = &camera;
861 }
863 template<typename GridT, typename IntersectorT>
864 inline void LevelSetRayTracer<GridT, IntersectorT>::
865 setPixelSamples(size_t pixelSamples, unsigned int seed)
866 {
867 assert(mIsMaster);
868 if (pixelSamples == 0) {
869 OPENVDB_THROW(ValueError, "pixelSamples must be larger than zero!");
870 }
871 mSubPixels = pixelSamples - 1;
872 delete [] mRand;
873 if (mSubPixels > 0) {
874 mRand = new double[16];
875 math::Rand01<double> rand(seed);//offsets for anti-aliaing by jittered super-sampling
876 for (size_t i=0; i<16; ++i) mRand[i] = rand();
877 } else {
878 mRand = nullptr;
879 }
880 }
882 template<typename GridT, typename IntersectorT>
883 inline void LevelSetRayTracer<GridT, IntersectorT>::
884 render(bool threaded) const
885 {
886 tbb::blocked_range<size_t> range(0, mCamera->height());
887 threaded ? tbb::parallel_for(range, *this) : (*this)(range);
888 }
890 template<typename GridT, typename IntersectorT>
891 inline void LevelSetRayTracer<GridT, IntersectorT>::
892 operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) const
893 {
894 const BaseShader& shader = *mShader;
895 Vec3Type xyz, nml;
896 const float frac = 1.0f / (1.0f + float(mSubPixels));
897 for (size_t j=range.begin(), n=0, je = range.end(); j<je; ++j) {
898 for (size_t i=0, ie = mCamera->width(); i<ie; ++i) {
899 Film::RGBA& bg = mCamera->pixel(i,j);
900 RayType ray = mCamera->getRay(i, j);//primary ray
901 Film::RGBA c = mInter.intersectsWS(ray, xyz, nml) ? shader(xyz, nml, ray.dir()) : bg;
902 for (size_t k=0; k<mSubPixels; ++k, n +=2 ) {
903 ray = mCamera->getRay(i, j, mRand[n & 15], mRand[(n+1) & 15]);
904 c += mInter.intersectsWS(ray, xyz, nml) ? shader(xyz, nml, ray.dir()) : bg;
905 }//loop over sub-pixels
906 bg = c*frac;
907 }//loop over image height
908 }//loop over image width
909 }
911 //////////////////////////////////////// VolumeRender ////////////////////////////////////////
913 template<typename IntersectorT, typename SampleT>
914 inline VolumeRender<IntersectorT, SampleT>::
915 VolumeRender(const IntersectorT& inter, BaseCamera& camera)
916 : mAccessor(inter.grid().getConstAccessor())
917 , mCamera(&camera)
918 , mPrimary(new IntersectorT(inter))
919 , mShadow(new IntersectorT(inter))
920 , mPrimaryStep(1.0)
921 , mShadowStep(3.0)
922 , mCutOff(0.005)
923 , mLightGain(0.2)
924 , mLightDir(Vec3R(0.3, 0.3, 0).unit())
925 , mLightColor(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
926 , mAbsorption(0.1)
927 , mScattering(1.5)
928 {
929 }
931 template<typename IntersectorT, typename SampleT>
932 inline VolumeRender<IntersectorT, SampleT>::
933 VolumeRender(const VolumeRender& other)
934 : mAccessor(other.mAccessor)
935 , mCamera(other.mCamera)
936 , mPrimary(new IntersectorT(*(other.mPrimary)))
937 , mShadow(new IntersectorT(*(other.mShadow)))
938 , mPrimaryStep(other.mPrimaryStep)
939 , mShadowStep(other.mShadowStep)
940 , mCutOff(other.mCutOff)
941 , mLightGain(other.mLightGain)
942 , mLightDir(other.mLightDir)
943 , mLightColor(other.mLightColor)
944 , mAbsorption(other.mAbsorption)
945 , mScattering(other.mScattering)
946 {
947 }
949 template<typename IntersectorT, typename SampleT>
950 inline void VolumeRender<IntersectorT, SampleT>::
951 print(std::ostream& os, int verboseLevel)
952 {
953 if (verboseLevel>0) {
954 os << "\nPrimary step: " << mPrimaryStep
955 << "\nShadow step: " << mShadowStep
956 << "\nCutoff: " << mCutOff
957 << "\nLightGain: " << mLightGain
958 << "\nLightDir: " << mLightDir
959 << "\nLightColor: " << mLightColor
960 << "\nAbsorption: " << mAbsorption
961 << "\nScattering: " << mScattering << std::endl;
962 }
963 mPrimary->print(os, verboseLevel);
964 }
966 template<typename IntersectorT, typename SampleT>
967 inline void VolumeRender<IntersectorT, SampleT>::
968 setIntersector(const IntersectorT& inter)
969 {
970 mPrimary.reset(new IntersectorT(inter));
971 mShadow.reset( new IntersectorT(inter));
972 }
974 template<typename IntersectorT, typename SampleT>
975 inline void VolumeRender<IntersectorT, SampleT>::
976 render(bool threaded) const
977 {
978 tbb::blocked_range<size_t> range(0, mCamera->height());
979 threaded ? tbb::parallel_for(range, *this) : (*this)(range);
980 }
982 template<typename IntersectorT, typename SampleT>
983 inline void VolumeRender<IntersectorT, SampleT>::
984 operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) const
985 {
986 SamplerType sampler(mAccessor, mShadow->grid().transform());//light-weight wrapper
988 // Any variable prefixed with p (or s) means it's associated with a primary (or shadow) ray
989 const Vec3R extinction = -mScattering-mAbsorption, One(1.0);
990 const Vec3R albedo = mLightColor*mScattering/(mScattering+mAbsorption);//single scattering
991 const Real sGain = mLightGain;//in-scattering along shadow ray
992 const Real pStep = mPrimaryStep;//Integration step along primary ray in voxel units
993 const Real sStep = mShadowStep;//Integration step along shadow ray in voxel units
994 const Real cutoff = mCutOff;//Cutoff for density and transmittance
996 // For the sake of completeness we show how to use two different
997 // methods (hits/march) in VolumeRayIntersector that produce
998 // segments along the ray that intersects active values. Comment out
999 // the line below to use VolumeRayIntersector::march instead of
1000 // VolumeRayIntersector::hits.
