OpenVDB  11.0.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
3 //
4 /// @author Ken Museth
5 ///
6 /// @file NodeMasks.h
11 #include <algorithm> // for std::min()
12 #include <cassert>
13 #include <cstring>
14 #include <iostream>// for cout
15 #include <openvdb/Platform.h>
16 #include <openvdb/Types.h>
17 //#include <strings.h> // for ffs
20 namespace openvdb {
23 namespace util {
25 /// Return the number of on bits in the given 8-bit value.
26 inline Index32
28 {
29 #if defined(OPENVDB_USE_SSE42) && defined(_MSC_VER)
30  return __popcnt16(v);
31 #elif defined(OPENVDB_USE_SSE42) && (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__))
32  return __builtin_popcount(v);
33 #else
34  // Software Implementation - Simple LUT
35  static const Byte numBits[256] = {
36 #define COUNTONB2(n) n, n+1, n+1, n+2
37 #define COUNTONB4(n) COUNTONB2(n), COUNTONB2(n+1), COUNTONB2(n+1), COUNTONB2(n+2)
38 #define COUNTONB6(n) COUNTONB4(n), COUNTONB4(n+1), COUNTONB4(n+1), COUNTONB4(n+2)
40  };
41  return numBits[v];
42 #undef COUNTONB6
43 #undef COUNTONB4
44 #undef COUNTONB2
45 #endif
46 }
48 /// Return the number of off bits in the given 8-bit value.
49 inline Index32 CountOff(Byte v) { return CountOn(static_cast<Byte>(~v)); }
51 /// Return the number of on bits in the given 32-bit value.
52 inline Index32
54 {
55  v = v - ((v >> 1) & 0x55555555U);
56  v = (v & 0x33333333U) + ((v >> 2) & 0x33333333U);
57  return (((v + (v >> 4)) & 0xF0F0F0FU) * 0x1010101U) >> 24;
58 }
60 /// Return the number of off bits in the given 32-bit value.
61 inline Index32 CountOff(Index32 v) { return CountOn(~v); }
63 /// Return the number of on bits in the given 64-bit value.
64 inline Index32
66 {
67 #if defined(OPENVDB_USE_SSE42) && defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_X64)
68  v = __popcnt64(v);
69 #elif defined(OPENVDB_USE_SSE42) && (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__))
70  v = __builtin_popcountll(v);
71 #else
72  // Software Implementation
73  v = v - ((v >> 1) & UINT64_C(0x5555555555555555));
74  v = (v & UINT64_C(0x3333333333333333)) + ((v >> 2) & UINT64_C(0x3333333333333333));
75  v = (((v + (v >> 4)) & UINT64_C(0xF0F0F0F0F0F0F0F)) * UINT64_C(0x101010101010101)) >> 56;
76 #endif
77  return static_cast<Index32>(v);
78 }
80 /// Return the number of off bits in the given 64-bit value.
81 inline Index32 CountOff(Index64 v) { return CountOn(~v); }
83 /// Return the least significant on bit of the given 8-bit value.
84 inline Index32
86 {
87  assert(v);
88 #if defined(OPENVDB_USE_SSE42) && defined(_MSC_VER)
89  unsigned long index;
90  _BitScanForward(&index, static_cast<Index32>(v));
91  return static_cast<Index32>(index);
92 #elif defined(OPENVDB_USE_SSE42) && (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__))
93  return __builtin_ctz(v);
94 #else
95  // Software Implementation
96  static const Byte DeBruijn[8] = {0, 1, 6, 2, 7, 5, 4, 3};
97  return DeBruijn[Byte((v & -v) * 0x1DU) >> 5];
98 #endif
99 }
101 /// Return the least significant on bit of the given 32-bit value.
102 inline Index32
104 {
105  assert(v);
106  //return ffs(v);
107  static const Byte DeBruijn[32] = {
108  0, 1, 28, 2, 29, 14, 24, 3, 30, 22, 20, 15, 25, 17, 4, 8,
109  31, 27, 13, 23, 21, 19, 16, 7, 26, 12, 18, 6, 11, 5, 10, 9
110  };
112 // disable unary minus on unsigned warning
113 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
114 #pragma warning(push)
115 #pragma warning(disable:4146)
116 #endif
117  return DeBruijn[Index32((v & -v) * 0x077CB531U) >> 27];
118 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
119 #pragma warning(pop)
120 #endif
121 }
123 /// Return the least significant on bit of the given 64-bit value.
124 inline Index32
126 {
127  assert(v);
128 #if defined(OPENVDB_USE_SSE42) && defined(_MSC_VER)
129  unsigned long index;
130  _BitScanForward64(&index, v);
131  return static_cast<Index32>(index);
132 #elif defined(OPENVDB_USE_SSE42) && (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__))
133  return static_cast<Index32>(__builtin_ctzll(v));
134 #else
135  // Software Implementation
136  static const Byte DeBruijn[64] = {
137  0, 1, 2, 53, 3, 7, 54, 27, 4, 38, 41, 8, 34, 55, 48, 28,
138  62, 5, 39, 46, 44, 42, 22, 9, 24, 35, 59, 56, 49, 18, 29, 11,
139  63, 52, 6, 26, 37, 40, 33, 47, 61, 45, 43, 21, 23, 58, 17, 10,
140  51, 25, 36, 32, 60, 20, 57, 16, 50, 31, 19, 15, 30, 14, 13, 12,
141  };
144 // disable unary minus on unsigned warning
145 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
146 #pragma warning(push)
147 #pragma warning(disable:4146)
148 #endif
149  return DeBruijn[Index64((v & -v) * UINT64_C(0x022FDD63CC95386D)) >> 58];
150 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
151 #pragma warning(pop)
152 #endif
154 #endif
155 }
157 /// Return the most significant on bit of the given 32-bit value.
158 inline Index32
160 {
161  static const Byte DeBruijn[32] = {
162  0, 9, 1, 10, 13, 21, 2, 29, 11, 14, 16, 18, 22, 25, 3, 30,
163  8, 12, 20, 28, 15, 17, 24, 7, 19, 27, 23, 6, 26, 5, 4, 31
164  };
165  v |= v >> 1; // first round down to one less than a power of 2
166  v |= v >> 2;
167  v |= v >> 4;
168  v |= v >> 8;
169  v |= v >> 16;
170  return DeBruijn[Index32(v * 0x07C4ACDDU) >> 27];
171 }
174 ////////////////////////////////////////
177 /// Base class for the bit mask iterators
178 template<typename NodeMask>
180 {
181 protected:
182  Index32 mPos; // bit position
183  const NodeMask* mParent; // this iterator can't change the parent_mask!
185 public:
186  BaseMaskIterator(): mPos(NodeMask::SIZE), mParent(nullptr) {}
187  BaseMaskIterator(const BaseMaskIterator&) = default;
188  BaseMaskIterator(Index32 pos, const NodeMask* parent): mPos(pos), mParent(parent)
189  {
190  assert((parent == nullptr && pos == 0) || (parent != nullptr && pos <= NodeMask::SIZE));
191  }
192  bool operator==(const BaseMaskIterator &iter) const {return mPos == iter.mPos;}
193  bool operator!=(const BaseMaskIterator &iter) const {return mPos != iter.mPos;}
194  bool operator< (const BaseMaskIterator &iter) const {return mPos < iter.mPos;}
196  {
197  mPos = iter.mPos; mParent = iter.mParent; return *this;
198  }
199  Index32 offset() const { return mPos; }
200  Index32 pos() const { return mPos; }
201  bool test() const { assert(mPos <= NodeMask::SIZE); return (mPos != NodeMask::SIZE); }
202  operator bool() const { return this->test(); }
203 }; // class BaseMaskIterator
206 /// @note This happens to be a const-iterator!
207 template <typename NodeMask>
208 class OnMaskIterator: public BaseMaskIterator<NodeMask>
209 {
210 private:
212  using BaseType::mPos;//bit position;
213  using BaseType::mParent;//this iterator can't change the parent_mask!
214 public:
216  OnMaskIterator(Index32 pos,const NodeMask *parent) : BaseType(pos,parent) {}
217  void increment()
218  {
219  assert(mParent != nullptr);
220  mPos = mParent->findNextOn(mPos+1);
221  assert(mPos <= NodeMask::SIZE);
222  }
223  void increment(Index n) { while(n-- && this->next()) ; }
224  bool next()
225  {
226  this->increment();
227  return this->test();
228  }
229  bool operator*() const {return true;}
231  {
232  this->increment();
233  return *this;
234  }
235 }; // class OnMaskIterator
238 template <typename NodeMask>
239 class OffMaskIterator: public BaseMaskIterator<NodeMask>
240 {
241 private:
243  using BaseType::mPos;//bit position;
244  using BaseType::mParent;//this iterator can't change the parent_mask!
