OpenVDB  11.0.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
4 /*!
5  \file CreateNanoGrid.h
7  \author Ken Museth
9  \date June 26, 2020
11  \note In the examples below we assume that @c srcGrid is a exiting grid of type
12  SrcGridT = @c openvdb::FloatGrid, @c openvdb::FloatGrid or @c nanovdb::build::FloatGrid.
14  \brief Convert any grid to a nanovdb grid of the same type, e.g. float->float
15  \code
16  auto handle = nanovdb::createNanoGrid(srcGrid);
17  auto *dstGrid = handle.grid<float>();
18  \endcode
20  \brief Convert a grid to a nanovdb grid of a different type, e.g. float->half
21  \code
22  auto handle = nanovdb::createNanoGrid<SrcGridT,nanovdb::Fp16>(srcGrid);
23  auto *dstGrid = handle.grid<nanovdb::Fp16>();
24  \endcode
26  \brief Convert a grid to a nanovdb grid of the same type but using a CUDA buffer
27  \code
28  auto handle = nanovdb::createNanoGrid<SrcGridT, float, nanovdb::CudaDeviceBuffer>(srcGrid);
29  auto *dstGrid = handle.grid<float>();
30  \endcode
32  \brief Create a nanovdb grid that indices values in an existing source grid of any type.
33  If DstBuildT = nanovdb::ValueIndex both active and in-active values are indexed
34  and if DstBuildT = nanovdb::ValueOnIndex only active values are indexed.
35  \code
36  using DstBuildT = nanovdb::ValueIndex;// index both active an inactive values
37  auto handle = nanovdb::createNanoGridSrcGridT,DstBuildT>(srcGrid,0,false,false);//no blind data, tile values or stats
38  auto *dstGrid = handle.grid<DstBuildT>();
39  \endcode
41  \brief Create a NanoVDB grid from scratch
42  \code
43 #if defined(NANOVDB_USE_OPENVDB) && !defined(__CUDACC__)
44  using SrcGridT = openvdb::FloatGrid;
45 #else
46  using SrcGridT = nanovdb::build::FloatGrid;
47 #endif
48  SrcGridT srcGrid(0.0f);// create an empty source grid
49  auto srcAcc = srcGrid.getAccessor();// create an accessor
50  srcAcc.setValue(nanovdb::Coord(1,2,3), 1.0f);// set a voxel value
52  auto handle = nanovdb::createNanoGrid(srcGrid);// convert source grid to a grid handle
53  auto dstGrid = handle.grid<float>();// get a pointer to the destination grid
54  \endcode
56  \brief Convert a base-pointer to an openvdb grid, denoted srcGrid, to a nanovdb
57  grid of the same type, e.g. float -> float or openvdb::Vec3f -> nanovdb::Vec3f
58  \code
59  auto handle = nanovdb::openToNanoVDB(*srcGrid);// convert source grid to a grid handle
60  auto dstGrid = handle.grid<float>();// get a pointer to the destination grid
61  \endcode
63  \brief Converts any existing grid to a NanoVDB grid, for example:
64  nanovdb::build::Grid<SrcBuildT> -> nanovdb::Grid<DstBuildT>
65  nanovdb::Grid<SrcBuildT> -> nanovdb::Grid<DstBuildT>
66  nanovdb::Grid<SrcBuildT> -> nanovdb::Grid<ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex>
67  openvdb::Grid<SrcBuildT> -> nanovdb::Grid<DstBuildT>
68  openvdb::Grid<PointIndex> -> nanovdb::Grid<PointIndex>
69  openvdb::Grid<PointData> -> nanovdb::Grid<PointData>
70  openvdb::Grid<SrcBuildT> -> nanovdb::Grid<ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex>
72  \note This files replaces GridBuilder.h, IndexGridBuilder.h and OpenToNanoVDB.h
73 */
78 #if defined(NANOVDB_USE_OPENVDB) && !defined(__CUDACC__)
79 #include <openvdb/openvdb.h>
82 #endif
84 #include "GridBuilder.h"
85 #include "NodeManager.h"
86 #include "GridHandle.h"
87 #include "GridStats.h"
88 #include "GridChecksum.h"
89 #include "Range.h"
90 #include "Invoke.h"
91 #include "ForEach.h"
92 #include "Reduce.h"
93 #include "PrefixSum.h"
94 #include "DitherLUT.h"// for nanovdb::DitherLUT
96 #include <limits>
97 #include <vector>
98 #include <set>
99 #include <cstring> // for memcpy
100 #include <type_traits>
102 namespace nanovdb {
104 // Forward declarations (defined below)
105 template <typename> class CreateNanoGrid;
106 class AbsDiff;
107 template <typename> struct MapToNano;
109 //================================================================================================
111 #if defined(NANOVDB_USE_OPENVDB) && !defined(__CUDACC__)
112 /// @brief Forward declaration of free-standing function that converts an OpenVDB GridBase into a NanoVDB GridHandle
113 /// @tparam BufferT Type of the buffer used to allocate the destination grid
114 /// @param base Shared pointer to a base openvdb grid to be converted
115 /// @param sMode Mode for computing statistics of the destination grid
116 /// @param cMode Mode for computing checksums of the destination grid
117 /// @param verbose Mode of verbosity
118 /// @return Handle to the destination NanoGrid
119 template<typename BufferT = HostBuffer>
121 openToNanoVDB(const openvdb::GridBase::Ptr& base,
124  int verbose = 0);
125 #endif
127 //================================================================================================
129 /// @brief Freestanding function that creates a NanoGrid<T> from any source grid
130 /// @tparam SrcGridT Type of in input (source) grid, e.g. openvdb::Grid or nanovdb::Grid
131 /// @tparam DstBuildT Type of values in the output (destination) nanovdb Grid, e.g. float or nanovdb::Fp16
132 /// @tparam BufferT Type of the buffer used ti allocate the destination grid
133 /// @param srcGrid Input (source) grid to be converted
134 /// @param sMode Mode for computing statistics of the destination grid
135 /// @param cMode Mode for computing checksums of the destination grid
136 /// @param verbose Mode of verbosity
137 /// @param buffer Instance of a buffer used for allocation
138 /// @return Handle to the destination NanoGrid
139 template<typename SrcGridT,
140  typename DstBuildT = typename MapToNano<typename SrcGridT::BuildType>::type,
141  typename BufferT = HostBuffer>
143 createNanoGrid(const SrcGridT &srcGrid,
146  int verbose = 0,
147  const BufferT &buffer = BufferT());
149 //================================================================================================
151 /// @brief Freestanding function that creates a NanoGrid<ValueIndex> or NanoGrid<ValueOnIndex> from any source grid
152 /// @tparam SrcGridT Type of in input (source) grid, e.g. openvdb::Grid or nanovdb::Grid
153 /// @tparam DstBuildT If ValueIndex all (active and inactive) values are indexed and if
154 /// it is ValueOnIndex only active values are indexed.
155 /// @tparam BufferT BufferT Type of the buffer used ti allocate the destination grid
156 /// @param channels If non-zero the values (active or all) in @c srcGrid are encoded as blind
157 /// data in the output index grid. @c channels indicates the number of copies
158 /// of these blind data
159 /// @param includeStats If true all tree nodes will includes indices for stats, i.e. min/max/avg/std-div
160 /// @param includeTiles If false on values in leaf nodes are indexed
161 /// @param verbose Mode of verbosity
162 /// @param buffer Instance of a buffer used for allocation
163 /// @return Handle to the destination NanoGrid<T> where T = ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex
164 template<typename SrcGridT,
165  typename DstBuildT = typename MapToNano<typename SrcGridT::BuildType>::type,
166  typename BufferT = HostBuffer>
168 createNanoGrid(const SrcGridT &srcGrid,
169  uint32_t channels = 0u,
170  bool includeStats = true,
171  bool includeTiles = true,
172  int verbose = 0,
173  const BufferT &buffer = BufferT());
175 //================================================================================================
177 /// @brief Freestanding function to create a NanoGrid<FpN> from any source grid
178 /// @tparam SrcGridT Type of in input (source) grid, e.g. openvdb::Grid or nanovdb::Grid
179 /// @tparam DstBuildT = FpN, i.e. variable bit-width of the output grid
180 /// @tparam OracleT Type of the oracle used to determine the local bit-width, i.e. N in FpN
181 /// @tparam BufferT Type of the buffer used to allocate the destination grid
182 /// @param srcGrid Input (source) grid to be converted
183 /// @param ditherOn switch to enable or disable dithering of quantization error
184 /// @param sMode Mode for computing statistics of the destination grid
185 /// @param cMode Mode for computing checksums of the destination grid
186 /// @param verbose Mode of verbosity
187 /// @param oracle Instance of a oracle used to determine the local bit-width, i.e. N in FpN
188 /// @param buffer Instance of a buffer used for allocation
189 /// @return Handle to the destination NanoGrid
190 template<typename SrcGridT,
191  typename DstBuildT = typename MapToNano<typename SrcGridT::BuildType>::type,
192  typename OracleT = AbsDiff,
193  typename BufferT = HostBuffer>
195 createNanoGrid(const SrcGridT &srcGrid,
198  bool ditherOn = false,
199  int verbose = 0,
200  const OracleT &oracle = OracleT(),
201  const BufferT &buffer = BufferT());
203 //================================================================================================
205 /// @brief Freestanding function to create a NanoGrid<FpX> from any source grid, X=4,8,16
206 /// @tparam SrcGridT Type of in input (source) grid, e.g. openvdb::Grid or nanovdb::Grid
207 /// @tparam DstBuildT = Fp4, Fp8 or Fp16, i.e. quantization bit-width of the output grid
208 /// @tparam BufferT Type of the buffer used to allocate the destination grid
209 /// @param srcGrid Input (source) grid to be converted
210 /// @param ditherOn switch to enable or disable dithering of quantization error
211 /// @param sMode Mode for computing statistics of the destination grid
212 /// @param cMode Mode for computing checksums of the destination grid
213 /// @param verbose Mode of verbosity
214 /// @param buffer Instance of a buffer used for allocation
215 /// @return Handle to the destination NanoGrid
216 template<typename SrcGridT,
217  typename DstBuildT = typename MapToNano<typename SrcGridT::BuildType>::type,
218  typename BufferT = HostBuffer>
220 createNanoGrid(const SrcGridT &srcGrid,
223  bool ditherOn = false,
224  int verbose = 0,
225  const BufferT &buffer = BufferT());
227 //================================================================================================
229 /// @brief Compression oracle based on absolute difference
230 class AbsDiff
231 {
232  float mTolerance;// absolute error tolerance
233 public:
234  /// @note The default value of -1 means it's un-initialized!
235  AbsDiff(float tolerance = -1.0f) : mTolerance(tolerance) {}
236  AbsDiff(const AbsDiff&) = default;
237  ~AbsDiff() = default;
238  operator bool() const {return mTolerance>=0.0f;}
239  void init(nanovdb::GridClass gClass, float background) {
240  if (gClass == GridClass::LevelSet) {
241  static const float halfWidth = 3.0f;
242  mTolerance = 0.1f * background / halfWidth;// range of ls: [-3dx; 3dx]
243  } else if (gClass == GridClass::FogVolume) {
244  mTolerance = 0.01f;// range of FOG volumes: [0;1]
245  } else {
246  mTolerance = 0.0f;
247  }
248  }
249  void setTolerance(float tolerance) { mTolerance = tolerance; }
250  float getTolerance() const { return mTolerance; }
251  /// @brief Return true if the approximate value is within the accepted
252  /// absolute error bounds of the exact value.
253  ///
254  /// @details Required member method
255  bool operator()(float exact, float approx) const
256  {
257  return Abs(exact - approx) <= mTolerance;
258  }
259 };// AbsDiff
261 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AbsDiff& diff)
262 {
263  os << "Absolute tolerance: " << diff.getTolerance();
264  return os;
265 }
267 //================================================================================================
269 /// @brief Compression oracle based on relative difference
270 class RelDiff
271 {
272  float mTolerance;// relative error tolerance
273 public:
274  /// @note The default value of -1 means it's un-initialized!
275  RelDiff(float tolerance = -1.0f) : mTolerance(tolerance) {}
276  RelDiff(const RelDiff&) = default;
277  ~RelDiff() = default;
278  operator bool() const {return mTolerance>=0.0f;}
279  void setTolerance(float tolerance) { mTolerance = tolerance; }
280  float getTolerance() const { return mTolerance; }
281  /// @brief Return true if the approximate value is within the accepted
282  /// relative error bounds of the exact value.
