OpenVDB  11.0.0
RootNode< ChildType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for RootNode< ChildType >, including all inherited members.

addChild(ChildType *child)RootNode< ChildType >
addLeaf(LeafNodeType *leaf)RootNode< ChildType >inline
addLeafAndCache(LeafNodeType *leaf, AccessorT &)RootNode< ChildType >inline
addTile(const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &value, bool state)RootNode< ChildType >inline
addTile(Index level, const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &value, bool state)RootNode< ChildType >inline
addTileAndCache(Index level, const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &, bool state, AccessorT &)RootNode< ChildType >inline
background() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
beginChildAll() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
beginChildAll()RootNode< ChildType >inline
beginChildOff() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
beginChildOff()RootNode< ChildType >inline
beginChildOn() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
beginChildOn()RootNode< ChildType >inline
beginValueAll() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
beginValueAll()RootNode< ChildType >inline
beginValueOff() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
beginValueOff()RootNode< ChildType >inline
beginValueOn() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
beginValueOn()RootNode< ChildType >inline
BuildType typedefRootNode< ChildType >
cbeginChildAll() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
cbeginChildOff() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
cbeginChildOn() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
cbeginValueAll() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
cbeginValueOff() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
cbeginValueOn() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
ChildAllCIter typedefRootNode< ChildType >
ChildAllIter typedefRootNode< ChildType >
childCount() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
ChildNodeType typedefRootNode< ChildType >
ChildOffCIter typedefRootNode< ChildType >
ChildOffIter typedefRootNode< ChildType >
ChildOnCIter typedefRootNode< ChildType >
ChildOnIter typedefRootNode< ChildType >
clear()RootNode< ChildType >inline
clip(const CoordBBox &)RootNode< ChildType >inline
combine(RootNode &other, CombineOp &, bool prune=false)RootNode< ChildType >inline
combine2(const RootNode &other0, const OtherRootNode &other1, CombineOp &op, bool prune=false)RootNode< ChildType >inline
copyToDense(const CoordBBox &bbox, DenseT &dense) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
denseFill(const CoordBBox &bbox, const ValueType &value, bool active=true)RootNode< ChildType >inline
empty() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
eraseBackgroundTiles()RootNode< ChildType >inline
evalActiveBoundingBox(CoordBBox &bbox, bool visitVoxels=true) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
expand(const Coord &xyz)RootNode< ChildType >inline
fill(const CoordBBox &bbox, const ValueType &value, bool active=true)RootNode< ChildType >inline
getChildDim()RootNode< ChildType >inlinestatic
getDepth() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
getHeight() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
getIndexRange(CoordBBox &bbox) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
getLevel()RootNode< ChildType >inlinestatic
getMaxIndex() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
getMinIndex() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
getNodeBoundingBox()RootNode< ChildType >inlinestatic
getNodeLog2Dims(std::vector< Index > &dims)RootNode< ChildType >inlinestatic
getNodes(ArrayT &array)RootNode< ChildType >inline
getNodes(ArrayT &array) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
getTableSize() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
getValue(const Coord &xyz) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
getValueAndCache(const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &) const RootNode< ChildType >
getValueAndCache(const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &acc) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
getValueDepth(const Coord &xyz) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
getValueDepthAndCache(const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
getWidth() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
hasActiveTiles() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
hasCompatibleValueType(const RootNode< OtherChildType > &other)RootNode< ChildType >inlinestatic
hasSameConfiguration(const RootNode< OtherChildType > &other)RootNode< ChildType >inlinestatic
hasSameTopology(const RootNode< OtherChildType > &other) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
isBackgroundTile(const Tile &) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
isBackgroundTile(const MapIter &) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
isBackgroundTile(const MapCIter &) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
isValueOn(const Coord &xyz) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
isValueOnAndCache(const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
leafCount() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
LeafNodeType typedefRootNode< ChildType >
LEVELRootNode< ChildType >static
memUsage() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
merge(RootNode &other)RootNode< ChildType >inline
modifyValue(const Coord &xyz, const ModifyOp &op)RootNode< ChildType >inline
modifyValueAndActiveState(const Coord &xyz, const ModifyOp &op)RootNode< ChildType >inline
modifyValueAndActiveStateAndCache(const Coord &xyz, const ModifyOp &op, AccessorT &)RootNode< ChildType >inline
modifyValueAndCache(const Coord &xyz, const ModifyOp &op, AccessorT &)RootNode< ChildType >inline
NodeChainType typedefRootNode< ChildType >
nodeCount(std::vector< Index32 > &vec) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