245 public:
247  OffMaskIterator(Index32 pos,const NodeMask *parent) : BaseType(pos,parent) {}
248  void increment()
249  {
250  assert(mParent != nullptr);
251  mPos=mParent->findNextOff(mPos+1);
252  assert(mPos <= NodeMask::SIZE);
253  }
254  void increment(Index n) { while(n-- && this->next()) ; }
255  bool next()
256  {
257  this->increment();
258  return this->test();
259  }
260  bool operator*() const {return false;}
262  {
263  this->increment();
264  return *this;
265  }
266 }; // class OffMaskIterator
269 template <typename NodeMask>
270 class DenseMaskIterator: public BaseMaskIterator<NodeMask>
271 {
272 private:
274  using BaseType::mPos;//bit position;
275  using BaseType::mParent;//this iterator can't change the parent_mask!
277 public:
279  DenseMaskIterator(Index32 pos,const NodeMask *parent) : BaseType(pos,parent) {}
280  void increment()
281  {
282  assert(mParent != nullptr);
283  mPos += 1;//careful - the increment might go beyond the end
284  assert(mPos<= NodeMask::SIZE);
285  }
286  void increment(Index n) { while(n-- && this->next()) ; }
287  bool next()
288  {
289  this->increment();
290  return this->test();
291  }
292  bool operator*() const {return mParent->isOn(mPos);}
294  {
295  this->increment();
296  return *this;
297  }
298 }; // class DenseMaskIterator
301 /// @brief Bit mask for the internal and leaf nodes of VDB. This
302 /// is a 64-bit implementation.
303 ///
304 /// @note A template specialization for Log2Dim=1 and Log2Dim=2 are
305 /// given below.
306 template<Index Log2Dim>
307 class NodeMask
308 {
309 public:
310  static_assert(Log2Dim > 2, "expected NodeMask template specialization, got base template");
312  static const Index32 LOG2DIM = Log2Dim;
313  static const Index32 DIM = 1<<Log2Dim;
314  static const Index32 SIZE = 1<<3*Log2Dim;
315  static const Index32 WORD_COUNT = SIZE >> 6;// 2^6=64
316  using Word = Index64;
318 private:
320  // The bits are represented as a linear array of Words, and the
321  // size of a Word is 32 or 64 bits depending on the platform.
322  // The BIT_MASK is defined as the number of bits in a Word - 1
323  //static const Index32 BIT_MASK = sizeof(void*) == 8 ? 63 : 31;
324  //static const Index32 LOG2WORD = BIT_MASK == 63 ? 6 : 5;
325  //static const Index32 WORD_COUNT = SIZE >> LOG2WORD;
326  //using Word = boost::mpl::if_c<BIT_MASK == 63, Index64, Index32>::type;
328  Word mWords[WORD_COUNT];//only member data!
330 public:
331  /// Default constructor sets all bits off
332  NodeMask() { this->setOff(); }
333  /// All bits are set to the specified state
334  NodeMask(bool on) { this->set(on); }
335  /// Copy constructor
336  NodeMask(const NodeMask &other) { *this = other; }
337  /// Destructor
339  /// Assignment operator
340  NodeMask& operator=(const NodeMask& other)
341  {
342  Index32 n = WORD_COUNT;
343  const Word* w2 = other.mWords;
344  for (Word* w1 = mWords; n--; ++w1, ++w2) *w1 = *w2;
345  return *this;
346  }
352  OnIterator beginOn() const { return OnIterator(this->findFirstOn(),this); }
353  OnIterator endOn() const { return OnIterator(SIZE,this); }
354  OffIterator beginOff() const { return OffIterator(this->findFirstOff(),this); }
355  OffIterator endOff() const { return OffIterator(SIZE,this); }
356  DenseIterator beginDense() const { return DenseIterator(0,this); }
357  DenseIterator endDense() const { return DenseIterator(SIZE,this); }
359  bool operator == (const NodeMask &other) const
360  {
361  int n = WORD_COUNT;
362  for (const Word *w1=mWords, *w2=other.mWords; n-- && *w1++ == *w2++;) ;
363  return n == -1;
364  }
366  bool operator != (const NodeMask &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
368  //
369  // Bitwise logical operations
370  //
372  /// @brief Apply a functor to the words of the this and the other mask.
373  ///
374  /// @details An example that implements the "operator&=" method:
375  /// @code
376  /// struct Op { inline void operator()(W &w1, const W& w2) const { w1 &= w2; } };
377  /// @endcode
378  template<typename WordOp>
379  const NodeMask& foreach(const NodeMask& other, const WordOp& op)
380  {
381  Word *w1 = mWords;
382  const Word *w2 = other.mWords;
383  for (Index32 n = WORD_COUNT; n--; ++w1, ++w2) op( *w1, *w2);
384  return *this;
385  }
386  template<typename WordOp>
387  const NodeMask& foreach(const NodeMask& other1, const NodeMask& other2, const WordOp& op)
388  {
389  Word *w1 = mWords;
390  const Word *w2 = other1.mWords, *w3 = other2.mWords;
391  for (Index32 n = WORD_COUNT; n--; ++w1, ++w2, ++w3) op( *w1, *w2, *w3);
392  return *this;
393  }
394  template<typename WordOp>
395  const NodeMask& foreach(const NodeMask& other1, const NodeMask& other2, const NodeMask& other3,
396  const WordOp& op)
397  {
398  Word *w1 = mWords;
399  const Word *w2 = other1.mWords, *w3 = other2.mWords, *w4 = other3.mWords;
400  for (Index32 n = WORD_COUNT; n--; ++w1, ++w2, ++w3, ++w4) op( *w1, *w2, *w3, *w4);
401  return *this;
402  }
403  /// @brief Bitwise intersection
404  const NodeMask& operator&=(const NodeMask& other)
405  {
406  Word *w1 = mWords;
407  const Word *w2 = other.mWords;
408  for (Index32 n = WORD_COUNT; n--; ++w1, ++w2) *w1 &= *w2;
409  return *this;
410  }
411  /// @brief Bitwise union
412  const NodeMask& operator|=(const NodeMask& other)
413  {
414  Word *w1 = mWords;
415  const Word *w2 = other.mWords;
416  for (Index32 n = WORD_COUNT; n--; ++w1, ++w2) *w1 |= *w2;
417  return *this;
418  }
419  /// @brief Bitwise difference
420  const NodeMask& operator-=(const NodeMask& other)
421  {
422  Word *w1 = mWords;
423  const Word *w2 = other.mWords;
424  for (Index32 n = WORD_COUNT; n--; ++w1, ++w2) *w1 &= ~*w2;
425  return *this;
426  }
427  /// @brief Bitwise XOR
428  const NodeMask& operator^=(const NodeMask& other)
429  {
430  Word *w1 = mWords;
431  const Word *w2 = other.mWords;
432  for (Index32 n = WORD_COUNT; n--; ++w1, ++w2) *w1 ^= *w2;
433  return *this;
434  }
435  NodeMask operator!() const { NodeMask m(*this); m.toggle(); return m; }
436  NodeMask operator&(const NodeMask& other) const { NodeMask m(*this); m &= other; return m; }
437  NodeMask operator|(const NodeMask& other) const { NodeMask m(*this); m |= other; return m; }
438  NodeMask operator^(const NodeMask& other) const { NodeMask m(*this); m ^= other; return m; }
440  /// Return the byte size of this NodeMask
441  static Index32 memUsage() { return static_cast<Index32>(WORD_COUNT*sizeof(Word)); }
442  /// Return the total number of on bits
443  Index32 countOn() const
444  {
445  Index32 sum = 0, n = WORD_COUNT;
446  for (const Word* w = mWords; n--; ++w) sum += CountOn(*w);
447  return sum;
448  }
449  /// Return the total number of on bits
450  Index32 countOff() const { return SIZE-this->countOn(); }
451  /// Set the <i>n</i>th bit on
452  void setOn(Index32 n) {
453  assert( (n >> 6) < WORD_COUNT );
454  mWords[n >> 6] |= Word(1) << (n & 63);
455  }
456  /// Set the <i>n</i>th bit off
457  void setOff(Index32 n) {
458  assert( (n >> 6) < WORD_COUNT );
459  mWords[n >> 6] &= ~(Word(1) << (n & 63));
460  }
461  /// Set the <i>n</i>th bit to the specified state
462  void set(Index32 n, bool On) { On ? this->setOn(n) : this->setOff(n); }
463  /// Set all bits to the specified state
464  void set(bool on)
465  {
466  const Word state = on ? ~Word(0) : Word(0);
467  Index32 n = WORD_COUNT;
468  for (Word* w = mWords; n--; ++w) *w = state;
469  }
470  /// Set all bits on
471  void setOn()
472  {
473  Index32 n = WORD_COUNT;
474  for (Word* w = mWords; n--; ++w) *w = ~Word(0);
475  }
476  /// Set all bits off
477  void setOff()
478  {
479  Index32 n = WORD_COUNT;
480  for (Word* w = mWords; n--; ++w) *w = Word(0);
481  }
482  /// Toggle the state of the <i>n</i>th bit
483  void toggle(Index32 n) {
484  assert( (n >> 6) < WORD_COUNT );
485  mWords[n >> 6] ^= Word(1) << (n & 63);
486  }
487  /// Toggle the state of all bits in the mask
488  void toggle()
489  {
490  Index32 n = WORD_COUNT;
491  for (Word* w = mWords; n--; ++w) *w = ~*w;
492  }
493  /// Set the first bit on
494  void setFirstOn() { this->setOn(0); }
495  /// Set the last bit on
496  void setLastOn() { this->setOn(SIZE-1); }
497  /// Set the first bit off
498  void setFirstOff() { this->setOff(0); }
499  /// Set the last bit off
500  void setLastOff() { this->setOff(SIZE-1); }
501  /// Return @c true if the <i>n</i>th bit is on
502  bool isOn(Index32 n) const
503  {
504  assert( (n >> 6) < WORD_COUNT );
505  return 0 != (mWords[n >> 6] & (Word(1) << (n & 63)));
506  }
507  /// Return @c true if the <i>n</i>th bit is off
508  bool isOff(Index32 n) const {return !this->isOn(n); }
509  /// Return @c true if all the bits are on
510  bool isOn() const
511  {
512  int n = WORD_COUNT;
513  for (const Word *w = mWords; n-- && *w++ == ~Word(0);) ;
514  return n == -1;
515  }
516  /// Return @c true if all the bits are off
517  bool isOff() const
518  {
519  int n = WORD_COUNT;
520  for (const Word *w = mWords; n-- && *w++ == Word(0);) ;
521  return n == -1;
522  }
523  /// Return @c true if bits are either all off OR all on.