283  ///
284  /// @details Required member method
285  bool operator()(float exact, float approx) const
286  {
287  return Abs(exact - approx)/Max(Abs(exact), Abs(approx)) <= mTolerance;
288  }
289 };// RelDiff
291 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RelDiff& diff)
292 {
293  os << "Relative tolerance: " << diff.getTolerance();
294  return os;
295 }
297 //================================================================================================
299 /// @brief The NodeAccessor provides a uniform API for accessing nodes got NanoVDB, OpenVDB and build Grids
300 ///
301 /// @note General implementation that works with nanovdb::build::Grid
302 template <typename GridT>
304 {
305 public:
306  static constexpr bool IS_OPENVDB = false;
307  static constexpr bool IS_NANOVDB = false;
308  using BuildType = typename GridT::BuildType;
309  using ValueType = typename GridT::ValueType;
310  using GridType = GridT;
311  using TreeType = typename GridT::TreeType;
312  using RootType = typename TreeType::RootNodeType;
313  template<int LEVEL>
315  NodeAccessor(const GridT &grid) : mMgr(const_cast<GridT&>(grid)) {}
316  const GridType& grid() const {return mMgr.grid();}
317  const TreeType& tree() const {return mMgr.tree();}
318  const RootType& root() const {return mMgr.root();}
319  uint64_t nodeCount(int level) const { return mMgr.nodeCount(level); }
320  template <int LEVEL>
321  const NodeType<LEVEL>& node(uint32_t i) const {return mMgr.template node<LEVEL>(i); }
322  const std::string& getName() const {return this->grid().getName();};
323  bool hasLongGridName() const {return this->grid().getName().length() >= GridData::MaxNameSize;}
324  const nanovdb::Map& map() const {return this->grid().map();}
325  GridClass gridClass() const {return this->grid().gridClass();}
326 private:
328 };// NodeAccessor<GridT>
330 //================================================================================================
332 /// @brief Template specialization for nanovdb::Grid which is special since its NodeManage
333 /// uses a handle in order to support node access on the GPU!
334 template <typename BuildT>
335 class NodeAccessor< NanoGrid<BuildT> >
336 {
337 public:
338  static constexpr bool IS_OPENVDB = false;
339  static constexpr bool IS_NANOVDB = true;
340  using BuildType = BuildT;
343  using ValueType = typename GridType::ValueType;
344  using TreeType = typename GridType::TreeType;
345  using RootType = typename TreeType::RootType;
346  template<int LEVEL>
348  NodeAccessor(const GridType &grid)
349  : mHandle(createNodeManager<BuildT, BufferType>(grid))
350  , mMgr(*(mHandle.template mgr<BuildT>())) {}
351  const GridType& grid() const {return mMgr.grid();}
352  const TreeType& tree() const {return mMgr.tree();}
353  const RootType& root() const {return mMgr.root();}
354  uint64_t nodeCount(int level) const { return mMgr.nodeCount(level); }
355  template <int LEVEL>
356  const NodeType<LEVEL>& node(uint32_t i) const {return mMgr.template node<LEVEL>(i); }
357  std::string getName() const {return std::string(this->grid().gridName());};
358  bool hasLongGridName() const {return this->grid().hasLongGridName();}
359  const nanovdb::Map& map() const {return this->grid().map();}
360  GridClass gridClass() const {return this->grid().gridClass();}
361 private:
363  const NodeManager<BuildT> &mMgr;
364 };// NodeAccessor<nanovdb::Grid>
366 //================================================================================================
368 /// @brief Trait that maps any type to the corresponding nanovdb type
369 /// @tparam T Type to be mapped
370 template<typename T>
371 struct MapToNano { using type = T; };
373 #if defined(NANOVDB_USE_OPENVDB) && !defined(__CUDACC__)
375 template<>
376 struct MapToNano<openvdb::ValueMask> {using type = nanovdb::ValueMask;};
377 template<typename T>
378 struct MapToNano<openvdb::math::Vec3<T>>{using type = nanovdb::Vec3<T>;};
379 template<typename T>
380 struct MapToNano<openvdb::math::Vec4<T>>{using type = nanovdb::Vec4<T>;};
381 template<>
382 struct MapToNano<openvdb::PointIndex32> {using type = uint32_t;};
383 template<>
384 struct MapToNano<openvdb::PointDataIndex32> {using type = uint32_t;};
386 /// Templated Grid with default 32->16->8 configuration
387 template <typename BuildT>
388 using OpenLeaf = openvdb::tree::LeafNode<BuildT,3>;
389 template <typename BuildT>
390 using OpenLower = openvdb::tree::InternalNode<OpenLeaf<BuildT>,4>;
391 template <typename BuildT>
392 using OpenUpper = openvdb::tree::InternalNode<OpenLower<BuildT>,5>;
393 template <typename BuildT>
394 using OpenRoot = openvdb::tree::RootNode<OpenUpper<BuildT>>;
395 template <typename BuildT>
396 using OpenTree = openvdb::tree::Tree<OpenRoot<BuildT>>;
397 template <typename BuildT>
398 using OpenGrid = openvdb::Grid<OpenTree<BuildT>>;
400 //================================================================================================
402 /// @brief Template specialization for openvdb::Grid
403 template <typename BuildT>
404 class NodeAccessor<OpenGrid<BuildT>>
405 {
406 public:
407  static constexpr bool IS_OPENVDB = true;
408  static constexpr bool IS_NANOVDB = false;
409  using BuildType = BuildT;
410  using GridType = OpenGrid<BuildT>;
411  using ValueType = typename GridType::ValueType;
412  using TreeType = OpenTree<BuildT>;
413  using RootType = OpenRoot<BuildT>;
414  template<int LEVEL>
415  using NodeType = typename NodeTrait<const TreeType, LEVEL>::type;
416  NodeAccessor(const GridType &grid) : mMgr(const_cast<GridType&>(grid)) {
417  const auto mat4 = this->grid().transform().baseMap()->getAffineMap()->getMat4();
418  mMap.set(mat4, mat4.inverse());
419  }
420  const GridType& grid() const {return mMgr.grid();}
421  const TreeType& tree() const {return mMgr.tree();}
422  const RootType& root() const {return mMgr.root();}
423  uint64_t nodeCount(int level) const { return mMgr.nodeCount(level); }
424  template <int LEVEL>
425  const NodeType<LEVEL>& node(uint32_t i) const {return mMgr.template node<LEVEL>(i); }
426  std::string getName() const { return this->grid().getName(); };
427  bool hasLongGridName() const {return this->grid().getName().length() >= GridData::MaxNameSize;}
428  const nanovdb::Map& map() const {return mMap;}
429  GridClass gridClass() const {
430  switch (this->grid().getGridClass()) {
432  if (!is_floating_point<BuildT>::value) OPENVDB_THROW(openvdb::ValueError, "processGrid: Level sets are expected to be floating point types");
433  return GridClass::LevelSet;
435  return GridClass::FogVolume;
437  return GridClass::Staggered;
438  default:
439  return GridClass::Unknown;
440  }
441  }
442 private:
444  nanovdb::Map mMap;
445 };// NodeAccessor<openvdb::Grid<T>>
447 //================================================================================================
449 /// @brief Template specialization for openvdb::tools::PointIndexGrid
450 template <>
451 class NodeAccessor<openvdb::tools::PointIndexGrid>
452 {
453 public:
454  static constexpr bool IS_OPENVDB = true;
455  static constexpr bool IS_NANOVDB = false;
456  using BuildType = openvdb::PointIndex32;
458  using TreeType = openvdb::tools::PointIndexTree;
459  using RootType = typename TreeType::RootNodeType;
460  using ValueType = typename GridType::ValueType;
461  template<int LEVEL>
462  using NodeType = typename NodeTrait<const TreeType, LEVEL>::type;
463  NodeAccessor(const GridType &grid) : mMgr(const_cast<GridType&>(grid)) {
464  const auto mat4 = this->grid().transform().baseMap()->getAffineMap()->getMat4();
465  mMap.set(mat4, mat4.inverse());
466  }
467  const GridType& grid() const {return mMgr.grid();}
468  const TreeType& tree() const {return mMgr.tree();}
469  const RootType& root() const {return mMgr.root();}
470  uint64_t nodeCount(int level) const { return mMgr.nodeCount(level); }
471  template <int LEVEL>
472  const NodeType<LEVEL>& node(uint32_t i) const {return mMgr.template node<LEVEL>(i); }
473  std::string getName() const { return this->grid().getName(); };
474  bool hasLongGridName() const {return this->grid().getName().length() >= GridData::MaxNameSize;}
475  const nanovdb::Map& map() const {return mMap;}
476  GridClass gridClass() const {return GridClass::PointIndex;}
477 private:
479  nanovdb::Map mMap;
480 };// NodeAccessor<openvdb::tools::PointIndexGrid>
482 //================================================================================================
484 // @brief Template specialization for openvdb::points::PointDataGrid
485 template <>
486 class NodeAccessor<openvdb::points::PointDataGrid>
487 {
488 public:
489  static constexpr bool IS_OPENVDB = true;
490  static constexpr bool IS_NANOVDB = false;
491  using BuildType = openvdb::PointDataIndex32;
493  using TreeType = openvdb::points::PointDataTree;
494  using RootType = typename TreeType::RootNodeType;
495  using ValueType = typename GridType::ValueType;
496  template<int LEVEL>
497  using NodeType = typename NodeTrait<const TreeType, LEVEL>::type;
498  NodeAccessor(const GridType &grid) : mMgr(const_cast<GridType&>(grid)) {
499  const auto mat4 = this->grid().transform().baseMap()->getAffineMap()->getMat4();
500  mMap.set(mat4, mat4.inverse());
501  }
502  const GridType& grid() const {return mMgr.grid();}
503  const TreeType& tree() const {return mMgr.tree();}
504  const RootType& root() const {return mMgr.root();}
505  uint64_t nodeCount(int level) const { return mMgr.nodeCount(level); }
506  template <int LEVEL>
507  const NodeType<LEVEL>& node(uint32_t i) const {return mMgr.template node<LEVEL>(i); }
508  std::string getName() const { return this->grid().getName(); };
509  bool hasLongGridName() const {return this->grid().getName().length() >= GridData::MaxNameSize;}
510  const nanovdb::Map& map() const {return mMap;}
511  GridClass gridClass() const {return GridClass::PointData;}
512 private:
514  nanovdb::Map mMap;
515 };// NodeAccessor<openvdb::points::PointDataGrid>
519 //================================================================================================
521 /// @brief Creates any nanovdb Grid from any source grid (certain combinations are obviously not allowed)
522 template <typename SrcGridT>
523 class CreateNanoGrid
524 {
525 public:
526  // SrcGridT can be either openvdb::Grid, nanovdb::Grid or nanovdb::build::Grid
530  using SrcTreeT = typename SrcNodeAccT::TreeType;
531  using SrcRootT = typename SrcNodeAccT::RootType;
532  template <int LEVEL>
535  /// @brief Constructor from a source grid
536  /// @param srcGrid Source grid of type SrcGridT
537  CreateNanoGrid(const SrcGridT &srcGrid);
539  /// @brief Constructor from a source node accessor (defined above)
540  /// @param srcNodeAcc Source node accessor of type SrcNodeAccT
541  CreateNanoGrid(const SrcNodeAccT &srcNodeAcc);
543  /// @brief Set the level of verbosity
544  /// @param mode level of verbosity, mode=0 means quiet
545  void setVerbose(int mode = 1) { mVerbose = mode; }
547  /// @brief Enable or disable dithering, i.e. randomization of the quantization error.
548  /// @param on enable or disable dithering
549  /// @warning Dithering only has an affect when DstBuildT = {Fp4, Fp8, Fp16, FpN}
550  void enableDithering(bool on = true) { mDitherOn = on; }
552  /// @brief Set the mode used for computing statistics of the destination grid
553  /// @param mode specify the mode of statistics
554  void setStats(StatsMode mode = StatsMode::Default) { mStats = mode; }
556  /// @brief Set the mode used for computing checksums of the destination grid
557  /// @param mode specify the mode of checksum
558  void setChecksum(ChecksumMode mode = ChecksumMode::Default) { mChecksum = mode; }
560  /// @brief Converts the source grid into a nanovdb grid with the specified destination build type
561  /// @tparam DstBuildT build type of the destination, output, grid
562  /// @tparam BufferT Type of the buffer used for allocating the destination grid
563  /// @param buffer instance of the buffer use for allocation
564  /// @return Return an instance of a GridHandle (invoking move semantics)
565  /// @note This version is when DstBuildT != {FpN, ValueIndex, ValueOnIndex}
566  template<typename DstBuildT = typename MapToNano<SrcBuildT>::type, typename BufferT = HostBuffer>
569  getHandle(const BufferT &buffer = BufferT());
571  /// @brief Converts the source grid into a nanovdb grid with variable bit quantization
572  /// @tparam DstBuildT FpN, i.e. the destination grid uses variable bit quantization
573  /// @tparam OracleT Type of oracle used to determine the N in FpN
574  /// @tparam BufferT Type of the buffer used for allocating the destination grid
575  /// @param oracle Instance of the oracle used to determine the N in FpN
576  /// @param buffer instance of the buffer use for allocation
577  /// @return Return an instance of a GridHandle (invoking move semantics)
578  /// @note This version assumes DstBuildT == FpN
579  template<typename DstBuildT = typename MapToNano<SrcBuildT>::type, typename OracleT = AbsDiff, typename BufferT = HostBuffer>
581  getHandle(const OracleT &oracle = OracleT(),
582  const BufferT &buffer = BufferT());
584  /// @brief Converts the source grid into a nanovdb grid with indices to external arrays of values
585  /// @tparam DstBuildT ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex, i.e. index all or just active values
586  /// @tparam BufferT Type of the buffer used for allocating the destination grid
587  /// @param channels Number of copies of values encoded as blind data in the destination grid
588  /// @param includeStats Specify if statics should be indexed
589  /// @param includeTiles Specify if tile values, i.e. non-leaf-node-values, should be indexed
590  /// @param buffer instance of the buffer use for allocation
591  /// @return Return an instance of a GridHandle (invoking move semantics)
592  template<typename DstBuildT = typename MapToNano<SrcBuildT>::type, typename BufferT = HostBuffer>
593  typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index, GridHandle<BufferT>>::type
594  getHandle(uint32_t channels = 0u,
595  bool includeStats = true,
596  bool includeTiles = true,
597  const BufferT &buffer = BufferT());
599  /// @brief Add blind data to the destination grid
600  /// @param name String name of the blind data
601  /// @param dataSemantic Semantics of the blind data
602  /// @param dataClass Class of the blind data
603  /// @param dataType Type of the blind data
604  /// @param count Element count of the blind data
605  /// @param size Size of each element of the blind data
606  /// @return Return the index used to access the blind data
607  uint64_t addBlindData(const std::string& name,
608  GridBlindDataSemantic dataSemantic,
609  GridBlindDataClass dataClass,
610  GridType dataType,
611  size_t count, size_t size)
612  {
613  const size_t order = mBlindMetaData.size();
614  mBlindMetaData.emplace(name, dataSemantic, dataClass, dataType, order, count, size);
615  return order;
616  }
618  /// @brief This method only has affect when getHandle was called with DstBuildT = ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex
619  /// @return Return the number of indexed values. If called before getHandle was called with
620  /// DstBuildT = ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex the return value is zero. Else it is a value larger than zero.
