- Member Grid< _TreeType >::evalMinMax (ValueType &minVal, ValueType &maxVal) const
- "Switch from grid->evalMinMax(minVal, maxVal) to \tools::minMax(grid->tree()). Use threaded = false for serial execution"
- Member Interrupter::Interrupter (const char *title=nullptr)
- "openvdb_houdini::Interrupter has been deprecated, use openvdb_houdini::HoudiniInterrupter"
- Member LeafNode< bool, Log2Dim >::LeafNode (const LeafNode< ValueType, Log2Dim > &other, TopologyCopy)
- "Use LeafNodeBool component constructor."
- Member openvdb_houdini::computeVoxelSizeFromHoudini (const GU_Detail &detail, const openvdb::Index pointsPerVoxel, const openvdb::math::Mat4d &matrix, const openvdb::Index decimalPlaces, Interrupter &interrupter)
- "openvdb_houdini::Interrupter has been deprecated, use openvdb_houdini::HoudiniInterrupter"
- Member openvdb_houdini::convertGeometry (const GU_Detail &detail, std::string &warning, Interrupter *boss)
- "openvdb_houdini::Interrupter has been deprecated, use openvdb_houdini::HoudiniInterrupter"
- Member ParmFactory::setChoiceList (PRM_ChoiceListType typ, const std::vector< std::string > &items, bool paired=false)
- Use setChoiceListItems() instead. Using unpaired items may mean less typing now, but it prevents you from reordering or deleting entries later.
- Member ParmFactory::setChoiceList (PRM_ChoiceListType typ, const char *const *items, bool paired=false)
- Use setChoiceListItems() instead. Using unpaired items may mean less typing now, but it prevents you from reordering or deleting entries later.
- Member SOP_NodeVDB::duplicateSourceStealable (const unsigned index, OP_Context &context)
- verbification renders this redundant
- Member SOP_NodeVDB::duplicateSourceStealable (const unsigned index, OP_Context &context, GU_Detail **pgdp, GU_DetailHandle &gdh, bool clean=true)
- verbification renders this redundant
- Member Tree< _RootNodeType >::evalMinMax (ValueType &min, ValueType &max) const
- "Switch to tools::minMax. Use threaded = false for serial execution"
- Member ValueAccessorImpl< _TreeType, IsSafe, MutexT, IntegerSequence >::numCacheLevels ()
- "Use the static NumCacheLevels constant"
- Member VolumeExecutable::getTreeExecutionLevel () const
- "Use getTreeExecutionLevel(Index&, Index&)"