nonLeafCount() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
numBackgroundTiles() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
offLeafVoxelCount() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
offVoxelCount() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
onLeafVoxelCount() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
onTileCount() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
onVoxelCount() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
operator=(const RootNode &other)RootNode< ChildType >inline
operator=(const RootNode< OtherChildType > &other)RootNode< ChildType >
operator=(const RootNode< OtherChildType > &other)RootNode< ChildType >inline
origin() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
probeConstLeaf(const Coord &xyz) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
probeConstLeafAndCache(const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &acc) const RootNode< ChildType >
probeConstLeafAndCache(const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &acc) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
probeConstNode(const Coord &xyz) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
probeConstNodeAndCache(const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &acc) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
probeLeaf(const Coord &xyz)RootNode< ChildType >inline
probeLeaf(const Coord &xyz) const RootNode< ChildType >
probeLeafAndCache(const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &acc)RootNode< ChildType >
probeLeafAndCache(const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &acc) const RootNode< ChildType >
probeLeafAndCache(const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &acc)RootNode< ChildType >inline
probeLeafAndCache(const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &acc) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
probeNode(const Coord &xyz)RootNode< ChildType >inline
probeNodeAndCache(const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &acc)RootNode< ChildType >inline
probeValue(const Coord &xyz, ValueType &value) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
probeValueAndCache(const Coord &xyz, ValueType &value, AccessorT &) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
prune(const ValueType &tolerance=zeroVal< ValueType >())RootNode< ChildType >inline
readBuffers(std::istream &, bool fromHalf=false)RootNode< ChildType >inline
readBuffers(std::istream &, const CoordBBox &, bool fromHalf=false)RootNode< ChildType >inline
readTopology(std::istream &, bool fromHalf=false)RootNode< ChildType >inline
RootNode classRootNode< ChildType >friend
RootNode()RootNode< ChildType >inline
RootNode(const ValueType &background)RootNode< ChildType >inlineexplicit
RootNode(const RootNode &other)RootNode< ChildType >inline
RootNode(const RootNode< OtherChildType > &other)RootNode< ChildType >inlineexplicit
RootNode(const RootNode< OtherChildType > &other, const ValueType &background, const ValueType &foreground, TopologyCopy)RootNode< ChildType >inline
RootNode(const RootNode< OtherChildType > &other, const ValueType &background, TopologyCopy)RootNode< ChildType >inline
RootNodeCombineHelperRootNode< ChildType >friend
RootNodeCopyHelperRootNode< ChildType >friend
setActiveState(const Coord &xyz, bool on)RootNode< ChildType >inline
setActiveStateAndCache(const Coord &xyz, bool on, AccessorT &)RootNode< ChildType >inline
setBackground(const ValueType &value, bool updateChildNodes)RootNode< ChildType >inline
setOrigin(const Coord &origin)RootNode< ChildType >inline
setTransientData(Index32 transientData)RootNode< ChildType >inline
setValueAndCache(const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &value, AccessorT &)RootNode< ChildType >inline
setValueOff(const Coord &xyz)RootNode< ChildType >inline
setValueOff(const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &value)RootNode< ChildType >inline
setValueOffAndCache(const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &value, AccessorT &)RootNode< ChildType >inline
setValueOn(const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &value)RootNode< ChildType >inline
setValueOnly(const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &value)RootNode< ChildType >inline
setValueOnlyAndCache(const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &value, AccessorT &)RootNode< ChildType >inline
sparseFill(const CoordBBox &bbox, const ValueType &value, bool active=true)RootNode< ChildType >inline
stealNode(const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &value, bool state)RootNode< ChildType >inline
stealNodes(ArrayT &array, const ValueType &value, bool state)RootNode< ChildType >inline
stealNodes(ArrayT &array)RootNode< ChildType >inline
topologyDifference(const RootNode< OtherChildType > &other)RootNode< ChildType >inline
topologyIntersection(const RootNode< OtherChildType > &other)RootNode< ChildType >inline
topologyUnion(const RootNode< OtherChildType > &other, const bool preserveTiles=false)RootNode< ChildType >inline
touchLeaf(const Coord &xyz)RootNode< ChildType >inline
touchLeafAndCache(const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &acc)RootNode< ChildType >
touchLeafAndCache(const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &acc)RootNode< ChildType >inline
transientData() const RootNode< ChildType >inline
ValueAllCIter typedefRootNode< ChildType >
ValueAllIter typedefRootNode< ChildType >
ValueOffCIter typedefRootNode< ChildType >
ValueOffIter typedefRootNode< ChildType >
ValueOnCIter typedefRootNode< ChildType >
ValueOnIter typedefRootNode< ChildType >
ValueType typedefRootNode< ChildType >
voxelizeActiveTiles(bool threaded=true)RootNode< ChildType >inline
writeBuffers(std::ostream &, bool toHalf=false) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
writeTopology(std::ostream &, bool toHalf=false) const RootNode< ChildType >inline
~RootNode()RootNode< ChildType >inline