621  uint64_t valueCount() const {return mValIdx[0].empty() ? 0u : mValIdx[0].back();}
623  /// @brief Copy values from the source grid into a provided buffer
624  /// @tparam DstBuildT Must be ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex, i.e. a index grid
625  /// @param buffer point in which to write values
626  template <typename DstBuildT>
627  typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index>::type
628  copyValues(SrcValueT *buffer);
630 private:
632  // =========================================================
634  template <typename T, int LEVEL>
635  typename enable_if<!(is_same<T,FpN>::value&&LEVEL==0), typename NodeTrait<NanoRoot<T>, LEVEL>::type*>::type
636  dstNode(uint64_t i) const {
637  static_assert(LEVEL==0 || LEVEL==1 || LEVEL==2, "Expected LEVEL== {0,1,2}");
638  using NodeT = typename NodeTrait<NanoRoot<T>, LEVEL>::type;
639  return PtrAdd<NodeT>(mBufferPtr, mOffset[5-LEVEL]) + i;
640  }
641  template <typename T, int LEVEL>
642  typename enable_if<is_same<T,FpN>::value && LEVEL==0, NanoLeaf<FpN>*>::type
643  dstNode(uint64_t i) const {return PtrAdd<NanoLeaf<FpN>>(mBufferPtr, mCodec[i].offset);}
645  template <typename T> NanoRoot<T>* dstRoot() const {return PtrAdd<NanoRoot<T>>(mBufferPtr, mOffset.root);}
646  template <typename T> NanoTree<T>* dstTree() const {return PtrAdd<NanoTree<T>>(mBufferPtr, mOffset.tree);}
647  template <typename T> NanoGrid<T>* dstGrid() const {return PtrAdd<NanoGrid<T>>(mBufferPtr, mOffset.grid);}
648  GridBlindMetaData* dstMeta(uint32_t i) const { return PtrAdd<GridBlindMetaData>(mBufferPtr, mOffset.meta) + i;};
650  // =========================================================
652  template <typename DstBuildT>
654  preProcess();
656  template <typename DstBuildT>
657  typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index>::type
658  preProcess(uint32_t channels);
660  template <typename DstBuildT, typename OracleT>
661  typename enable_if<is_same<FpN, DstBuildT>::value>::type
662  preProcess(OracleT oracle);
664  // =========================================================
666  // Below are private methods use to serialize nodes into NanoVDB
667  template<typename DstBuildT, typename BufferT>
668  GridHandle<BufferT> initHandle(const BufferT& buffer);
670  // =========================================================
672  template <typename DstBuildT>
673  inline typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index>::type
674  postProcess(uint32_t channels);
676  template <typename DstBuildT>
677  inline typename disable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index>::type
678  postProcess();
680  // ========================================================
682  template<typename DstBuildT>
684  processLeafs();
686  template<typename DstBuildT>
687  typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index>::type
688  processLeafs();
690  template<typename DstBuildT>
691  typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_FpX>::type
692  processLeafs();
694  template<typename DstBuildT>
695  typename enable_if<is_same<FpN, DstBuildT>::value>::type
696  processLeafs();
698  template<typename DstBuildT>
700  processLeafs();
702  template<typename DstBuildT>
704  processLeafs();
706  // =========================================================
708  template<typename DstBuildT, int LEVEL>
709  typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index>::type
710  processInternalNodes();
712  template<typename DstBuildT, int LEVEL>
714  processInternalNodes();
716  // =========================================================
718  template <typename DstBuildT>
719  typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index>::type
720  processRoot();
722  template <typename DstBuildT>
724  processRoot();
726  // =========================================================
728  template<typename DstBuildT>
729  void processTree();
731  template<typename DstBuildT>
732  void processGrid();
734  template <typename DstBuildT, int LEVEL>
735  typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index, uint64_t>::type
736  countTileValues(uint64_t valueCount);
738  template <typename DstBuildT>
739  typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index, uint64_t>::type
740  countValues();
742 #if defined(NANOVDB_USE_OPENVDB) && !defined(__CUDACC__)
743  template<typename T = SrcGridT>
746  countPoints() const;
748  template<typename T = SrcGridT>
751  countPoints() const;
753  template<typename DstBuildT, typename AttT, typename CodecT = openvdb::points::UnknownCodec, typename T = SrcGridT>
755  copyPointAttribute(size_t attIdx, AttT *attPtr);
756 #else
757  uint64_t countPoints() const {return 0u;}
758 #endif
760  uint8_t* mBufferPtr;// pointer to the beginning of the destination nanovdb grid buffer
761  struct BufferOffsets {
762  uint64_t grid, tree, root, upper, lower, leaf, meta, blind, size;
763  uint64_t operator[](int i) const { return *(reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(this)+i); }
764  } mOffset;
765  int mVerbose;
766  uint64_t mLeafNodeSize;// non-trivial when DstBuiltT = FpN
768  std::unique_ptr<SrcNodeAccT> mSrcNodeAccPtr;// placeholder for potential local instance
769  const SrcNodeAccT &mSrcNodeAcc;
770  struct BlindMetaData; // forward declaration
771  std::set<BlindMetaData> mBlindMetaData; // sorted according to BlindMetaData.order
772  struct Codec { float min, max; uint64_t offset; uint8_t log2; };// used for adaptive bit-rate quantization
773  std::unique_ptr<Codec[]> mCodec;// defines a codec per leaf node when DstBuildT = FpN
774  StatsMode mStats;
775  ChecksumMode mChecksum;
776  bool mDitherOn, mIncludeStats, mIncludeTiles;
777  std::vector<uint64_t> mValIdx[3];// store id of first value in node
778 }; // CreateNanoGrid
780 //================================================================================================
782 template <typename SrcGridT>
784  : mVerbose(0)
785  , mSrcNodeAccPtr(new SrcNodeAccT(srcGrid))
786  , mSrcNodeAcc(*mSrcNodeAccPtr)
787  , mStats(StatsMode::Default)
788  , mChecksum(ChecksumMode::Default)
789  , mDitherOn(false)
790  , mIncludeStats(true)
791  , mIncludeTiles(true)
792 {
793 }
795 //================================================================================================
797 template <typename SrcGridT>
799  : mVerbose(0)
800  , mSrcNodeAccPtr(nullptr)
801  , mSrcNodeAcc(srcNodeAcc)
802  , mStats(StatsMode::Default)
803  , mChecksum(ChecksumMode::Default)
804  , mDitherOn(false)
805  , mIncludeStats(true)
806  , mIncludeTiles(true)
807 {
808 }
810 //================================================================================================
812 template <typename SrcGridT>
813 struct CreateNanoGrid<SrcGridT>::BlindMetaData
814 {
815  BlindMetaData(const std::string& name,// name + used to derive GridBlindDataSemantic
816  const std::string& type,// used to derive GridType of blind data
817  GridBlindDataClass dataClass,
818  size_t i, size_t valueCount, size_t valueSize)
819  : metaData(reinterpret_cast<GridBlindMetaData*>(new char[sizeof(GridBlindMetaData)]))
820  , order(i)// sorted id of meta data
821  , size(AlignUp<NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT>(valueCount * valueSize))
822  {
823  std::memset(metaData, 0, sizeof(GridBlindMetaData));// zero out all meta data
824  if (name.length()>=GridData::MaxNameSize) throw std::runtime_error("blind data name exceeds limit");
825  std::memcpy(metaData->mName, name.c_str(), name.length() + 1);
826  metaData->mValueCount = valueCount;
827  metaData->mSemantic = BlindMetaData::mapToSemantics(name);
828  metaData->mDataClass = dataClass;
829  metaData->mDataType = BlindMetaData::mapToType(type);
830  metaData->mValueSize = valueSize;
831  NANOVDB_ASSERT(metaData->isValid());
832  }
833  BlindMetaData(const std::string& name,// only name
834  GridBlindDataSemantic dataSemantic,
835  GridBlindDataClass dataClass,
836  GridType dataType,
837  size_t i, size_t valueCount, size_t valueSize)
838  : metaData(reinterpret_cast<GridBlindMetaData*>(new char[sizeof(GridBlindMetaData)]))
839  , order(i)// sorted id of meta data
840  , size(AlignUp<NANOVDB_DATA_ALIGNMENT>(valueCount * valueSize))
841  {
842  std::memset(metaData, 0, sizeof(GridBlindMetaData));// zero out all meta data
843  if (name.length()>=GridData::MaxNameSize) throw std::runtime_error("blind data name exceeds character limit");
844  std::memcpy(metaData->mName, name.c_str(), name.length() + 1);
845  metaData->mValueCount = valueCount;
846  metaData->mSemantic = dataSemantic;
847  metaData->mDataClass = dataClass;
848  metaData->mDataType = dataType;
849  metaData->mValueSize = valueSize;
850  NANOVDB_ASSERT(metaData->isValid());
851  }
852  ~BlindMetaData(){ delete [] reinterpret_cast<char*>(metaData); }
853  bool operator<(const BlindMetaData& other) const { return order < other.order; } // required by std::set
854  static GridType mapToType(const std::string& name)
855  {
857  if ("uint32_t" == name) {
858  type = GridType::UInt32;
859  } else if ("float" == name) {
860  type = GridType::Float;
861  } else if ("vec3s"== name) {
862  type = GridType::Vec3f;
863  } else if ("int32" == name) {
864  type = GridType::Int32;
865  } else if ("int64" == name) {
866  type = GridType::Int64;
867  }
868  return type;
869  }
870  static GridBlindDataSemantic mapToSemantics(const std::string& name)
871  {
873  if ("P" == name) {
875  } else if ("V" == name) {
877  } else if ("Cd" == name) {
879  } else if ("N" == name) {
881  } else if ("id" == name) {
883  }
884  return semantic;
885  }
887  const size_t order, size;
888 }; // CreateNanoGrid::BlindMetaData
890 //================================================================================================
892 template <typename SrcGridT>
893 template<typename DstBuildT, typename BufferT>
897 {
898  this->template preProcess<DstBuildT>();
899  auto handle = this->template initHandle<DstBuildT>(pool);
900  this->template postProcess<DstBuildT>();
901  return handle;
902 } // CreateNanoGrid::getHandle<T>
904 //================================================================================================
906 template <typename SrcGridT>
907 template<typename DstBuildT, typename OracleT, typename BufferT>
909 CreateNanoGrid<SrcGridT>::getHandle(const OracleT& oracle, const BufferT& pool)
910 {
911  this->template preProcess<DstBuildT, OracleT>(oracle);
912  auto handle = this->template initHandle<DstBuildT>(pool);
913  this->template postProcess<DstBuildT>();
914  return handle;
915 } // CreateNanoGrid::getHandle<FpN>
917 //================================================================================================
919 template <typename SrcGridT>
920 template<typename DstBuildT, typename BufferT>
921 typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index, GridHandle<BufferT>>::type
923  bool includeStats,
924  bool includeTiles,
925  const BufferT &pool)
926 {
927  mIncludeStats = includeStats;
928  mIncludeTiles = includeTiles;
929  this->template preProcess<DstBuildT>(channels);
930  auto handle = this->template initHandle<DstBuildT>(pool);
931  this->template postProcess<DstBuildT>(channels);
932  return handle;
933 }// CreateNanoGrid::getHandle<ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex>
935 //================================================================================================
937 template <typename SrcGridT>
938 template <typename DstBuildT, typename BufferT>
940 {
941  mOffset.grid = 0;// grid is always stored at the start of the buffer!