524  /// @param isOn Takes on the values of all bits if the method
525  /// returns true - else it is undefined.
526  bool isConstant(bool &isOn) const
527  {
528  isOn = (mWords[0] == ~Word(0));//first word has all bits on
529  if ( !isOn && mWords[0] != Word(0)) return false;//early out
530  const Word *w = mWords + 1, *n = mWords + WORD_COUNT;
531  while( w<n && *w == mWords[0] ) ++w;
532  return w == n;
533  }
535  {
536  Index32 n = 0;
537  const Word* w = mWords;
538  for (; n<WORD_COUNT && !*w; ++w, ++n) ;
539  return n==WORD_COUNT ? SIZE : (n << 6) + FindLowestOn(*w);
540  }
542  {
543  Index32 n = 0;
544  const Word* w = mWords;
545  for (; n<WORD_COUNT && !~*w; ++w, ++n) ;
546  return n==WORD_COUNT ? SIZE : (n << 6) + FindLowestOn(~*w);
547  }
549  //@{
550  /// Return the <i>n</i>th word of the bit mask, for a word of arbitrary size.
551  template<typename WordT>
552  WordT getWord(Index n) const
553  {
554  assert(n*8*sizeof(WordT) < SIZE);
555  return reinterpret_cast<const WordT*>(mWords)[n];
556  }
557  template<typename WordT>
558  WordT& getWord(Index n)
559  {
560  assert(n*8*sizeof(WordT) < SIZE);
561  return reinterpret_cast<WordT*>(mWords)[n];
562  }
563  //@}
565  void save(std::ostream& os) const
566  {
567  os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(mWords), this->memUsage());
568  }
569  void load(std::istream& is) {<char*>(mWords), this->memUsage()); }
570  void seek(std::istream& is) const { is.seekg(this->memUsage(), std::ios_base::cur); }
571  /// @brief simple print method for debugging
572  void printInfo(std::ostream& os=std::cout) const
573  {
574  os << "NodeMask: Dim=" << DIM << " Log2Dim=" << Log2Dim
575  << " Bit count=" << SIZE << " word count=" << WORD_COUNT << std::endl;
576  }
577  void printBits(std::ostream& os=std::cout, Index32 max_out=80u) const
578  {
579  const Index32 n=(SIZE>max_out ? max_out : SIZE);
580  for (Index32 i=0; i < n; ++i) {
581  if ( !(i & 63) )
582  os << "||";
583  else if ( !(i%8) )
584  os << "|";
585  os << this->isOn(i);
586  }
587  os << "|" << std::endl;
588  }
589  void printAll(std::ostream& os=std::cout, Index32 max_out=80u) const
590  {
591  this->printInfo(os);
592  this->printBits(os, max_out);
593  }
596  {
597  Index32 n = start >> 6;//initiate
598  if (n >= WORD_COUNT) return SIZE; // check for out of bounds
599  Index32 m = start & 63;
600  Word b = mWords[n];
601  if (b & (Word(1) << m)) return start;//simpel case: start is on
602  b &= ~Word(0) << m;// mask out lower bits
603  while(!b && ++n<WORD_COUNT) b = mWords[n];// find next none-zero word
604  return (!b ? SIZE : (n << 6) + FindLowestOn(b));//catch last word=0
605  }
608  {
609  Index32 n = start >> 6;//initiate
610  if (n >= WORD_COUNT) return SIZE; // check for out of bounds
611  Index32 m = start & 63;
612  Word b = ~mWords[n];
613  if (b & (Word(1) << m)) return start;//simpel case: start is on
614  b &= ~Word(0) << m;// mask out lower bits
615  while(!b && ++n<WORD_COUNT) b = ~mWords[n];// find next none-zero word
616  return (!b ? SIZE : (n << 6) + FindLowestOn(b));//catch last word=0
617  }
618 };// NodeMask
621 /// @brief Template specialization of NodeMask for Log2Dim=1, i.e. 2^3 nodes
622 template<>
623 class NodeMask<1>
624 {
625 public:
627  static const Index32 LOG2DIM = 1;
628  static const Index32 DIM = 2;
629  static const Index32 SIZE = 8;
630  static const Index32 WORD_COUNT = 1;
631  using Word = Byte;
633 private:
635  Byte mByte;//only member data!
637 public:
638  /// Default constructor sets all bits off
639  NodeMask() : mByte(0x00U) {}
640  /// All bits are set to the specified state
641  NodeMask(bool on) : mByte(on ? 0xFFU : 0x00U) {}
642  /// Copy constructor
643  NodeMask(const NodeMask &other) : mByte(other.mByte) {}
644  /// Destructor
646  /// Assignment operator
647  void operator = (const NodeMask &other) { mByte = other.mByte; }
653  OnIterator beginOn() const { return OnIterator(this->findFirstOn(),this); }
654  OnIterator endOn() const { return OnIterator(SIZE,this); }
655  OffIterator beginOff() const { return OffIterator(this->findFirstOff(),this); }
656  OffIterator endOff() const { return OffIterator(SIZE,this); }
657  DenseIterator beginDense() const { return DenseIterator(0,this); }
658  DenseIterator endDense() const { return DenseIterator(SIZE,this); }
660  bool operator == (const NodeMask &other) const { return mByte == other.mByte; }
662  bool operator != (const NodeMask &other) const {return mByte != other.mByte; }
664  //
665  // Bitwise logical operations
666  //
668  /// @brief Apply a functor to the words of the this and the other mask.