1001 #define USE_HITS
1002 #ifdef USE_HITS
1003 std::vector<typename RayType::TimeSpan> pTS, sTS;
1004 //std::deque<typename RayType::TimeSpan> pTS, sTS;
1005 #endif
1007 RayType sRay(Vec3R(0), mLightDir);//Shadow ray
1008 for (size_t j=range.begin(), je = range.end(); j<je; ++j) {
1009 for (size_t i=0, ie = mCamera->width(); i<ie; ++i) {
1010 Film::RGBA& bg = mCamera->pixel(i, j);
1011 bg.a = bg.r = bg.g = bg.b = 0;
1012 RayType pRay = mCamera->getRay(i, j);// Primary ray
1013 if( !mPrimary->setWorldRay(pRay)) continue;
1014 Vec3R pTrans(1.0), pLumi(0.0);
1015 #ifndef USE_HITS
1016 Real pT0, pT1;
1017 while (mPrimary->march(pT0, pT1)) {
1018 for (Real pT = pStep*ceil(pT0/pStep); pT <= pT1; pT += pStep) {
1019 #else
1020 mPrimary->hits(pTS);
1021 for (size_t k=0; k<pTS.size(); ++k) {
1022 Real pT = pStep*ceil(pTS[k].t0/pStep), pT1=pTS[k].t1;
1023 for (; pT <= pT1; pT += pStep) {
1024 #endif
1025 Vec3R pPos = mPrimary->getWorldPos(pT);
1026 const Real density = sampler.wsSample(pPos);
1027 if (density < cutoff) continue;
1028 const Vec3R dT = math::Exp(extinction * density * pStep);
1029 Vec3R sTrans(1.0);
1030 sRay.setEye(pPos);
1031 if( !mShadow->setWorldRay(sRay)) continue;
1032 #ifndef USE_HITS
1033 Real sT0, sT1;
1034 while (mShadow->march(sT0, sT1)) {
1035 for (Real sT = sStep*ceil(sT0/sStep); sT <= sT1; sT+= sStep) {
1036 #else
1037 mShadow->hits(sTS);
1038 for (size_t l=0; l<sTS.size(); ++l) {
1039 Real sT = sStep*ceil(sTS[l].t0/sStep), sT1=sTS[l].t1;
1040 for (; sT <= sT1; sT+= sStep) {
1041 #endif
1042 const Real d = sampler.wsSample(mShadow->getWorldPos(sT));
1043 if (d < cutoff) continue;
1044 sTrans *= math::Exp(extinction * d * sStep/(1.0+sT*sGain));
1045 if (sTrans.lengthSqr()<cutoff) goto Luminance;//Terminate sRay
1046 }//Integration over shadow segment
1047 }// Shadow ray march
1048 Luminance:
1049 pLumi += albedo * sTrans * pTrans * (One-dT);
1050 pTrans *= dT;
1051 if (pTrans.lengthSqr()<cutoff) goto Pixel; // Terminate Ray
1052 }//Integration over primary segment
1053 }// Primary ray march
1054 Pixel:
1055 bg.r = static_cast<Film::RGBA::ValueT>(pLumi[0]);
1056 bg.g = static_cast<Film::RGBA::ValueT>(pLumi[1]);
1057 bg.b = static_cast<Film::RGBA::ValueT>(pLumi[2]);
1058 bg.a = static_cast<Film::RGBA::ValueT>(1.0f - pTrans.sum()/3.0f);
1059 }//Horizontal pixel scan
1060 }//Vertical pixel scan
1061 }
1064 ////////////////////////////////////////
1067 // Explicit Template Instantiation
1072 #include <openvdb/util/ExplicitInstantiation.h>
1073 #endif
1075 #define _FUNCTION(TreeT) \
1076 void rayTrace(const Grid<TreeT>&, const BaseShader&, BaseCamera&, size_t, unsigned int, bool)
1078 #undef _FUNCTION
1080 #define _FUNCTION(TreeT) \
1081 void rayTrace(const Grid<TreeT>&, const tools::LevelSetRayIntersector<Grid<TreeT>>&, const BaseShader&, BaseCamera&, size_t, unsigned int, bool)
1083 #undef _FUNCTION
1085 OPENVDB_INSTANTIATE_CLASS VolumeRender<tools::VolumeRayIntersector<FloatGrid>, tools::BoxSampler>;
1086 OPENVDB_INSTANTIATE_CLASS VolumeRender<tools::VolumeRayIntersector<DoubleGrid>, tools::BoxSampler>;
1091 } // namespace tools
1092 } // namespace OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME
1093 } // namespace openvdb