942  mOffset.tree = NanoGrid<DstBuildT>::memUsage(); // grid ends and tree begins
943  mOffset.root = mOffset.tree + NanoTree<DstBuildT>::memUsage(); // tree ends and root node begins
944  mOffset.upper = mOffset.root + NanoRoot<DstBuildT>::memUsage(mSrcNodeAcc.root().getTableSize()); // root node ends and upper internal nodes begin
945  mOffset.lower = mOffset.upper + NanoUpper<DstBuildT>::memUsage()*mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(2); // upper internal nodes ends and lower internal nodes begin
946  mOffset.leaf = mOffset.lower + NanoLower<DstBuildT>::memUsage()*mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(1); // lower internal nodes ends and leaf nodes begin
947  mOffset.meta = mOffset.leaf + mLeafNodeSize;// leaf nodes end and blind meta data begins
948  mOffset.blind = mOffset.meta + sizeof(GridBlindMetaData)*mBlindMetaData.size(); // meta data ends and blind data begins
949  mOffset.size = mOffset.blind;// end of buffer
950  for (const auto& b : mBlindMetaData) mOffset.size += b.size; // accumulate all the blind data
952  auto buffer = BufferT::create(mOffset.size, &pool);
953  mBufferPtr =;
955  // Concurrent processing of all tree levels!
956  invoke( [&](){this->template processLeafs<DstBuildT>();},
957  [&](){this->template processInternalNodes<DstBuildT, 1>();},
958  [&](){this->template processInternalNodes<DstBuildT, 2>();},
959  [&](){this->template processRoot<DstBuildT>();},
960  [&](){this->template processTree<DstBuildT>();},
961  [&](){this->template processGrid<DstBuildT>();} );
963  return GridHandle<BufferT>(std::move(buffer));
964 } // CreateNanoGrid::initHandle
966 //================================================================================================
968 template <typename SrcGridT>
969 template <typename DstBuildT>
972 {
973  if (const uint64_t pointCount = this->countPoints()) {
974 #if defined(NANOVDB_USE_OPENVDB) && !defined(__CUDACC__)
976  if (!mBlindMetaData.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("expected no blind meta data");
977  this->addBlindData("index",
981  pointCount,
982  sizeof(uint32_t));
984  if (!mBlindMetaData.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("expected no blind meta data");
985  auto &srcLeaf = mSrcNodeAcc.template node<0>(0);
986  const auto& attributeSet = srcLeaf.attributeSet();
987  const auto& descriptor = attributeSet.descriptor();
988  const auto& nameMap =;
989  for (auto it = nameMap.begin(); it != nameMap.end(); ++it) {
990  const size_t index = it->second;
991  auto& attArray = srcLeaf.constAttributeArray(index);
992  mBlindMetaData.emplace(it->first, // name used to derive semantics
993  descriptor.valueType(index), // type
995  index, // order
996  pointCount, // element count
997  attArray.valueTypeSize()); // element size
998  }
999  }
1000 #endif// end NANOVDB_USE_OPENVDB
1001  }
1002  if (mSrcNodeAcc.hasLongGridName()) {
1003  this->addBlindData("grid name",
1007  mSrcNodeAcc.getName().length() + 1, 1);
1008  }
1009  mLeafNodeSize = mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(0)*NanoLeaf<DstBuildT>::DataType::memUsage();
1010 }// CreateNanoGrid::preProcess<T>
1012 //================================================================================================
1014 template <typename SrcGridT>
1015 template <typename DstBuildT, typename OracleT>
1016 inline typename enable_if<is_same<FpN, DstBuildT>::value>::type
1018 {
1019  static_assert(is_same<float, SrcValueT>::value, "preProcess<FpN>: expected SrcValueT == float");
1021  const size_t leafCount = mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(0);
1022  if (leafCount==0) {
1023  mLeafNodeSize = 0u;
1024  return;
1025  }
1026  mCodec.reset(new Codec[leafCount]);
1028  if constexpr(is_same<AbsDiff, OracleT>::value) {
1029  if (!oracle) oracle.init(mSrcNodeAcc.gridClass(), mSrcNodeAcc.root().background());
1030  }
1032  DitherLUT lut(mDitherOn);
1033  forEach(0, leafCount, 4, [&](const Range1D &r) {
1034  for (auto i=r.begin(); i!=r.end(); ++i) {
1035  const auto &srcLeaf = mSrcNodeAcc.template node<0>(i);
1036  float &min = mCodec[i].min = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
1037  float &max = mCodec[i].max = -min;
1038  for (int j=0; j<512; ++j) {
1039  float v = srcLeaf.getValue(j);
1040  if (v<min) min = v;
1041  if (v>max) max = v;
1042  }
1043  const float range = max - min;
1044  uint8_t &logBitWidth = mCodec[i].log2 = 0;// 0,1,2,3,4 => 1,2,4,8,16 bits
1045  while (range > 0.0f && logBitWidth < 4u) {
1046  const uint32_t mask = (uint32_t(1) << (uint32_t(1) << logBitWidth)) - 1u;
1047  const float encode = mask/range;
1048  const float decode = range/mask;
1049  int j = 0;
1050  do {
1051  const float exact = srcLeaf.getValue(j);//data[j];// exact value
1052  const uint32_t code = uint32_t(encode*(exact - min) + lut(j));
1053  const float approx = code * decode + min;// approximate value
1054  j += oracle(exact, approx) ? 1 : 513;
1055  } while(j < 512);
1056  if (j == 512) break;
1057  ++logBitWidth;
1058  }
1059  }
1060  });
1062  auto getOffset = [&](size_t i){
1063  --i;
1064  return mCodec[i].offset + NanoLeaf<DstBuildT>::DataType::memUsage(1u << mCodec[i].log2);
1065  };
1066  mCodec[0].offset = NanoGrid<FpN>::memUsage() +
1068  NanoRoot<FpN>::memUsage(mSrcNodeAcc.root().getTableSize()) +
1069  NanoUpper<FpN>::memUsage()*mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(2) +
1070  NanoLower<FpN>::memUsage()*mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(1);
1071  for (size_t i=1; i<leafCount; ++i) mCodec[i].offset = getOffset(i);
1072  mLeafNodeSize = getOffset(leafCount);
1074  if (mVerbose) {
1075  uint32_t counters[5+1] = {0};
1076  ++counters[mCodec[0].log2];
1077  for (size_t i=1; i<leafCount; ++i) ++counters[mCodec[i].log2];
1078  std::cout << "\n" << oracle << std::endl;
1079  std::cout << "Dithering: " << (mDitherOn ? "enabled" : "disabled") << std::endl;
1080  float avg = 0.0f;
1081  for (uint32_t i=0; i<=5; ++i) {
1082  if (uint32_t n = counters[i]) {
1083  avg += n * float(1 << i);
1084  printf("%2i bits: %6u leaf nodes, i.e. %4.1f%%\n",1<<i, n, 100.0f*n/float(leafCount));
1085  }
1086  }
1087  printf("%4.1f bits per value on average\n", avg/float(leafCount));
1088  }
1090  if (mSrcNodeAcc.hasLongGridName()) {
1091  this->addBlindData("grid name",
1095  mSrcNodeAcc.getName().length() + 1, 1);
1096  }
1097 }// CreateNanoGrid::preProcess<FpN>
1099 //================================================================================================
1101 template <typename SrcGridT>
1102 template <typename DstBuildT, int LEVEL>
1103 inline typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index, uint64_t>::type
1105 {
1106  const uint64_t stats = mIncludeStats ? 4u : 0u;// minimum, maximum, average, and deviation
1107  mValIdx[LEVEL].clear();
1108  mValIdx[LEVEL].resize(mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(LEVEL) + 1, stats);// minimum 1 entry
1109  forEach(1, mValIdx[LEVEL].size(), 8, [&](const Range1D& r){
1110  for (auto i = r.begin(); i!=r.end(); ++i) {
1111  auto &srcNode = mSrcNodeAcc.template node<LEVEL>(i-1);
1112  if constexpr(BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_onindex) {// resolved at compile time
1113  mValIdx[LEVEL][i] += srcNode.getValueMask().countOn();
1114  } else {
1115  static const uint64_t maxTileCount = uint64_t(1u) << 3*srcNode.LOG2DIM;
1116  mValIdx[LEVEL][i] += maxTileCount - srcNode.getChildMask().countOn();
1117  }
1118  }
1119  });
1120  mValIdx[LEVEL][0] = valueCount;
1121  for (size_t i=1; i<mValIdx[LEVEL].size(); ++i) mValIdx[LEVEL][i] += mValIdx[LEVEL][i-1];// pre-fixed sum
1122  return mValIdx[LEVEL].back();
1123 }// CreateNanoGrid::countTileValues<ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex>
1125 //================================================================================================
1127 template <typename SrcGridT>
1128 template <typename DstBuildT>
1129 inline typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index, uint64_t>::type
1131 {
1132  const uint64_t stats = mIncludeStats ? 4u : 0u;// minimum, maximum, average, and deviation
1133  uint64_t valueCount = 1u;// offset 0 corresponds to the background value
1134  if (mIncludeTiles) {
1135  if constexpr(BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_onindex) {
1136  for (auto it = mSrcNodeAcc.root().cbeginValueOn(); it; ++it) ++valueCount;
1137  } else {
1138  for (auto it = mSrcNodeAcc.root().cbeginValueAll(); it; ++it) ++valueCount;
1139  }
1140  valueCount += stats;// optionally append stats for the root node
1141  valueCount = countTileValues<DstBuildT, 2>(valueCount);
1142  valueCount = countTileValues<DstBuildT, 1>(valueCount);
1143  }
1144  mValIdx[0].clear();
1145  mValIdx[0].resize(mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(0) + 1, 512u + stats);// minimum 1 entry
1146  if constexpr(BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_onindex) {
1147  forEach(1, mValIdx[0].size(), 8, [&](const Range1D& r) {
1148  for (auto i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i) {
1149  mValIdx[0][i] = stats;
1150  mValIdx[0][i] += mSrcNodeAcc.template node<0>(i-1).getValueMask().countOn();
1151  }
1152  });
1153  }
1154  mValIdx[0][0] = valueCount;
1155  prefixSum(mValIdx[0], true);// inclusive prefix sum
1156  return mValIdx[0].back();
1157 }// CreateNanoGrid::countValues<ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex>()
1159 //================================================================================================
1161 template <typename SrcGridT>
1162 template <typename DstBuildT>
1163 inline typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index>::type
1164 CreateNanoGrid<SrcGridT>::preProcess(uint32_t channels)
1165 {
1166  const uint64_t valueCount = this->template countValues<DstBuildT>();
1167  mLeafNodeSize = mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(0)*NanoLeaf<DstBuildT>::DataType::memUsage();
1169  uint32_t order = mBlindMetaData.size();
1170  for (uint32_t i=0; i<channels; ++i) {
1171  mBlindMetaData.emplace("channel_"+std::to_string(i),
1172  toStr(mapToGridType<SrcValueT>()),
1174  order++,
1175  valueCount,
1176  sizeof(SrcValueT));
1177  }
1178  if (mSrcNodeAcc.hasLongGridName()) {
1179  this->addBlindData("grid name",
1183  mSrcNodeAcc.getName().length() + 1, 1);
1184  }
1185 }// preProcess<ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex>
1187 //================================================================================================
1189 template <typename SrcGridT>
1190 template <typename DstBuildT>
1191 inline typename disable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_special>::type
1193 {
1194  using DstDataT = typename NanoLeaf<DstBuildT>::DataType;
1195  using DstValueT = typename DstDataT::ValueType;
1196  static_assert(DstDataT::FIXED_SIZE, "Expected destination LeafNode<T> to have fixed size");
1197  forEach(0, mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(0), 8, [&](const Range1D& r) {
1198  auto *dstData = this->template dstNode<DstBuildT,0>(r.begin())->data();
1199  for (auto i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i, ++dstData) {
1200  auto &srcLeaf = mSrcNodeAcc.template node<0>(i);
1201  if (DstDataT::padding()>0u) {
1202  // Cast to void* to avoid compiler warning about missing trivial copy-assignment
1203  std::memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(dstData), 0, DstDataT::memUsage());
1204  } else {
1205  dstData->mBBoxDif[0] = dstData->mBBoxDif[1] = dstData->mBBoxDif[2] = 0u;
1206  dstData->mFlags = 0u;// enable rendering, no bbox, no stats