669  ///
670  /// @details An example that implements the "operator&=" method:
671  /// @code
672  /// struct Op { inline void operator()(Word &w1, const Word& w2) const { w1 &= w2; } };
673  /// @endcode
674  template<typename WordOp>
675  const NodeMask& foreach(const NodeMask& other, const WordOp& op)
676  {
677  op(mByte, other.mByte);
678  return *this;
679  }
680  template<typename WordOp>
681  const NodeMask& foreach(const NodeMask& other1, const NodeMask& other2, const WordOp& op)
682  {
683  op(mByte, other1.mByte, other2.mByte);
684  return *this;
685  }
686  template<typename WordOp>
687  const NodeMask& foreach(const NodeMask& other1, const NodeMask& other2, const NodeMask& other3,
688  const WordOp& op)
689  {
690  op(mByte, other1.mByte, other2.mByte, other3.mByte);
691  return *this;
692  }
693  /// @brief Bitwise intersection
694  const NodeMask& operator&=(const NodeMask& other)
695  {
696  mByte &= other.mByte;
697  return *this;
698  }
699  /// @brief Bitwise union
700  const NodeMask& operator|=(const NodeMask& other)
701  {
702  mByte |= other.mByte;
703  return *this;
704  }
705  /// @brief Bitwise difference
706  const NodeMask& operator-=(const NodeMask& other)
707  {
708  mByte &= static_cast<Byte>(~other.mByte);
709  return *this;
710  }
711  /// @brief Bitwise XOR
712  const NodeMask& operator^=(const NodeMask& other)
713  {
714  mByte ^= other.mByte;
715  return *this;
716  }
717  NodeMask operator!() const { NodeMask m(*this); m.toggle(); return m; }
718  NodeMask operator&(const NodeMask& other) const { NodeMask m(*this); m &= other; return m; }
719  NodeMask operator|(const NodeMask& other) const { NodeMask m(*this); m |= other; return m; }
720  NodeMask operator^(const NodeMask& other) const { NodeMask m(*this); m ^= other; return m; }
721  /// Return the byte size of this NodeMask
722  static Index32 memUsage() { return 1; }
723  /// Return the total number of on bits
724  Index32 countOn() const { return CountOn(mByte); }
725  /// Return the total number of on bits
726  Index32 countOff() const { return CountOff(mByte); }
727  /// Set the <i>n</i>th bit on
728  void setOn(Index32 n) {
729  assert( n < 8 );
730  mByte = static_cast<Byte>(mByte | 0x01U << (n & 7));
731  }
732  /// Set the <i>n</i>th bit off
733  void setOff(Index32 n) {
734  assert( n < 8 );
735  mByte = static_cast<Byte>(mByte & ~(0x01U << (n & 7)));
736  }
737  /// Set the <i>n</i>th bit to the specified state
738  void set(Index32 n, bool On) { On ? this->setOn(n) : this->setOff(n); }
739  /// Set all bits to the specified state
740  void set(bool on) { mByte = on ? 0xFFU : 0x00U; }
741  /// Set all bits on
742  void setOn() { mByte = 0xFFU; }
743  /// Set all bits off
744  void setOff() { mByte = 0x00U; }
745  /// Toggle the state of the <i>n</i>th bit
746  void toggle(Index32 n) {
747  assert( n < 8 );
748  mByte = static_cast<Byte>(mByte ^ 0x01U << (n & 7));
749  }
750  /// Toggle the state of all bits in the mask
751  void toggle() { mByte = static_cast<Byte>(~mByte); }
752  /// Set the first bit on
753  void setFirstOn() { this->setOn(0); }
754  /// Set the last bit on
755  void setLastOn() { this->setOn(7); }
756  /// Set the first bit off
757  void setFirstOff() { this->setOff(0); }
758  /// Set the last bit off
759  void setLastOff() { this->setOff(7); }
760  /// Return true if the <i>n</i>th bit is on
761  bool isOn(Index32 n) const
762  {
763  assert( n < 8 );
764  return mByte & (0x01U << (n & 7));
765  }
766  /// Return true if the <i>n</i>th bit is off
767  bool isOff(Index32 n) const {return !this->isOn(n); }
768  /// Return true if all the bits are on
769  bool isOn() const { return mByte == 0xFFU; }
770  /// Return true if all the bits are off
771  bool isOff() const { return mByte == 0; }
772  /// Return @c true if bits are either all off OR all on.
773  /// @param isOn Takes on the values of all bits if the method
774  /// returns true - else it is undefined.
775  bool isConstant(bool &isOn) const
776  {
777  isOn = this->isOn();
778  return isOn || this->isOff();
779  }
780  Index32 findFirstOn() const { return mByte ? FindLowestOn(mByte) : 8; }
782  {
783  const Byte b = static_cast<Byte>(~mByte);
784  return b ? FindLowestOn(b) : 8;
785  }
786  /*
787  //@{
788  /// Return the <i>n</i>th word of the bit mask, for a word of arbitrary size.
789  /// @note This version assumes WordT=Byte and n=0!
790  template<typename WordT>
791  WordT getWord(Index n) const
792  {
793  static_assert(sizeof(WordT) == sizeof(Byte), "expected word size to be one byte");
794  assert(n == 0);
795  return reinterpret_cast<WordT>(mByte);
796  }
797  template<typename WordT>
798  WordT& getWord(Index n)
799  {
800  static_assert(sizeof(WordT) == sizeof(Byte), "expected word size to be one byte");
801  assert(n == 0);
802  return reinterpret_cast<WordT&>(mByte);
803  }
804  //@}
805  */
806  void save(std::ostream& os) const { os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&mByte), 1); }
807  void load(std::istream& is) {<char*>(&mByte), 1); }
808  void seek(std::istream& is) const { is.seekg(1, std::ios_base::cur); }
809  /// @brief simple print method for debugging
810  void printInfo(std::ostream& os=std::cout) const
811  {
812  os << "NodeMask: Dim=2, Log2Dim=1, Bit count=8, Word count=1"<<std::endl;
813  }
814  void printBits(std::ostream& os=std::cout) const
815  {
816  os << "||";
817  for (Index32 i=0; i < 8; ++i) os << this->isOn(i);
818  os << "||" << std::endl;
819  }
820  void printAll(std::ostream& os=std::cout) const
821  {
822  this->printInfo(os);
823  this->printBits(os);
824  }
827  {
828  if (start>=8) return 8;
829  const Byte b = static_cast<Byte>(mByte & (0xFFU << start));
830  return b ? FindLowestOn(b) : 8;
831  }
834  {
835  if (start>=8) return 8;
836  const Byte b = static_cast<Byte>(~mByte & (0xFFU << start));
837  return b ? FindLowestOn(b) : 8;
838  }
840 };// NodeMask<1>
843 /// @brief Template specialization of NodeMask for Log2Dim=2, i.e. 4^3 nodes
844 template<>
845 class NodeMask<2>
846 {
847 public:
849  static const Index32 LOG2DIM = 2;
850  static const Index32 DIM = 4;
851  static const Index32 SIZE = 64;
852  static const Index32 WORD_COUNT = 1;
853  using Word = Index64;
855 private:
857  Word mWord;//only member data!
859 public:
860  /// Default constructor sets all bits off
861  NodeMask() : mWord(UINT64_C(0x00)) {}
862  /// All bits are set to the specified state
863  NodeMask(bool on) : mWord(on ? UINT64_C(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) : UINT64_C(0x00)) {}
864  /// Copy constructor
865  NodeMask(const NodeMask &other) : mWord(other.mWord) {}
866  /// Destructor
868  /// Assignment operator
869  void operator = (const NodeMask &other) { mWord = other.mWord; }
875  OnIterator beginOn() const { return OnIterator(this->findFirstOn(),this); }
876  OnIterator endOn() const { return OnIterator(SIZE,this); }
877  OffIterator beginOff() const { return OffIterator(this->findFirstOff(),this); }
878  OffIterator endOff() const { return OffIterator(SIZE,this); }
879  DenseIterator beginDense() const { return DenseIterator(0,this); }
880  DenseIterator endDense() const { return DenseIterator(SIZE,this); }
882  bool operator == (const NodeMask &other) const { return mWord == other.mWord; }
884  bool operator != (const NodeMask &other) const {return mWord != other.mWord; }
886  //
887  // Bitwise logical operations
888  //
890  /// @brief Apply a functor to the words of the this and the other mask.