1207  dstData->mMinimum = dstData->mMaximum = typename DstDataT::ValueType();
1208  dstData->mAverage = dstData->mStdDevi = 0;
1209  }
1210  dstData->mBBoxMin = srcLeaf.origin(); // copy origin of node
1211  dstData->mValueMask = srcLeaf.getValueMask(); // copy value mask
1212  DstValueT *dst = dstData->mValues;
1214  const SrcValueT *src = srcLeaf.buffer().data();
1215  for (auto *end = dst + 512u; dst != end; dst += 4, src += 4) {
1216  dst[0] = src[0]; // copy *all* voxel values in sets of four, i.e. loop-unrolling
1217  dst[1] = src[1];
1218  dst[2] = src[2];
1219  dst[3] = src[3];
1220  }
1221  } else {
1222  for (uint32_t j=0; j<512u; ++j) *dst++ = static_cast<DstValueT>(srcLeaf.getValue(j));
1223  }
1224  }
1225  });
1226 } // CreateNanoGrid::processLeafs<T>
1228 //================================================================================================
1230 template <typename SrcGridT>
1231 template <typename DstBuildT>
1232 inline typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index>::type
1234 {
1235  using DstDataT = typename NanoLeaf<DstBuildT>::DataType;
1236  static_assert(DstDataT::FIXED_SIZE, "Expected destination LeafNode<ValueIndex> to have fixed size");
1237  static_assert(DstDataT::padding()==0u, "Expected leaf nodes to have no padding");
1239  forEach(0, mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(0), 8, [&](const Range1D& r) {
1240  const uint8_t flags = mIncludeStats ? 16u : 0u;// 4th bit indicates stats
1241  DstDataT *dstData = this->template dstNode<DstBuildT,0>(r.begin())->data();// fixed size
1242  for (auto i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i, ++dstData) {
1243  auto &srcLeaf = mSrcNodeAcc.template node<0>(i);
1244  dstData->mBBoxMin = srcLeaf.origin(); // copy origin of node
1245  dstData->mBBoxDif[0] = dstData->mBBoxDif[1] = dstData->mBBoxDif[2] = 0u;
1246  dstData->mFlags = flags;
1247  dstData->mValueMask = srcLeaf.getValueMask(); // copy value mask
1248  dstData->mOffset = mValIdx[0][i];
1249  if constexpr(BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_onindex) {
1250  const uint64_t *w = dstData->mValueMask.words();
1252  int32_t sum = CountOn(*w++);
1253  uint8_t *p = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&dstData->mPrefixSum), *q = p + 7;
1254  for (int j=0; j<7; ++j) {
1255  *p++ = sum & 255u;
1256  *q |= (sum >> 8) << j;
1257  sum += CountOn(*w++);
1258  }
1259 #else
1260  uint64_t &prefixSum = dstData->mPrefixSum, sum = CountOn(*w++);
1261  prefixSum = sum;
1262  for (int n = 9; n < 55; n += 9) {// n=i*9 where i=1,2,..6
1263  sum += CountOn(*w++);
1264  prefixSum |= sum << n;// each pre-fixed sum is encoded in 9 bits
1265  }
1266 #endif
1267  } else {
1268  dstData->mPrefixSum = 0u;
1269  }
1270  if constexpr(BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_indexmask) dstData->mMask = dstData->mValueMask;
1271  }
1272  });
1273 } // CreateNanoGrid::processLeafs<ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex>
1275 //================================================================================================
1277 template <typename SrcGridT>
1278 template <typename DstBuildT>
1281 {
1282  using DstDataT = typename NanoLeaf<ValueMask>::DataType;
1283  static_assert(DstDataT::FIXED_SIZE, "Expected destination LeafNode<ValueMask> to have fixed size");
1284  forEach(0, mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(0), 8, [&](const Range1D& r) {
1285  auto *dstData = this->template dstNode<DstBuildT,0>(r.begin())->data();
1286  for (auto i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i, ++dstData) {
1287  auto &srcLeaf = mSrcNodeAcc.template node<0>(i);
1288  if (DstDataT::padding()>0u) {
1289  // Cast to void* to avoid compiler warning about missing trivial copy-assignment
1290  std::memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(dstData), 0, DstDataT::memUsage());
1291  } else {
1292  dstData->mBBoxDif[0] = dstData->mBBoxDif[1] = dstData->mBBoxDif[2] = 0u;
1293  dstData->mFlags = 0u;// enable rendering, no bbox, no stats
1294  dstData->mPadding[0] = dstData->mPadding[1] = 0u;
1295  }
1296  dstData->mBBoxMin = srcLeaf.origin(); // copy origin of node
1297  dstData->mValueMask = srcLeaf.getValueMask(); // copy value mask
1298  }
1299  });
1300 } // CreateNanoGrid::processLeafs<ValueMask>
1302 //================================================================================================
1304 template <typename SrcGridT>
1305 template <typename DstBuildT>
1306 inline typename enable_if<is_same<bool, DstBuildT>::value>::type
1308 {
1309  using DstDataT = typename NanoLeaf<bool>::DataType;
1310  static_assert(DstDataT::FIXED_SIZE, "Expected destination LeafNode<bool> to have fixed size");
1311  forEach(0, mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(0), 8, [&](const Range1D& r) {
1312  auto *dstData = this->template dstNode<DstBuildT,0>(r.begin())->data();
1313  for (auto i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i, ++dstData) {
1314  auto &srcLeaf = mSrcNodeAcc.template node<0>(i);
1315  if (DstDataT::padding()>0u) {
1316  // Cast to void* to avoid compiler warning about missing trivial copy-assignment
1317  std::memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(dstData), 0, DstDataT::memUsage());
1318  } else {
1319  dstData->mBBoxDif[0] = dstData->mBBoxDif[1] = dstData->mBBoxDif[2] = 0u;
1320  dstData->mFlags = 0u;// enable rendering, no bbox, no stats
1321  }
1322  dstData->mBBoxMin = srcLeaf.origin(); // copy origin of node
1323  dstData->mValueMask = srcLeaf.getValueMask(); // copy value mask
1324  if constexpr(!is_same<bool, SrcBuildT>::value) {
1325  for (int j=0; j<512; ++j) dstData->mValues.set(j, static_cast<bool>(srcLeaf.getValue(j)));
1326  } else if constexpr(SrcNodeAccT::IS_OPENVDB) {
1327  dstData->mValues = *reinterpret_cast<const Mask<3>*>(srcLeaf.buffer().data());
1328  } else if constexpr(SrcNodeAccT::IS_NANOVDB) {
1329  dstData->mValues =>mValues;
1330  } else {// build::Leaf
1331  dstData->mValues = srcLeaf.mValues; // copy value mask
1332  }
1333  }
1334  });
1335 } // CreateNanoGrid::processLeafs<bool>
1337 //================================================================================================
1339 template <typename SrcGridT>
1340 template <typename DstBuildT>
1341 inline typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_FpX>::type
1343 {
1344  using DstDataT = typename NanoLeaf<DstBuildT>::DataType;
1345  static_assert(DstDataT::FIXED_SIZE, "Expected destination LeafNode<Fp4|Fp8|Fp16> to have fixed size");
1346  using ArrayT = typename DstDataT::ArrayType;
1347  static_assert(is_same<float, SrcValueT>::value, "Expected ValueT == float");
1348  using FloatT = typename std::conditional<DstDataT::bitWidth()>=16, double, float>::type;// 16 compression and higher requires double
1349  static constexpr FloatT UNITS = FloatT((1 << DstDataT::bitWidth()) - 1);// # of unique non-zero values
1350  DitherLUT lut(mDitherOn);
1352  forEach(0, mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(0), 8, [&](const Range1D& r) {
1353  auto *dstData = this->template dstNode<DstBuildT,0>(r.begin())->data();
1354  for (auto i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i, ++dstData) {
1355  auto &srcLeaf = mSrcNodeAcc.template node<0>(i);
1356  if (DstDataT::padding()>0u) {
1357  // Cast to void* to avoid compiler warning about missing trivial copy-assignment
1358  std::memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(dstData), 0, DstDataT::memUsage());
1359  } else {
1360  dstData->mFlags = dstData->mBBoxDif[2] = dstData->mBBoxDif[1] = dstData->mBBoxDif[0] = 0u;
1361  dstData->mDev = dstData->mAvg = dstData->mMax = dstData->mMin = 0u;
1362  }
1363  dstData->mBBoxMin = srcLeaf.origin(); // copy origin of node
1364  dstData->mValueMask = srcLeaf.getValueMask(); // copy value mask
1365  // compute extrema values
1367  for (uint32_t j=0; j<512u; ++j) {
1368  const float v = srcLeaf.getValue(j);
1369  if (v < min) min = v;
1370  if (v > max) max = v;
1371  }
1372  dstData->init(min, max, DstDataT::bitWidth());
1373  // perform quantization relative to the values in the current leaf node
1374  const FloatT encode = UNITS/(max-min);
1375  uint32_t offset = 0;
1376  auto quantize = [&]()->ArrayT{
1377  const ArrayT tmp = static_cast<ArrayT>(encode * (srcLeaf.getValue(offset) - min) + lut(offset));
1378  ++offset;
1379  return tmp;
1380  };
1381  auto *code = reinterpret_cast<ArrayT*>(dstData->mCode);
1382  if (is_same<Fp4, DstBuildT>::value) {// resolved at compile-time
1383  for (uint32_t j=0; j<128u; ++j) {
1384  auto tmp = quantize();
1385  *code++ = quantize() << 4 | tmp;
1386  tmp = quantize();
1387  *code++ = quantize() << 4 | tmp;
1388  }
1389  } else {
1390  for (uint32_t j=0; j<128u; ++j) {
1391  *code++ = quantize();
1392  *code++ = quantize();
1393  *code++ = quantize();
1394  *code++ = quantize();
1395  }
1396  }
1397  }
1398  });
1399 } // CreateNanoGrid::processLeafs<Fp4, Fp8, Fp16>
1401 //================================================================================================
1403 template <typename SrcGridT>
1404 template <typename DstBuildT>
1405 inline typename enable_if<is_same<FpN, DstBuildT>::value>::type
1407 {
1408  static_assert(is_same<float, SrcValueT>::value, "Expected SrcValueT == float");
1409  DitherLUT lut(mDitherOn);
1410  forEach(0, mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(0), 8, [&](const Range1D& r) {
1411  for (auto i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i) {
1412  auto &srcLeaf = mSrcNodeAcc.template node<0>(i);
1413  auto *dstData = this->template dstNode<DstBuildT,0>(i)->data();
1414  dstData->mBBoxMin = srcLeaf.origin(); // copy origin of node
1415  dstData->mBBoxDif[0] = dstData->mBBoxDif[1] = dstData->mBBoxDif[2] = 0u;
1416  const uint8_t logBitWidth = mCodec[i].log2;
1417  dstData->mFlags = logBitWidth << 5;// pack logBitWidth into 3 MSB of mFlag
1418  dstData->mValueMask = srcLeaf.getValueMask(); // copy value mask
1419  const float min = mCodec[i].min, max = mCodec[i].max;
1420  dstData->init(min, max, uint8_t(1) << logBitWidth);
1421  // perform quantization relative to the values in the current leaf node
1422  uint32_t offset = 0;
1423  float encode = 0.0f;
1424  auto quantize = [&]()->uint8_t{
1425  const uint8_t tmp = static_cast<uint8_t>(encode * (srcLeaf.getValue(offset) - min) + lut(offset));
1426  ++offset;
1427  return tmp;
1428  };
1429  auto *dst = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(dstData+1);
1430  switch (logBitWidth) {
1431  case 0u: {// 1 bit
1432  encode = 1.0f/(max - min);
1433  for (int j=0; j<64; ++j) {
1434  uint8_t a = 0;
1435  for (int k=0; k<8; ++k) a |= quantize() << k;
1436  *dst++ = a;
1437  }
1438  }
1439  break;
1440  case 1u: {// 2 bits
1441  encode = 3.0f/(max - min);
1442  for (int j=0; j<128; ++j) {
1443  auto a = quantize();
1444  a |= quantize() << 2;
1445  a |= quantize() << 4;
1446  *dst++ = quantize() << 6 | a;
1447  }
1448  }
1449  break;
1450  case 2u: {// 4 bits
1451  encode = 15.0f/(max - min);
1452  for (int j=0; j<128; ++j) {
1453  auto a = quantize();
1454  *dst++ = quantize() << 4 | a;
1455  a = quantize();
1456  *dst++ = quantize() << 4 | a;
1457  }
1458  }
1459  break;
1460  case 3u: {// 8 bits
1461  encode = 255.0f/(max - min);
1462  for (int j=0; j<128; ++j) {
1463  *dst++ = quantize();
1464  *dst++ = quantize();
1465  *dst++ = quantize();
1466  *dst++ = quantize();
1467  }
1468  }
1469  break;
1470  default: {// 16 bits - special implementation using higher bit-precision
1471  auto *dst = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(dstData+1);
1472  const double encode = 65535.0/(max - min);// note that double is required!