891  ///
892  /// @details An example that implements the "operator&=" method:
893  /// @code
894  /// struct Op { inline void operator()(Word &w1, const Word& w2) const { w1 &= w2; } };
895  /// @endcode
896  template<typename WordOp>
897  const NodeMask& foreach(const NodeMask& other, const WordOp& op)
898  {
899  op(mWord, other.mWord);
900  return *this;
901  }
902  template<typename WordOp>
903  const NodeMask& foreach(const NodeMask& other1, const NodeMask& other2, const WordOp& op)
904  {
905  op(mWord, other1.mWord, other2.mWord);
906  return *this;
907  }
908  template<typename WordOp>
909  const NodeMask& foreach(const NodeMask& other1, const NodeMask& other2, const NodeMask& other3,
910  const WordOp& op)
911  {
912  op(mWord, other1.mWord, other2.mWord, other3.mWord);
913  return *this;
914  }
915  /// @brief Bitwise intersection
916  const NodeMask& operator&=(const NodeMask& other)
917  {
918  mWord &= other.mWord;
919  return *this;
920  }
921  /// @brief Bitwise union
922  const NodeMask& operator|=(const NodeMask& other)
923  {
924  mWord |= other.mWord;
925  return *this;
926  }
927  /// @brief Bitwise difference
928  const NodeMask& operator-=(const NodeMask& other)
929  {
930  mWord &= ~other.mWord;
931  return *this;
932  }
933  /// @brief Bitwise XOR
934  const NodeMask& operator^=(const NodeMask& other)
935  {
936  mWord ^= other.mWord;
937  return *this;
938  }
939  NodeMask operator!() const { NodeMask m(*this); m.toggle(); return m; }
940  NodeMask operator&(const NodeMask& other) const { NodeMask m(*this); m &= other; return m; }
941  NodeMask operator|(const NodeMask& other) const { NodeMask m(*this); m |= other; return m; }
942  NodeMask operator^(const NodeMask& other) const { NodeMask m(*this); m ^= other; return m; }
943  /// Return the byte size of this NodeMask
944  static Index32 memUsage() { return 8; }
945  /// Return the total number of on bits
946  Index32 countOn() const { return CountOn(mWord); }
947  /// Return the total number of on bits
948  Index32 countOff() const { return CountOff(mWord); }
949  /// Set the <i>n</i>th bit on
950  void setOn(Index32 n) {
951  assert( n < 64 );
952  mWord |= UINT64_C(0x01) << (n & 63);
953  }
954  /// Set the <i>n</i>th bit off
955  void setOff(Index32 n) {
956  assert( n < 64 );
957  mWord &= ~(UINT64_C(0x01) << (n & 63));
958  }
959  /// Set the <i>n</i>th bit to the specified state
960  void set(Index32 n, bool On) { On ? this->setOn(n) : this->setOff(n); }
961  /// Set all bits to the specified state
962  void set(bool on) { mWord = on ? UINT64_C(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) : UINT64_C(0x00); }
963  /// Set all bits on
964  void setOn() { mWord = UINT64_C(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); }
965  /// Set all bits off
966  void setOff() { mWord = UINT64_C(0x00); }
967  /// Toggle the state of the <i>n</i>th bit
968  void toggle(Index32 n) {
969  assert( n < 64 );
970  mWord ^= UINT64_C(0x01) << (n & 63);
971  }
972  /// Toggle the state of all bits in the mask
973  void toggle() { mWord = ~mWord; }
974  /// Set the first bit on
975  void setFirstOn() { this->setOn(0); }
976  /// Set the last bit on
977  void setLastOn() { this->setOn(63); }
978  /// Set the first bit off
979  void setFirstOff() { this->setOff(0); }
980  /// Set the last bit off
981  void setLastOff() { this->setOff(63); }
982  /// Return true if the <i>n</i>th bit is on
983  bool isOn(Index32 n) const
984  {
985  assert( n < 64 );
986  return 0 != (mWord & (UINT64_C(0x01) << (n & 63)));
987  }
988  /// Return true if the <i>n</i>th bit is off
989  bool isOff(Index32 n) const {return !this->isOn(n); }
990  /// Return true if all the bits are on
991  bool isOn() const { return mWord == UINT64_C(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); }
992  /// Return true if all the bits are off
993  bool isOff() const { return mWord == 0; }
994  /// Return @c true if bits are either all off OR all on.
995  /// @param isOn Takes on the values of all bits if the method
996  /// returns true - else it is undefined.
997  bool isConstant(bool &isOn) const
998  { isOn = this->isOn();
999  return isOn || this->isOff();
1000  }
1001  Index32 findFirstOn() const { return mWord ? FindLowestOn(mWord) : 64; }
1003  {
1004  const Word w = ~mWord;
1005  return w ? FindLowestOn(w) : 64;
1006  }
1007  //@{
1008  /// Return the <i>n</i>th word of the bit mask, for a word of arbitrary size.
1009  template<typename WordT>
1010  WordT getWord(Index n) const
1011  {
1012  assert(n*8*sizeof(WordT) < SIZE);
1013  return reinterpret_cast<const WordT*>(&mWord)[n];
1014  }
1015  template<typename WordT>
1016  WordT& getWord(Index n)
1017  {
1018  assert(n*8*sizeof(WordT) < SIZE);
1019  return reinterpret_cast<WordT*>(mWord)[n];
1020  }
1021  //@}
1022  void save(std::ostream& os) const { os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&mWord), 8); }
1023  void load(std::istream& is) {<char*>(&mWord), 8); }
1024  void seek(std::istream& is) const { is.seekg(8, std::ios_base::cur); }
1025  /// @brief simple print method for debugging
1026  void printInfo(std::ostream& os=std::cout) const
1027  {
1028  os << "NodeMask: Dim=4, Log2Dim=2, Bit count=64, Word count=1"<<std::endl;
1029  }
1030  void printBits(std::ostream& os=std::cout) const
1031  {
1032  os << "|";
1033  for (Index32 i=0; i < 64; ++i) {
1034  if ( !(i%8) ) os << "|";
1035  os << this->isOn(i);
1036  }
1037  os << "||" << std::endl;
1038  }
1039  void printAll(std::ostream& os=std::cout) const
1040  {
1041  this->printInfo(os);
1042  this->printBits(os);
1043  }
1046  {
1047  if (start>=64) return 64;
1048  const Word w = mWord & (UINT64_C(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) << start);
1049  return w ? FindLowestOn(w) : 64;
1050  }
1053  {
1054  if (start>=64) return 64;
1055  const Word w = ~mWord & (UINT64_C(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) << start);
1056  return w ? FindLowestOn(w) : 64;
1057  }
1059 };// NodeMask<2>
1062 // Unlike NodeMask above this RootNodeMask has a run-time defined size.
1063 // It is only included for backward compatibility and will likely be
1064 // deprecated in the future!
1065 // This class is 32-bit specefic, hence the use if Index32 vs Index!
1067 {
1068 protected:
1069  Index32 mBitSize, mIntSize;
1072 public:
1073  RootNodeMask(): mBitSize(0), mIntSize(0), mBits(nullptr) {}
1075  mBitSize(bit_size), mIntSize(((bit_size-1)>>5)+1), mBits(new Index32[mIntSize])
1076  {
1077  for (Index32 i=0; i<mIntSize; ++i) mBits[i]=0x00000000;
1078  }
1080  mBitSize(B.mBitSize), mIntSize(B.mIntSize), mBits(new Index32[mIntSize])
1081  {
1082  for (Index32 i=0; i<mIntSize; ++i) mBits[i]=B.mBits[i];
1083  }
1084  ~RootNodeMask() {delete [] mBits;}
1086  void init(Index32 bit_size) {
1087  mBitSize = bit_size;
1088  mIntSize =((bit_size-1)>>5)+1;
1089  delete [] mBits;
1090  mBits = new Index32[mIntSize];
1091  for (Index32 i=0; i<mIntSize; ++i) mBits[i]=0x00000000;
1092  }
1094  Index getBitSize() const {return mBitSize;}
1096  Index getIntSize() const {return mIntSize;}
1099  if (mBitSize!=B.mBitSize) {
1100  mBitSize=B.mBitSize;
1101  mIntSize=B.mIntSize;
1102  delete [] mBits;
1103  mBits = new Index32[mIntSize];
1104  }
1105  for (Index32 i=0; i<mIntSize; ++i) mBits[i]=B.mBits[i];
1106  return *this;
1107  }
1110  {
1111  protected:
1112  Index32 mPos;//bit position
1114  const RootNodeMask* mParent;//this iterator can't change the parent_mask!
1115  public:
1116  BaseIterator() : mPos(0), mBitSize(0), mParent(nullptr) {}
1117  BaseIterator(const BaseIterator&) = default;
1118  BaseIterator(Index32 pos, const RootNodeMask* parent):
1119  mPos(pos), mBitSize(parent->getBitSize()), mParent(parent) { assert(pos <= mBitSize); }
1120  bool operator==(const BaseIterator &iter) const {return mPos == iter.mPos;}
1121  bool operator!=(const BaseIterator &iter) const {return mPos != iter.mPos;}
1122  bool operator< (const BaseIterator &iter) const {return mPos < iter.mPos;}
1124  mPos = iter.mPos;
1125  mBitSize = iter.mBitSize;
1126  mParent = iter.mParent;
1127  return *this;
1128  }
1130  Index32 offset() const {return mPos;}
1132  Index32 pos() const {return mPos;}
1134  bool test() const {
1135  assert(mPos <= mBitSize);
1136  return (mPos != mBitSize);
1137  }
1139  operator bool() const {return this->test();}
1140  }; // class BaseIterator
1142  /// @note This happens to be a const-iterator!
1143  class OnIterator: public BaseIterator
1144  {
1145  protected:
1146  using BaseIterator::mPos;//bit position;
1147  using BaseIterator::mBitSize;//bit size;
1148  using BaseIterator::mParent;//this iterator can't change the parent_mask!
1149  public:
1151  OnIterator(Index32 pos,const RootNodeMask *parent) : BaseIterator(pos,parent) {}
1152  void increment() {
1153  assert(mParent != nullptr);
1154  mPos=mParent->findNextOn(mPos+1);
1155  assert(mPos <= mBitSize);
1156  }
1157  void increment(Index n) {
1158  for (Index i=0; i<n && this->next(); ++i) {}
1159  }
1160  bool next() {
1161  this->increment();
1162  return this->test();
1163  }
1164  bool operator*() const {return true;}
1166  this->increment();
1167  return *this;
1168  }
1169  }; // class OnIterator
1172  {
1173  protected:
1174  using BaseIterator::mPos;//bit position;
1175  using BaseIterator::mBitSize;//bit size;
1176  using BaseIterator::mParent;//this iterator can't change the parent_mask!
1177  public:
1179  OffIterator(Index32 pos,const RootNodeMask *parent) : BaseIterator(pos,parent) {}
1180  void increment() {
1181  assert(mParent != nullptr);
1182  mPos=mParent->findNextOff(mPos+1);
1183  assert(mPos <= mBitSize);
1184  }
1185  void increment(Index n) {
1186  for (Index i=0; i<n && this->next(); ++i) {}
1187  }
1188  bool next() {
1189  this->increment();
1190  return this->test();
1191  }
1192  bool operator*() const {return true;}
1194  this->increment();
1195  return *this;
1196  }
1197  }; // class OffIterator
1200  {
1201  protected:
1202  using BaseIterator::mPos;//bit position;
1203  using BaseIterator::mBitSize;//bit size;
1204  using BaseIterator::mParent;//this iterator can't change the parent_mask!
1205  public:
1207  DenseIterator(Index32 pos,const RootNodeMask *parent) : BaseIterator(pos,parent) {}
1208  void increment() {
1209  assert(mParent != nullptr);
1210  mPos += 1;//carefull - the increament might go beyond the end
1211  assert(mPos<= mBitSize);
1212  }
1213  void increment(Index n) {
1214  for (Index i=0; i<n && this->next(); ++i) {}
1215  }
1216  bool next() {
1217  this->increment();
1218  return this->test();
1219  }
1220  bool operator*() const {return mParent->isOn(mPos);}
1222  this->increment();
1223  return *this;
1224  }
1225  }; // class DenseIterator
1227  OnIterator beginOn() const { return OnIterator(this->findFirstOn(),this); }
1228  OnIterator endOn() const { return OnIterator(mBitSize,this); }
1229  OffIterator beginOff() const { return OffIterator(this->findFirstOff(),this); }
1230  OffIterator endOff() const { return OffIterator(mBitSize,this); }
1231  DenseIterator beginDense() const { return DenseIterator(0,this); }
1232  DenseIterator endDense() const { return DenseIterator(mBitSize,this); }
1234  bool operator == (const RootNodeMask &B) const {
1235  if (mBitSize != B.mBitSize) return false;
1236  for (Index32 i=0; i<mIntSize; ++i) if (mBits[i] != B.mBits[i]) return false;
1237  return true;
1238  }
1240  bool operator != (const RootNodeMask &B) const {
1241  if (mBitSize != B.mBitSize) return true;
1242  for (Index32 i=0; i<mIntSize; ++i) if (mBits[i] != B.mBits[i]) return true;
1243  return false;
1244  }
1246  //
1247  // Bitwise logical operations
1248  //
1249  RootNodeMask operator!() const { RootNodeMask m = *this; m.toggle(); return m; }
1250  const RootNodeMask& operator&=(const RootNodeMask& other) {
1251  assert(mIntSize == other.mIntSize);
1252  for (Index32 i = 0, N = std::min(mIntSize, other.mIntSize); i < N; ++i) {
1253  mBits[i] &= other.mBits[i];
1254  }
1255  for (Index32 i = other.mIntSize; i < mIntSize; ++i) mBits[i] = 0x00000000;
1256  return *this;
1257  }
1258  const RootNodeMask& operator|=(const RootNodeMask& other) {
1259  assert(mIntSize == other.mIntSize);
1260  for (Index32 i = 0, N = std::min(mIntSize, other.mIntSize); i < N; ++i) {
1261  mBits[i] |= other.mBits[i];
1262  }
1263  return *this;
1264  }
1265  const RootNodeMask& operator^=(const RootNodeMask& other) {
1266  assert(mIntSize == other.mIntSize);
1267  for (Index32 i = 0, N = std::min(mIntSize, other.mIntSize); i < N; ++i) {
1268  mBits[i] ^= other.mBits[i];
1269  }
1270  return *this;
1271  }
1272  RootNodeMask operator&(const RootNodeMask& other) const {
1273  RootNodeMask m(*this); m &= other; return m;
1274  }
1275  RootNodeMask operator|(const RootNodeMask& other) const {
1276  RootNodeMask m(*this); m |= other; return m;
1277  }
1278  RootNodeMask operator^(const RootNodeMask& other) const {
1279  RootNodeMask m(*this); m ^= other; return m;
1280  }
1284  return static_cast<Index32>(mIntSize*sizeof(Index32) + sizeof(*this));
1285  }
1287  Index32 countOn() const {
1288  assert(mBits);
1289  Index32 n=0;
1290  for (Index32 i=0; i< mIntSize; ++i) n += CountOn(mBits[i]);
1291  return n;
1292  }
1294  Index32 countOff() const { return mBitSize-this->countOn(); }
1296  void setOn(Index32 i) {
1297  assert(mBits);
1298  assert( (i>>5) < mIntSize);
1299  mBits[i>>5] |= 1<<(i&31);
1300  }
1302  void setOff(Index32 i) {
1303  assert(mBits);
1304  assert( (i>>5) < mIntSize);
1305  mBits[i>>5] &= ~(1<<(i&31));
1306  }
1308  void set(Index32 i, bool On) { On ? this->setOn(i) : this->setOff(i); }
1310  void setOn() {
1311  assert(mBits);
1312  for (Index32 i=0; i<mIntSize; ++i) mBits[i]=0xFFFFFFFF;
1313  }
1314  void setOff() {
1315  assert(mBits);
1316  for (Index32 i=0; i<mIntSize; ++i) mBits[i]=0x00000000;
1317  }
1318  void toggle(Index32 i) {
1319  assert(mBits);
1320  assert( (i>>5) < mIntSize);
1321  mBits[i>>5] ^= 1<<(i&31);
1322  }
1323  void toggle() {
1324  assert(mBits);
1325  for (Index32 i=0; i<mIntSize; ++i) mBits[i]=~mBits[i];
1326  }
1327  void setFirstOn() { this->setOn(0); }
1328  void setLastOn() { this->setOn(mBitSize-1); }
1329  void setFirstOff() { this->setOff(0); }
1330  void setLastOff() { this->setOff(mBitSize-1); }
1331  bool isOn(Index32 i) const {
1332  assert(mBits);
1333  assert( (i>>5) < mIntSize);
1334  return ( mBits[i >> 5] & (1<<(i&31)) );
1335  }
1336  bool isOff(Index32 i) const {
1337  assert(mBits);
1338  assert( (i>>5) < mIntSize);
1339  return ( ~mBits[i >> 5] & (1<<(i&31)) );
1340  }
1342  bool isOn() const {
1343  if (!mBits) return false;//undefined is off
1344  for (Index32 i=0; i<mIntSize; ++i) if (mBits[i] != 0xFFFFFFFF) return false;
1345  return true;
1346  }
1348  bool isOff() const {
1349  if (!mBits) return true;//undefined is off
1350  for (Index32 i=0; i<mIntSize; ++i) if (mBits[i] != 0) return false;
1351  return true;
1352  }
1355  assert(mBits);
1356  Index32 i=0;
1357  while(!mBits[i]) if (++i == mIntSize) return mBitSize;//reached end
1358  return 32*i + FindLowestOn(mBits[i]);
1359  }
1362  assert(mBits);
1363  Index32 i=0;
1364  while(!(~mBits[i])) if (++i == mIntSize) return mBitSize;//reached end
1365  return 32*i + FindLowestOn(~mBits[i]);
1366  }
1368  void save(std::ostream& os) const {
1369  assert(mBits);
1370  os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(mBits), mIntSize * sizeof(Index32));
1371  }
1372  void load(std::istream& is) {
1373  assert(mBits);
1374<char*>(mBits), mIntSize * sizeof(Index32));
1375  }
1376  void seek(std::istream& is) const {
1377  assert(mBits);
1378  is.seekg(mIntSize * sizeof(Index32), std::ios_base::cur);
1379  }
1380  /// @brief simple print method for debugging
1381  void printInfo(std::ostream& os=std::cout) const {
1382  os << "RootNodeMask: Bit-size="<<mBitSize<<" Int-size="<<mIntSize<<std::endl;
1383  }
1385  void printBits(std::ostream& os=std::cout, Index32 max_out=80u) const {
1386  const Index32 n=(mBitSize>max_out?max_out:mBitSize);
1387  for (Index32 i=0; i < n; ++i) {
1388  if ( !(i&31) )
1389  os << "||";
1390  else if ( !(i%8) )
1391  os << "|";
1392  os << this->isOn(i);
1393  }
1394  os << "|" << std::endl;
1395  }
1397  void printAll(std::ostream& os=std::cout, Index32 max_out=80u) const {
1398  this->printInfo(os);
1399  this->printBits(os,max_out);
1400  }
1402  Index32 findNextOn(Index32 start) const {
1403  assert(mBits);
1404  Index32 n = start >> 5, m = start & 31;//initiate
1405  if (n>=mIntSize) return mBitSize; // check for out of bounds
1406  Index32 b = mBits[n];
1407  if (b & (1<<m)) return start;//simple case
1408  b &= 0xFFFFFFFF << m;// mask lower bits
1409  while(!b && ++n<mIntSize) b = mBits[n];// find next nonzero int
1410  return (!b ? mBitSize : 32*n + FindLowestOn(b));//catch last-int=0
1411  }
1413  Index32 findNextOff(Index32 start) const {
1414  assert(mBits);
1415  Index32 n = start >> 5, m = start & 31;//initiate
1416  if (n>=mIntSize) return mBitSize; // check for out of bounds
1417  Index32 b = ~mBits[n];
1418  if (b & (1<<m)) return start;//simple case
1419  b &= 0xFFFFFFFF<<m;// mask lower bits
1420  while(!b && ++n<mIntSize) b = ~mBits[n];// find next nonzero int
1421  return (!b ? mBitSize : 32*n + FindLowestOn(b));//catch last-int=0
1422  }
1424  Index32 memUsage() const {
1425  assert(mBits);
1426  return static_cast<Index32>(sizeof(Index32*)+(2+mIntSize)*sizeof(Index32));//in bytes
1427  }
1428 }; // class RootNodeMask
1430 } // namespace util
1431 } // namespace OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME
1432 } // namespace openvdb
void printBits(std::ostream &os=std::cout, Index32 max_out=80u) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:577
void load(std::istream &is)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1023
NodeMask operator&(const NodeMask &other) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:436
Index32 findNextOff(Index32 start) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1052
Index32 findFirstOn() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1354
void setLastOff()
Set the last bit off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:759
void setOn()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1310
const RootNodeMask & operator&=(const RootNodeMask &other)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1250
Index32 countOff() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1294
OnIterator & operator++()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1165
const RootNodeMask * mParent
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1114
void setOn(Index32 n)
Set the nth bit on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:728
const NodeMask & operator|=(const NodeMask &other)
Bitwise union.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:700
Index32 countOn() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1287
bool isOff() const