1473  for (int j=0; j<128; ++j) {
1474  *dst++ = uint16_t(encode * (srcLeaf.getValue(offset) - min) + lut(offset)); ++offset;
1475  *dst++ = uint16_t(encode * (srcLeaf.getValue(offset) - min) + lut(offset)); ++offset;
1476  *dst++ = uint16_t(encode * (srcLeaf.getValue(offset) - min) + lut(offset)); ++offset;
1477  *dst++ = uint16_t(encode * (srcLeaf.getValue(offset) - min) + lut(offset)); ++offset;
1478  }
1479  }
1480  }// end switch
1481  }
1482  });// kernel
1483 } // CreateNanoGrid::processLeafs<FpN>
1485 //================================================================================================
1487 template <typename SrcGridT>
1488 template <typename DstBuildT, int LEVEL>
1489 inline typename enable_if<!BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index>::type
1491 {
1492  using DstNodeT = typename NanoNode<DstBuildT, LEVEL>::type;
1493  using DstValueT = typename DstNodeT::ValueType;
1494  using DstChildT = typename NanoNode<DstBuildT, LEVEL-1>::type;
1495  static_assert(LEVEL == 1 || LEVEL == 2, "Expected internal node");
1497  const uint64_t nodeCount = mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(LEVEL);
1498  if (nodeCount > 0) {// compute and temporarily encode IDs of child nodes
1499  uint64_t childCount = 0;
1500  auto *dstData = this->template dstNode<DstBuildT,LEVEL>(0)->data();
1501  for (uint64_t i=0; i<nodeCount; ++i) {
1502  dstData[i].mFlags = childCount;
1503  childCount += mSrcNodeAcc.template node<LEVEL>(i).getChildMask().countOn();
1504  }
1505  }
1507  forEach(0, nodeCount, 4, [&](const Range1D& r) {
1508  auto *dstData = this->template dstNode<DstBuildT,LEVEL>(r.begin())->data();
1509  for (auto i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i, ++dstData) {
1510  auto &srcNode = mSrcNodeAcc.template node<LEVEL>(i);
1511  uint64_t childID = dstData->mFlags;
1512  if (DstNodeT::DataType::padding()>0u) {
1513  // Cast to void* to avoid compiler warning about missing trivial copy-assignment
1514  std::memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(dstData), 0, DstNodeT::memUsage());
1515  } else {
1516  dstData->mFlags = 0;// enable rendering, no bbox, no stats
1517  dstData->mMinimum = dstData->mMaximum = typename DstNodeT::ValueType();
1518  dstData->mAverage = dstData->mStdDevi = 0;
1519  }
1520  dstData->mBBox[0] = srcNode.origin(); // copy origin of node
1521  dstData->mValueMask = srcNode.getValueMask(); // copy value mask
1522  dstData->mChildMask = srcNode.getChildMask(); // copy child mask
1523  for (auto it = srcNode.cbeginChildAll(); it; ++it) {
1524  SrcValueT value{}; // default initialization
1525  if (it.probeChild(value)) {
1526  DstChildT *dstChild = this->template dstNode<DstBuildT,LEVEL-1>(childID++);// might be Leaf<FpN>
1527  dstData->setChild(it.pos(), dstChild);
1528  } else {
1529  dstData->setValue(it.pos(), static_cast<DstValueT>(value));
1530  }
1531  }
1532  }
1533  });
1534 } // CreateNanoGrid::processInternalNodes<T>
1536 //================================================================================================
1538 template <typename SrcGridT>
1539 template <typename DstBuildT, int LEVEL>
1540 inline typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index>::type
1542 {
1543  using DstNodeT = typename NanoNode<DstBuildT, LEVEL>::type;
1544  using DstChildT = typename NanoNode<DstBuildT, LEVEL-1>::type;
1545  static_assert(LEVEL == 1 || LEVEL == 2, "Expected internal node");
1546  static_assert(DstNodeT::DataType::padding()==0u, "Expected internal nodes to have no padding");
1548  const uint64_t nodeCount = mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(LEVEL);
1549  if (nodeCount > 0) {// compute and temporarily encode IDs of child nodes
1550  uint64_t childCount = 0;
1551  auto *dstData = this->template dstNode<DstBuildT,LEVEL>(0)->data();
1552  for (uint64_t i=0; i<nodeCount; ++i) {
1553  dstData[i].mFlags = childCount;
1554  childCount += mSrcNodeAcc.template node<LEVEL>(i).getChildMask().countOn();
1555  }
1556  }
1558  forEach(0, nodeCount, 4, [&](const Range1D& r) {
1559  auto *dstData = this->template dstNode<DstBuildT,LEVEL>(r.begin())->data();
1560  for (auto i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i, ++dstData) {
1561  auto &srcNode = mSrcNodeAcc.template node<LEVEL>(i);
1562  uint64_t childID = dstData->mFlags;
1563  dstData->mFlags = 0u;
1564  dstData->mBBox[0] = srcNode.origin(); // copy origin of node
1565  dstData->mValueMask = srcNode.getValueMask(); // copy value mask
1566  dstData->mChildMask = srcNode.getChildMask(); // copy child mask
1567  uint64_t n = mIncludeTiles ? mValIdx[LEVEL][i] : 0u;
1568  for (auto it = srcNode.cbeginChildAll(); it; ++it) {
1569  SrcValueT value;
1570  if (it.probeChild(value)) {
1571  DstChildT *dstChild = this->template dstNode<DstBuildT,LEVEL-1>(childID++);// might be Leaf<FpN>
1572  dstData->setChild(it.pos(), dstChild);
1573  } else {
1574  uint64_t m = 0u;
1575  if (mIncludeTiles && !((BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_onindex) && dstData->mValueMask.isOff(it.pos()))) m = n++;
1576  dstData->setValue(it.pos(), m);
1577  }
1578  }
1579  if (mIncludeTiles && mIncludeStats) {// stats are always placed after the tile values
1580  dstData->mMinimum = n++;
1581  dstData->mMaximum = n++;
1582  dstData->mAverage = n++;
1583  dstData->mStdDevi = n++;
1584  } else {// if not tiles or stats set stats to the background offset
1585  dstData->mMinimum = 0u;
1586  dstData->mMaximum = 0u;
1587  dstData->mAverage = 0u;
1588  dstData->mStdDevi = 0u;
1589  }
1590  }
1591  });
1592 } // CreateNanoGrid::processInternalNodes<ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex>
1594 //================================================================================================
1596 template <typename SrcGridT>
1597 template <typename DstBuildT>
1598 inline typename enable_if<!BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index>::type
1600 {
1601  using DstRootT = NanoRoot<DstBuildT>;
1602  using DstValueT = typename DstRootT::ValueType;
1603  auto &srcRoot = mSrcNodeAcc.root();
1604  auto *dstData = this->template dstRoot<DstBuildT>()->data();
1605  const uint32_t tableSize = srcRoot.getTableSize();
1606  // Cast to void* to avoid compiler warning about missing trivial copy-assignment
1607  if (DstRootT::DataType::padding()>0) std::memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(dstData), 0, DstRootT::memUsage(tableSize));
1608  dstData->mTableSize = tableSize;
1609  dstData->mMinimum = dstData->mMaximum = dstData->mBackground = srcRoot.background();
1610  dstData->mBBox = CoordBBox(); // // set to an empty bounding box
1611  if (tableSize==0) return;
1612  auto *dstChild = this->template dstNode<DstBuildT, 2>(0);// fixed size and linear in memory
1613  auto *dstTile = dstData->tile(0);// fixed size and linear in memory
1614  for (auto it = srcRoot.cbeginChildAll(); it; ++it, ++dstTile) {
1615  SrcValueT value;
1616  if (it.probeChild(value)) {
1617  dstTile->setChild(it.getCoord(), dstChild++, dstData);
1618  } else {
1619  dstTile->setValue(it.getCoord(), it.isValueOn(), static_cast<DstValueT>(value));
1620  }
1621  }
1622 } // CreateNanoGrid::processRoot<T>
1624 //================================================================================================
1626 template <typename SrcGridT>
1627 template <typename DstBuildT>
1628 inline typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index>::type
1630 {
1631  using DstRootT = NanoRoot<DstBuildT>;
1632  auto &srcRoot = mSrcNodeAcc.root();
1633  auto *dstData = this->template dstRoot<DstBuildT>()->data();
1634  const uint32_t tableSize = srcRoot.getTableSize();
1635  // Cast to void* to avoid compiler warning about missing trivial copy-assignment
1636  if (DstRootT::DataType::padding()>0) std::memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(dstData), 0, DstRootT::memUsage(tableSize));
1637  dstData->mTableSize = tableSize;
1638  dstData->mBackground = 0u;
1639  uint64_t valueCount = 0u;// the first entry is always the background value
1640  dstData->mBBox = CoordBBox(); // set to an empty/invalid bounding box
1642  if (tableSize>0) {
1643  auto *dstChild = this->template dstNode<DstBuildT, 2>(0);// fixed size and linear in memory
1644  auto *dstTile = dstData->tile(0);// fixed size and linear in memory
1645  for (auto it = srcRoot.cbeginChildAll(); it; ++it, ++dstTile) {
1646  SrcValueT tmp;
1647  if (it.probeChild(tmp)) {
1648  dstTile->setChild(it.getCoord(), dstChild++, dstData);
1649  } else {
1650  dstTile->setValue(it.getCoord(), it.isValueOn(), 0u);
1651  if (mIncludeTiles && !((BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_onindex) && !dstTile->state)) dstTile->value = ++valueCount;
1652  }
1653  }
1654  }
1655  if (mIncludeTiles && mIncludeStats) {// stats are always placed after the tile values
1656  dstData->mMinimum = ++valueCount;
1657  dstData->mMaximum = ++valueCount;
1658  dstData->mAverage = ++valueCount;
1659  dstData->mStdDevi = ++valueCount;
1660  } else if (dstData->padding()==0) {
1661  dstData->mMinimum = 0u;
1662  dstData->mMaximum = 0u;
1663  dstData->mAverage = 0u;
1664  dstData->mStdDevi = 0u;
1665  }
1666 } // CreateNanoGrid::processRoot<ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex>
1668 //================================================================================================
1670 template <typename SrcGridT>
1671 template <typename DstBuildT>
1673 {
1674  const uint64_t nodeCount[3] = {mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(0), mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(1), mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(2)};
1675  auto *dstTree = this->template dstTree<DstBuildT>();
1676  auto *dstData = dstTree->data();
1677  dstData->setRoot( this->template dstRoot<DstBuildT>() );
1679  dstData->setFirstNode(nodeCount[2] ? this->template dstNode<DstBuildT, 2>(0) : nullptr);
1680  dstData->setFirstNode(nodeCount[1] ? this->template dstNode<DstBuildT, 1>(0) : nullptr);
1681  dstData->setFirstNode(nodeCount[0] ? this->template dstNode<DstBuildT, 0>(0) : nullptr);
1683  dstData->mNodeCount[0] = static_cast<uint32_t>(nodeCount[0]);
1684  dstData->mNodeCount[1] = static_cast<uint32_t>(nodeCount[1]);
1685  dstData->mNodeCount[2] = static_cast<uint32_t>(nodeCount[2]);
1687  // Count number of active leaf level tiles
1688  dstData->mTileCount[0] = reduce(Range1D(0,nodeCount[1]), uint32_t(0), [&](Range1D &r, uint32_t sum){
1689  for (auto i=r.begin(); i!=r.end(); ++i) sum += mSrcNodeAcc.template node<1>(i).getValueMask().countOn();
1690  return sum;}, std::plus<uint32_t>());
1692  // Count number of active lower internal node tiles
1693  dstData->mTileCount[1] = reduce(Range1D(0,nodeCount[2]), uint32_t(0), [&](Range1D &r, uint32_t sum){
1694  for (auto i=r.begin(); i!=r.end(); ++i) sum += mSrcNodeAcc.template node<2>(i).getValueMask().countOn();
1695  return sum;}, std::plus<uint32_t>());
1697  // Count number of active upper internal node tiles
1698  dstData->mTileCount[2] = 0;
1699  for (auto it = mSrcNodeAcc.root().cbeginValueOn(); it; ++it) dstData->mTileCount[2] += 1;
1701  // Count number of active voxels
1702  dstData->mVoxelCount = reduce(Range1D(0, nodeCount[0]), uint64_t(0), [&](Range1D &r, uint64_t sum){
1703  for (auto i=r.begin(); i!=r.end(); ++i) sum += mSrcNodeAcc.template node<0>(i).getValueMask().countOn();
1704  return sum;}, std::plus<uint64_t>());
1706  dstData->mVoxelCount += uint64_t(dstData->mTileCount[0]) << 9;// = 3 * 3
1707  dstData->mVoxelCount += uint64_t(dstData->mTileCount[1]) << 21;// = 3 * (3+4)
1708  dstData->mVoxelCount += uint64_t(dstData->mTileCount[2]) << 36;// = 3 * (3+4+5)
1710 } // CreateNanoGrid::processTree
1712 //================================================================================================
1714 template <typename SrcGridT>
1715 template <typename DstBuildT>
1717 {
1718  auto* dstData = this->template dstGrid<DstBuildT>()->data();
1719  dstData->init({GridFlags::IsBreadthFirst}, mOffset.size,,
1720  mapToGridType<DstBuildT>(), mapToGridClass<DstBuildT>(mSrcNodeAcc.gridClass()));
1721  dstData->mBlindMetadataCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(mBlindMetaData.size());
1722  dstData->mData1 = this->valueCount();
1724  if (!isValid(dstData->mGridType, dstData->mGridClass)) {
1725 #if 1
1726  fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Strange combination of GridType(\"%s\") and GridClass(\"%s\"). Consider changing GridClass to \"Unknown\"\n",
1727  toStr(dstData->mGridType), toStr(dstData->mGridClass));
1728 #else
1729  throw std::runtime_error("Invalid combination of GridType("+std::to_string(int(dstData->mGridType))+
1730  ") and GridClass("+std::to_string(int(dstData->mGridClass))+"). See NanoVDB.h for details!");
1731 #endif
1732  }