Return true if all the bits are off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:517
WordT getWord(Index n) const
Return the nth word of the bit mask, for a word of arbitrary size.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:552
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1116
Definition: NodeMasks.h:186
void setOn(Index32 n)
Set the nth bit on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:950
void printBits(std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:814
void increment()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:248
OnIterator(Index32 pos, const RootNodeMask *parent)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1151
void setOn(Index32 n)
Set the nth bit on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:452
bool isOn(Index32 i) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1331
Index32 findFirstOff() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1361
Definition: NodeMasks.h:208
bool isOn() const
Return true if all the bits are on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:510
void load(std::istream &is)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:807
void printAll(std::ostream &os=std::cout, Index32 max_out=80u) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1397
Byte Word
Definition: NodeMasks.h:631
void setFirstOn()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1327
unsigned char Byte
Definition: Types.h:59
void printInfo(std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
simple print method for debugging
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1381
bool test() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1134
WordT & getWord(Index n)
Return the nth word of the bit mask, for a word of arbitrary size.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:558
bool operator*() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1220
Index32 FindHighestOn(Index32 v)
Return the most significant on bit of the given 32-bit value.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:159
bool operator!=(const BaseIterator &iter) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1121
Base class for the bit mask iterators.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:179
OffIterator endOff() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1230
void setFirstOn()
Set the first bit on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:494
void seek(std::istream &is) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1376
Index32 mIntSize
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1069
bool operator!=(const Vec3< T0 > &v0, const Vec3< T1 > &v1)
Inequality operator, does exact floating point comparisons.
Definition: Vec3.h:481
Index32 findNextOff(Index32 start) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:607
void setOn()
Set all bits on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:471
OnIterator endOn() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:353
bool isOff() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1348
const RootNodeMask & operator^=(const RootNodeMask &other)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1265
bool operator*() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:260
Index32 mBitSize
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1069
Index32 getMemUsage() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1283
Default constructor sets all bits off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:639
BaseMaskIterator & operator=(const BaseMaskIterator &iter)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:195
bool isOn() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1342
void toggle(Index32 n)
Toggle the state of the nth bit.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:746
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1084
static Index32 memUsage()
Return the byte size of this NodeMask.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:441
void setOff(Index32 n)
Set the nth bit off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:955
Definition: NodeMasks.h:215
void toggle(Index32 n)
Toggle the state of the nth bit.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:968
Index32 findNextOn(Index32 start) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1045
Definition: NodeMasks.h:270
bool operator*() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1164
void increment(Index n)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1213
void toggle()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1323
bool next()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:287
Index32 findNextOn(Index32 start) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:826
OffIterator endOff() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:355
Default constructor sets all bits off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:861
void load(std::istream &is)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1372
OffMaskIterator & operator++()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:261
NodeMask operator^(const NodeMask &other) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:438
void setOff(Index32 n)
Set the nth bit off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:733
void increment()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1208
Definition: NodeMasks.h:338
DenseIterator endDense() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:357
void toggle()
Toggle the state of all bits in the mask.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:488
void setFirstOff()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1329
Index64 Word
Definition: NodeMasks.h:316
const NodeMask & operator^=(const NodeMask &other)
Bitwise XOR.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:428
bool next()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:224
Index32 FindLowestOn(Index64 v)
Return the least significant on bit of the given 64-bit value.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:125
Index32 offset() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1130
void increment(Index n)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1157
void toggle()
Toggle the state of all bits in the mask.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:751
BaseIterator(Index32 pos, const RootNodeMask *parent)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1118
void toggle()
Toggle the state of all bits in the mask.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:973
RootNodeMask operator&(const RootNodeMask &other) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1272
const NodeMask & operator&=(const NodeMask &other)
Bitwise intersection.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:404
bool operator!=(const BaseMaskIterator &iter) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:193
bool isOff(Index32 i) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1336
BaseIterator & operator=(const BaseIterator &iter)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1123
Index32 countOff() const
Return the total number of on bits.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:726
DenseMaskIterator & operator++()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:293
OffIterator & operator++()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1193
Definition: NodeMasks.h:278
DenseIterator endDense() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1232
OffIterator beginOff() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1229
uint64_t Index64
Definition: Types.h:53
RootNodeMask(Index32 bit_size)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1074
void increment()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1180
void setOn()
Set all bits on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:742
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1073
Index32 findFirstOff() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1002
bool operator*() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1192
Definition: NodeMasks.h:246
RootNodeMask(const RootNodeMask &B)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1079
void setOn()
Set all bits on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:964
void setOff()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1314
bool isOn() const
Return true if all the bits are on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:991
Index32 * mBits
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1070
NodeMask operator!() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:717
Index32 CountOff(Index64 v)
Return the number of off bits in the given 64-bit value.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:81
Index32 countOff() const
Return the total number of on bits.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:948
Index32 findFirstOff() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:781
bool isOff() const
Return true if all the bits are off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:771
NodeMask & operator=(const NodeMask &other)
Assignment operator.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:340
NodeMask(bool on)
All bits are set to the specified state.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:863
DenseIterator(Index32 pos, const RootNodeMask *parent)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1207
NodeMask operator!() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:939
DenseIterator beginDense() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:657
bool test() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:201
DenseIterator beginDense() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:356
DenseIterator endDense() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:880
bool isOff() const
Return true if all the bits are off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:993
Index32 findNextOff(Index32 start) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1413
Index getBitSize() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1094
void setLastOff()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1330
const NodeMask & operator|=(const NodeMask &other)
Bitwise union.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:412
NodeMask(bool on)
All bits are set to the specified state.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:641
Index32 findNextOn(Index32 start) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:595
Index64 memUsage(const TreeT &tree, bool threaded=true)
Return the total amount of memory in bytes occupied by this tree.