1734  std::memset(dstData->mGridName, '\0', GridData::MaxNameSize);//overwrite mGridName
1735  strncpy(dstData->mGridName, mSrcNodeAcc.getName().c_str(), GridData::MaxNameSize-1);
1736  if (mSrcNodeAcc.hasLongGridName()) dstData->setLongGridNameOn();// grid name is long so store it as blind data
1738  // Partially process blind meta data - they will be complete in postProcess
1739  if (mBlindMetaData.size()>0) {
1740  auto *metaData = this->dstMeta(0);
1741  dstData->mBlindMetadataOffset = PtrDiff(metaData, dstData);
1742  dstData->mBlindMetadataCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(mBlindMetaData.size());
1743  char *blindData = PtrAdd<char>(mBufferPtr, mOffset.blind);
1744  for (const auto &b : mBlindMetaData) {
1745  std::memcpy(metaData, b.metaData, sizeof(GridBlindMetaData));
1746  metaData->setBlindData(blindData);// sets metaData.mOffset
1747  if (metaData->mDataClass == GridBlindDataClass::GridName) strcpy(blindData, mSrcNodeAcc.getName().c_str());
1748  ++metaData;
1749  blindData += b.size;
1750  }
1751  mBlindMetaData.clear();
1752  }
1753 } // CreateNanoGrid::processGrid
1755 //================================================================================================
1757 template <typename SrcGridT>
1758 template <typename DstBuildT>
1759 inline typename disable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index>::type
1761 {
1762  if constexpr(is_same<FpN, DstBuildT>::value) mCodec.reset();
1763  auto *dstGrid = this->template dstGrid<DstBuildT>();
1764  gridStats(*dstGrid, mStats);
1765 #if defined(NANOVDB_USE_OPENVDB) && !defined(__CUDACC__)
1766  auto *metaData = this->dstMeta(0);
1769  static_assert(is_same<DstBuildT, uint32_t>::value, "expected DstBuildT==uint32_t");
1770  auto *dstData0 = this->template dstNode<DstBuildT,0>(0)->data();
1771  dstData0->mMinimum = 0; // start of prefix sum
1772  dstData0->mMaximum = dstData0->mValues[511u];
1773  for (uint32_t i=1, n=mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(0); i<n; ++i) {
1774  auto *dstData1 = dstData0 + 1;
1775  dstData1->mMinimum = dstData0->mMinimum + dstData0->mMaximum;
1776  dstData1->mMaximum = dstData1->mValues[511u];
1777  dstData0 = dstData1;
1778  }
1779  for (size_t i = 0, n = dstGrid->blindDataCount(); i < n; ++i, ++metaData) {
1781  if (metaData->mDataClass != GridBlindDataClass::IndexArray) continue;
1782  if (metaData->mDataType == GridType::UInt32) {
1783  uint32_t *blindData = const_cast<uint32_t*>(metaData->template getBlindData<uint32_t>());
1784  forEach(0, mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(0), 16, [&](const auto& r) {
1785  auto *dstData = this->template dstNode<DstBuildT,0>(r.begin())->data();
1786  for (auto j = r.begin(); j != r.end(); ++j, ++dstData) {
1787  uint32_t* p = blindData + dstData->mMinimum;
1788  for (uint32_t idx : mSrcNodeAcc.template node<0>(j).indices()) *p++ = idx;
1789  }
1790  });
1791  }
1792  } else {// if constexpr(is_same<openvdb::points::PointDataGrid, SrcGridT>::value)
1793  if (metaData->mDataClass != GridBlindDataClass::AttributeArray) continue;
1794  if (auto *blindData = dstGrid->template getBlindData<float>(i)) {
1795  this->template copyPointAttribute<DstBuildT>(i, blindData);
1796  } else if (auto *blindData = dstGrid->template getBlindData<nanovdb::Vec3f>(i)) {
1797  this->template copyPointAttribute<DstBuildT>(i, reinterpret_cast<openvdb::Vec3f*>(blindData));
1798  } else if (auto *blindData = dstGrid->template getBlindData<int32_t>(i)) {
1799  this->template copyPointAttribute<DstBuildT>(i, blindData);
1800  } else if (auto *blindData = dstGrid->template getBlindData<int64_t>(i)) {
1801  this->template copyPointAttribute<DstBuildT>(i, blindData);
1802  } else {
1803  std::cerr << "unsupported point attribute \"" << toStr(metaData->mDataType) << "\"\n";
1804  }
1805  }// if
1806  }// loop
1807  } else { // if
1808  (void)metaData;
1809  }
1810 #endif
1811  updateChecksum(*dstGrid, mChecksum);
1812 }// CreateNanoGrid::postProcess<T>
1814 //================================================================================================
1816 template <typename SrcGridT>
1817 template <typename DstBuildT>
1818 inline typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index>::type
1819 CreateNanoGrid<SrcGridT>::postProcess(uint32_t channels)
1820 {
1821  const std::string typeName = toStr(mapToGridType<SrcValueT>());
1822  const uint64_t valueCount = this->valueCount();
1823  auto *dstGrid = this->template dstGrid<DstBuildT>();
1824  for (uint32_t i=0; i<channels; ++i) {
1825  const std::string name = "channel_"+std::to_string(i);
1826  int j = dstGrid->findBlindData(name.c_str());
1827  if (j<0) throw std::runtime_error("missing " + name);
1828  auto *metaData = this->dstMeta(j);// partially set in processGrid
1829  metaData->mDataClass = GridBlindDataClass::ChannelArray;
1830  metaData->mDataType = mapToGridType<SrcValueT>();
1831  SrcValueT *blindData = const_cast<SrcValueT*>(metaData->template getBlindData<SrcValueT>());
1832  if (i>0) {// concurrent copy from previous channel
1833  nanovdb::forEach(0,valueCount,1024,[&](const nanovdb::Range1D &r){
1834  SrcValueT *dst=blindData+r.begin(), *end=dst+r.size(), *src=dst-valueCount;
1835  while(dst!=end) *dst++ = *src++;
1836  });
1837  } else {
1838  this->template copyValues<DstBuildT>(blindData);
1839  }
1840  }// loop over channels
1841  gridStats(*(this->template dstGrid<DstBuildT>()), std::min(StatsMode::BBox, mStats));
1842  updateChecksum(*dstGrid, mChecksum);
1843 }// CreateNanoGrid::postProcess<ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex>
1845 //================================================================================================
1847 template <typename SrcGridT>
1848 template <typename DstBuildT>
1849 typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index>::type
1851 {// copy values from the source grid into the provided buffer
1852  assert(mBufferPtr && buffer);
1853  using StatsT = typename FloatTraits<SrcValueT>::FloatType;
1855  if (this->valueCount()==0) this->template countValues<DstBuildT>();
1857  auto copyNodeValues = [&](const auto &node, SrcValueT *v) {
1858  if constexpr(BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_onindex) {
1859  for (auto it = node.cbeginValueOn(); it; ++it) *v++ = *it;
1860  } else {
1861  for (auto it = node.cbeginValueAll(); it; ++it) *v++ = *it;
1862  }
1863  if (mIncludeStats) {
1864  if constexpr(SrcNodeAccT::IS_NANOVDB) {// resolved at compile time
1865  *v++ = node.minimum();
1866  *v++ = node.maximum();
1867  if constexpr(is_same<SrcValueT, StatsT>::value) {
1868  *v++ = node.average();
1869  *v++ = node.stdDeviation();
1870  } else {// eg when SrcValueT=Vec3f and StatsT=float
1871  *v++ = SrcValueT(node.average());
1872  *v++ = SrcValueT(node.stdDeviation());
1873  }
1874  } else {// openvdb and nanovdb::build::Grid have no stats
1875  *v++ = buffer[0];// background
1876  *v++ = buffer[0];// background
1877  *v++ = buffer[0];// background
1878  *v++ = buffer[0];// background
1879  }
1880  }
1881  };// copyNodeValues
1883  const SrcRootT &root = mSrcNodeAcc.root();
1884  buffer[0] = root.background();// Value array always starts with the background value
1885  if (mIncludeTiles) {
1886  copyNodeValues(root, buffer + 1u);
1887  forEach(0, mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(2), 1, [&](const Range1D& r) {
1888  for (auto i = r.begin(); i!=r.end(); ++i) {
1889  copyNodeValues(mSrcNodeAcc.template node<2>(i), buffer + mValIdx[2][i]);
1890  }
1891  });
1892  forEach(0, mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(1), 1, [&](const Range1D& r) {
1893  for (auto i = r.begin(); i!=r.end(); ++i) {
1894  copyNodeValues(mSrcNodeAcc.template node<1>(i), buffer + mValIdx[1][i]);
1895  }
1896  });
1897  }
1898  forEach(0, mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(0), 4, [&](const Range1D& r) {
1899  for (auto i = r.begin(); i!=r.end(); ++i) {
1900  copyNodeValues(mSrcNodeAcc.template node<0>(i), buffer + mValIdx[0][i]);
1901  }
1902  });
1903 }// CreateNanoGrid::copyValues<ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex>
1906 //================================================================================================
1908 #if defined(NANOVDB_USE_OPENVDB) && !defined(__CUDACC__)
1910 template <typename SrcGridT>
1911 template<typename T>
1915 {
1916  static_assert(is_same<T, SrcGridT>::value, "expected default template parameter");
1917  return 0u;
1918 }// CreateNanoGrid::countPoints<T>
1920 template <typename SrcGridT>
1921 template<typename T>
1925 {
1926  static_assert(is_same<T, SrcGridT>::value, "expected default template parameter");
1927  return reduce(0, mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(0), 8, uint64_t(0), [&](auto &r, uint64_t sum) {
1928  for (auto i=r.begin(); i!=r.end(); ++i) sum += mSrcNodeAcc.template node<0>(i).getLastValue();
1929  return sum;}, std::plus<uint64_t>());
1930 }// CreateNanoGrid::countPoints<PointIndexGrid or PointDataGrid>
1932 template <typename SrcGridT>
1933 template<typename DstBuildT, typename AttT, typename CodecT, typename T>
1935 CreateNanoGrid<SrcGridT>::copyPointAttribute(size_t attIdx, AttT *attPtr)
1936 {
1937  static_assert(std::is_same<SrcGridT, T>::value, "Expected default parameter");
1938  using HandleT = openvdb::points::AttributeHandle<AttT, CodecT>;
1939  forEach(0, mSrcNodeAcc.nodeCount(0), 16, [&](const auto& r) {
1940  auto *dstData = this->template dstNode<DstBuildT,0>(r.begin())->data();
1941  for (auto i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i, ++dstData) {
1942  auto& srcLeaf = mSrcNodeAcc.template node<0>(i);
1943  HandleT handle(srcLeaf.constAttributeArray(attIdx));
1944  AttT *p = attPtr + dstData->mMinimum;
1945  for (auto iter = srcLeaf.beginIndexOn(); iter; ++iter) *p++ = handle.get(*iter);
1946  }
1947  });
1948 }// CreateNanoGrid::copyPointAttribute
1950 #endif
1952 //================================================================================================
1954 template<typename SrcGridT, typename DstBuildT, typename BufferT>
1956 createNanoGrid(const SrcGridT &srcGrid,
1957  StatsMode sMode,
1958  ChecksumMode cMode,
1959  int verbose,
1960  const BufferT &buffer)
1961 {
1962  CreateNanoGrid<SrcGridT> converter(srcGrid);
1963  converter.setStats(sMode);
1964  converter.setChecksum(cMode);
1965  converter.setVerbose(verbose);
1966  return converter.template getHandle<DstBuildT, BufferT>(buffer);
1967 }// createNanoGrid<T>
1969 //================================================================================================
1971 template<typename SrcGridT, typename DstBuildT, typename BufferT>
1972 typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_index, GridHandle<BufferT>>::type
1973 createNanoGrid(const SrcGridT &srcGrid,
1974  uint32_t channels,
1975  bool includeStats,
1976  bool includeTiles,
1977  int verbose,
1978  const BufferT &buffer)
1979 {
1980  CreateNanoGrid<SrcGridT> converter(srcGrid);
1981  converter.setVerbose(verbose);
1982  return converter.template getHandle<DstBuildT, BufferT>(channels, includeStats, includeTiles, buffer);
1983 }
1985 //================================================================================================
1987 template<typename SrcGridT, typename DstBuildT, typename OracleT, typename BufferT>
1988 typename enable_if<is_same<FpN, DstBuildT>::value, GridHandle<BufferT>>::type
1989 createNanoGrid(const SrcGridT &srcGrid,
1990  StatsMode sMode,
1991  ChecksumMode cMode,
1992  bool ditherOn,
1993  int verbose,
1994  const OracleT &oracle,
1995  const BufferT &buffer)
1996 {
1997  CreateNanoGrid<SrcGridT> converter(srcGrid);
1998  converter.setStats(sMode);
1999  converter.setChecksum(cMode);
2000  converter.enableDithering(ditherOn);
2001  converter.setVerbose(verbose);
2002  return converter.template getHandle<DstBuildT, OracleT, BufferT>(oracle, buffer);
2003 }// createNanoGrid<FpN>
2005 //================================================================================================
2007 template<typename SrcGridT, typename DstBuildT, typename BufferT>
2008 typename enable_if<BuildTraits<DstBuildT>::is_FpX, GridHandle<BufferT>>::type
2009 createNanoGrid(const SrcGridT &srcGrid,
2010  StatsMode sMode,
2011  ChecksumMode cMode,
2012  bool ditherOn,
2013  int verbose,
2014  const BufferT &buffer)
2015 {
2016  CreateNanoGrid<SrcGridT> converter(srcGrid);
2017  converter.setStats(sMode);
2018  converter.setChecksum(cMode);
2019  converter.enableDithering(ditherOn);
2020  converter.setVerbose(verbose);
2021  return converter.template getHandle<DstBuildT, BufferT>(buffer);
2022 }// createNanoGrid<Fp4,8,16>
2024 //================================================================================================
2026 #if defined(NANOVDB_USE_OPENVDB) && !defined(__CUDACC__)
2027 template<typename BufferT>