Definition: Count.h:493
OnIterator beginOn() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:653
DenseIterator beginDense() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:879
Index32 countOn() const
Return the total number of on bits.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:443
DenseIterator endDense() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:658
void setOff()
Set all bits off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:966
RootNodeMask & operator=(const RootNodeMask &B)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1098
void setLastOff()
Set the last bit off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:500
bool isOn() const
Return true if all the bits are on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:769
OnIterator beginOn() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:875
NodeMask(const NodeMask &other)
Copy constructor.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:336
void setLastOn()
Set the last bit on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:755
BaseMaskIterator(Index32 pos, const NodeMask *parent)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:188
Definition: Exceptions.h:13
bool next()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1216
void toggle(Index32 n)
Toggle the state of the nth bit.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:483
OnMaskIterator(Index32 pos, const NodeMask *parent)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:216
void increment()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:217
void setOff()
Set all bits off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:744
static Index32 memUsage()
Return the byte size of this NodeMask.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:944
OnIterator endOn() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:654
Index32 CountOn(Index64 v)
Return the number of on bits in the given 64-bit value.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:65
OnIterator beginOn() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1227
const NodeMask & operator-=(const NodeMask &other)
Bitwise difference.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:420
void setLastOn()
Set the last bit on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:977
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1206
bool isConstant(bool &isOn) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:526
bool isOff(Index32 n) const
Return true if the nth bit is off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:767
OnIterator endOn() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:876
OnIterator beginOn() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:352
Index32 findFirstOff() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:541
Index32 findFirstOn() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:780
void setOff(Index32 i)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1302
void setOff()
Set all bits off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:477
OffIterator(Index32 pos, const RootNodeMask *parent)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1179
void seek(std::istream &is) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:808
NodeMask(const NodeMask &other)
Copy constructor.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:643
void increment()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1152
Index32 findFirstOn() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1001
void printAll(std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1039
Index32 Index
Definition: Types.h:54
void printInfo(std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
simple print method for debugging
Definition: NodeMasks.h:572
void setOn(Index32 i)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1296
void seek(std::istream &is) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1024
Definition: NodeMasks.h:867
bool operator<(const Tuple< SIZE, T0 > &t0, const Tuple< SIZE, T1 > &t1)
Definition: Tuple.h:174
NodeMask operator|(const NodeMask &other) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:719
void setFirstOff()
Set the first bit off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:498
NodeMask(const NodeMask &other)
Copy constructor.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:865
static Index32 memUsage()
Return the byte size of this NodeMask.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:722
NodeMask(bool on)
All bits are set to the specified state.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:334
OffIterator beginOff() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:877
const NodeMask * mParent
Definition: NodeMasks.h:183
void printAll(std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:820
Index32 mPos
Definition: NodeMasks.h:182
const NodeMask & operator-=(const NodeMask &other)
Bitwise difference.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:928
WordT getWord(Index n) const
Return the nth word of the bit mask, for a word of arbitrary size.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1010
NodeMask operator!() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:435
WordT & getWord(Index n)
Return the nth word of the bit mask, for a word of arbitrary size.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1016
bool operator*() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:229
bool isOff(Index32 n) const
Return true if the nth bit is off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:989
bool operator==(const BaseMaskIterator &iter) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:192
void increment(Index n)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:286
bool isOn(Index32 n) const
Return true if the nth bit is on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:502
const NodeMask & operator-=(const NodeMask &other)
Bitwise difference.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:706
void increment()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:280
void toggle(Index32 i)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1318
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1178
RootNodeMask operator^(const RootNodeMask &other) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1278
OffIterator beginOff() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:354
NodeMask operator&(const NodeMask &other) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:940
Index32 countOn() const
Return the total number of on bits.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:724
Index32 countOff() const
Return the total number of on bits.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:450
bool operator*() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:292
Index32 findFirstOn() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:534
Definition: NodeMasks.h:645
NodeMask operator|(const NodeMask &other) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:941
bool next()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1188
OffIterator beginOff() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:655
OffIterator endOff() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:878
Index32 countOn() const
Return the total number of on bits.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:946
Bit mask for the internal and leaf nodes of VDB. This is a 64-bit implementation. ...
Definition: NodeMasks.h:307
Index32 memUsage() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1424
Index32 offset() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:199
bool operator==(const BaseIterator &iter) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1120
Index32 pos() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1132
void setFirstOn()
Set the first bit on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:753
const RootNodeMask & operator|=(const RootNodeMask &other)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1258
void setFirstOn()
Set the first bit on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:975
NodeMask operator&(const NodeMask &other) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:718
void printAll(std::ostream &os=std::cout, Index32 max_out=80u) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:589
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1066
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1150
OffIterator endOff() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:656
void increment(Index n)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:254
OnMaskIterator & operator++()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:230
RootNodeMask operator|(const RootNodeMask &other) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1275
NodeMask operator^(const NodeMask &other) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:720
void increment(Index n)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1185
bool isConstant(bool &isOn) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:775
void setLastOn()
Set the last bit on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:496
DenseIterator & operator++()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1221
OPENVDB_API void printBits(std::ostream &os, half h)
void increment(Index n)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:223
Default constructor sets all bits off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:332
NodeMask operator^(const NodeMask &other) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:942
void save(std::ostream &os) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1368
NodeMask operator|(const NodeMask &other) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:437
DenseIterator beginDense() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1231
Definition: NodeMasks.h:239
void save(std::ostream &os) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1022
The version namespace name for this library version.
const NodeMask & operator&=(const NodeMask &other)
Bitwise intersection.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:916
void setFirstOff()
Set the first bit off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:979
Index getIntSize() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1096
DenseMaskIterator(Index32 pos, const NodeMask *parent)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:279
bool next()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:255
void load(std::istream &is)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:569
bool isOn(Index32 n) const
Return true if the nth bit is on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:983
Index32 mPos
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1112
const NodeMask & operator&=(const NodeMask &other)
Bitwise intersection.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:694
OffMaskIterator(Index32 pos, const NodeMask *parent)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:247
void seek(std::istream &is) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:570
void setLastOn()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1328
Index32 pos() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:200
bool isConstant(bool &isOn) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:997
const std::enable_if<!VecTraits< T >::IsVec, T >::type & min(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: Composite.h:106
void save(std::ostream &os) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:565
void setOff(Index32 n)
Set the nth bit off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:457
void printInfo(std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
simple print method for debugging
Definition: NodeMasks.h:810
bool isOn(Index32 n) const
Return true if the nth bit is on.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:761
bool next()
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1160
bool isOff(Index32 n) const
Return true if the nth bit is off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:508
Index32 findNextOn(Index32 start) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1402
const NodeMask & operator^=(const NodeMask &other)
Bitwise XOR.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:712
bool operator==(const Vec3< T0 > &v0, const Vec3< T1 > &v1)
Equality operator, does exact floating point comparisons.
Definition: Vec3.h:473
const NodeMask & operator|=(const NodeMask &other)
Bitwise union.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:922
RootNodeMask operator!() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1249
void save(std::ostream &os) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:806
void printInfo(std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
simple print method for debugging
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1026
uint32_t Index32
Definition: Types.h:52
void setFirstOff()
Set the first bit off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:757
const NodeMask & operator^=(const NodeMask &other)
Bitwise XOR.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:934
#define COUNTONB6(n)
Index64 Word
Definition: NodeMasks.h:853
OnIterator endOn() const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1228
void printBits(std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1030
Index32 findNextOff(Index32 start) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:833
Index32 mBitSize
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1113
void init(Index32 bit_size)
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1086
void printBits(std::ostream &os=std::cout, Index32 max_out=80u) const
Definition: NodeMasks.h:1385
void setLastOff()
Set the last bit off.
Definition: NodeMasks.h:981