2029 openToNanoVDB(const openvdb::GridBase::Ptr& base,
2030  StatsMode sMode,
2031  ChecksumMode cMode,
2032  int verbose)
2033 {
2034  // We need to define these types because they are not defined in OpenVDB
2035  using openvdb_Vec4fTree = typename openvdb::tree::Tree4<openvdb::Vec4f, 5, 4, 3>::Type;
2036  using openvdb_Vec4dTree = typename openvdb::tree::Tree4<openvdb::Vec4d, 5, 4, 3>::Type;
2037  using openvdb_Vec4fGrid = openvdb::Grid<openvdb_Vec4fTree>;
2038  using openvdb_Vec4dGrid = openvdb::Grid<openvdb_Vec4dTree>;
2039  using openvdb_UInt32Grid = openvdb::Grid<openvdb::UInt32Tree>;
2041  if (auto grid = openvdb::GridBase::grid<openvdb::FloatGrid>(base)) {
2042  return createNanoGrid<openvdb::FloatGrid, float, BufferT>(*grid, sMode, cMode, verbose);
2043  } else if (auto grid = openvdb::GridBase::grid<openvdb::DoubleGrid>(base)) {
2044  return createNanoGrid<openvdb::DoubleGrid, double, BufferT>(*grid, sMode, cMode, verbose);
2045  } else if (auto grid = openvdb::GridBase::grid<openvdb::Int32Grid>(base)) {
2046  return createNanoGrid<openvdb::Int32Grid, int32_t,BufferT>(*grid, sMode, cMode, verbose);
2047  } else if (auto grid = openvdb::GridBase::grid<openvdb::Int64Grid>(base)) {
2048  return createNanoGrid<openvdb::Int64Grid, int64_t, BufferT>(*grid, sMode, cMode, verbose);
2049  } else if (auto grid = openvdb::GridBase::grid<openvdb_UInt32Grid>(base)) {
2050  return createNanoGrid<openvdb_UInt32Grid, uint32_t, BufferT>(*grid, sMode, cMode, verbose);
2051  } else if (auto grid = openvdb::GridBase::grid<openvdb::Vec3fGrid>(base)) {
2052  return createNanoGrid<openvdb::Vec3fGrid, nanovdb::Vec3f, BufferT>(*grid, sMode, cMode, verbose);
2053  } else if (auto grid = openvdb::GridBase::grid<openvdb::Vec3dGrid>(base)) {
2054  return createNanoGrid<openvdb::Vec3dGrid, nanovdb::Vec3d, BufferT>(*grid, sMode, cMode, verbose);
2055  } else if (auto grid = openvdb::GridBase::grid<openvdb::tools::PointIndexGrid>(base)) {
2056  return createNanoGrid<openvdb::tools::PointIndexGrid, uint32_t, BufferT>(*grid, sMode, cMode, verbose);
2057  } else if (auto grid = openvdb::GridBase::grid<openvdb::points::PointDataGrid>(base)) {
2058  return createNanoGrid<openvdb::points::PointDataGrid, uint32_t, BufferT>(*grid, sMode, cMode, verbose);
2059  } else if (auto grid = openvdb::GridBase::grid<openvdb::MaskGrid>(base)) {
2060  return createNanoGrid<openvdb::MaskGrid, nanovdb::ValueMask, BufferT>(*grid, sMode, cMode, verbose);
2061  } else if (auto grid = openvdb::GridBase::grid<openvdb::BoolGrid>(base)) {
2062  return createNanoGrid<openvdb::BoolGrid, bool, BufferT>(*grid, sMode, cMode, verbose);
2063  } else if (auto grid = openvdb::GridBase::grid<openvdb_Vec4fGrid>(base)) {
2064  return createNanoGrid<openvdb_Vec4fGrid, nanovdb::Vec4f, BufferT>(*grid, sMode, cMode, verbose);
2065  } else if (auto grid = openvdb::GridBase::grid<openvdb_Vec4dGrid>(base)) {
2066  return createNanoGrid<openvdb_Vec4dGrid, nanovdb::Vec4d, BufferT>(*grid, sMode, cMode, verbose);
2067  } else {
2068  OPENVDB_THROW(openvdb::RuntimeError, "Unrecognized OpenVDB grid type");
2069  }
2070 }// openToNanoVDB
2071 #endif
2073 } // namespace nanovdb
Definition: Exceptions.h:65
static GridType mapToType(const std::string &name)
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:854
NodeManagerHandle manages the memory of a NodeManager.
Definition: NodeManager.h:31
const TreeType & tree() const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:317
NodeAccessor(const GridType &grid)
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:348
BlindMetaData(const std::string &name, GridBlindDataSemantic dataSemantic, GridBlindDataClass dataClass, GridType dataType, size_t i, size_t valueCount, size_t valueSize)
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:833
VDB Tree, which is a thin wrapper around a RootNode.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:3989
Index64 pointCount(const PointDataTreeT &tree, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), const bool inCoreOnly=false, const bool threaded=true)
Count the total number of points in a PointDataTree.
Definition: PointCountImpl.h:18
Highest level of the data structure. Contains a tree and a world->index transform (that currently onl...
Definition: NanoVDB.h:3698
Compression oracle based on relative difference.
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:270
A unified wrapper for tbb::parallel_invoke and a naive std::thread analog.
typename TreeType::RootType RootType
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:345
typename SrcNodeAccT::BuildType SrcBuildT
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:528
#define OPENVDB_THROW(exception, message)
Definition: Exceptions.h:74
void init(nanovdb::GridClass gClass, float background)
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:239
uint64_t nodeCount(int level) const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:354
Classes (superset of OpenVDB) that are currently supported by NanoVDB.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:362
A unified wrapper for tbb::parallel_for and a naive std::thread fallback.
RelDiff(float tolerance=-1.0f)
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:275
Space-partitioning acceleration structure for points. Partitions the points into voxels to accelerate...
List of different modes for computing for a checksum.
Definition: GridChecksum.h:38
typename SrcNodeAccT::ValueType SrcValueT
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:529
Defines GridHandle, which manages a host, and possibly a device, memory buffer containing one or more...
uint64_t memUsage() const
Return the actual memory footprint of this root node.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:4625
Trait to map from LEVEL to node type.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:6453
static GridBlindDataSemantic mapToSemantics(const std::string &name)
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:870
A simple vector class with four components, similar to openvdb::math::Vec4.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:1727
bool operator()(float exact, float approx) const
Return true if the approximate value is within the accepted relative error bounds of the exact value...
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:285
T prefixSum(std::vector< T > &vec, bool threaded=true, OpT op=OpT())
Computes inclusive prefix sum of a vector.
Definition: PrefixSum.h:71
const size_t size
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:887
void setChecksum(ChecksumMode mode=ChecksumMode::Default)
Set the mode used for computing checksums of the destination grid.
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:558
const NodeType< LEVEL > & node(uint32_t i) const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:356
static uint64_t memUsage()
Definition: NanoVDB.h:5461
uint64_t addBlindData(const std::string &name, GridBlindDataSemantic dataSemantic, GridBlindDataClass dataClass, GridType dataType, size_t count, size_t size)
Add blind data to the destination grid.
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:607
Computes a pair of 32bit checksums, of a Grid, by means of Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) ...
const RootType & root() const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:318
Type Max(Type a, Type b)
Definition: NanoVDB.h:1110
static uint64_t memUsage()
return memory usage in bytes for the class
Definition: NanoVDB.h:4024
uint64_t AlignUp(uint64_t byteCount)
round up byteSize to the nearest wordSize, e.g. to align to machine word: AlignUp<sizeof(size_t)(n) ...
Definition: NanoVDB.h:1288
typename SrcNodeAccT::TreeType SrcTreeT
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:530
Trait that maps any type to the corresponding nanovdb type.
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:107
A unified wrapper for tbb::parallel_reduce and a naive std::future analog.
void forEach(RangeT range, const FuncT &func)
simple wrapper for tbb::parallel_for with a naive std fallback
Definition: ForEach.h:40
BuildT BuildType
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:340
const GridType & grid() const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:316
Definition: Mat.h:165
Definition: NanoVDB.h:154
static uint64_t memUsage()
Return memory usage in bytes for this class only.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:3661
GridT GridType
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:310
GridClass gridClass() const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:325
This class serves to manage a buffer containing one or more NanoVDB Grids.
Definition: GridHandle.h:37
Multi-threaded implementations of inclusive prefix sum.
Blind-data Semantics that are currently understood by NanoVDB.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:424
typename NodeTrait< SrcRootT, LEVEL >::type SrcNodeT
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:533
Definition: NanoVDB.h:247
bool operator<(const BlindMetaData &other) const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:853
const GridType & grid() const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:351
Define static boolean tests for template build types.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:471
disable_if< is_same< DstBuildT, FpN >::value||BuildTraits< DstBuildT >::is_index, GridHandle< BufferT > >::type getHandle(const BufferT &buffer=BufferT())
Converts the source grid into a nanovdb grid with the specified destination build type...
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:896
Bit-mask to encode active states and facilitate sequential iterators and a fast codec for I/O compres...
Definition: NanoVDB.h:2824
tree::Tree< tree::RootNode< tree::InternalNode< tree::InternalNode< PointIndexLeafNode< PointIndex32, 3 >, 4 >, 5 >>> PointIndexTree
Point index tree configured to match the default OpenVDB tree configuration.
Definition: PointIndexGrid.h:57
enable_if< BuildTraits< DstBuildT >::is_index >::type copyValues(SrcValueT *buffer)
Copy values from the source grid into a provided buffer.
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:1850
BBox< Coord > CoordBBox
Definition: NanoVDB.h:2535
static constexpr bool IS_OPENVDB
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:306
GridBlindMetaData * metaData
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:886
A simple vector class with three components, similar to openvdb::math::Vec3.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:1298
Top-most node of the VDB tree structure.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:4329
std::string getName() const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:357
Struct to derive node type from its level in a given grid, tree or root while preserving constness...
Definition: NanoVDB.h:3404
Custom Range class that is compatible with the tbb::blocked_range classes.
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:852
Grid< PointDataTree > PointDataGrid
Point data grid.
Definition: PointDataGrid.h:194
Definition: GridBuilder.h:2054
typename GridT::BuildType BuildType
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:308
bool operator()(float exact, float approx) const
Return true if the approximate value is within the accepted absolute error bounds of the exact value...
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:255
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const AbsDiff &diff)
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:261
T reduce(RangeT range, const T &identity, const FuncT &func, const JoinT &join)
Definition: Reduce.h:42
void setVerbose(int mode=1)
Set the level of verbosity.
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:545
static size_t memUsage()
Return memory usage in bytes for the class.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:5169
Definition: Types.h:455
Index64 memUsage(const TreeT &tree, bool threaded=true)
Return the total amount of memory in bytes occupied by this tree.
Definition: Count.h:493
T Abs(T x)
Definition: NanoVDB.h:1185
PointIndex< Index32, 1 > PointDataIndex32
Definition: Types.h:181
Container class that associates a tree with a transform and metadata.
Definition: Grid.h:28
GridClass gridClass() const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:360
Definition: NanoVDB.h:3330
void updateChecksum(NanoGrid< BuildT > &grid, ChecksumMode mode=ChecksumMode::Default)
Updates the checksum of a grid.
uint32_t CountOn(uint64_t v)
Definition: NanoVDB.h:2662
BlindMetaData(const std::string &name, const std::string &type, GridBlindDataClass dataClass, size_t i, size_t valueCount, size_t valueSize)
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:815
This file defines a minimum set of tree nodes and tools that can be used (instead of OpenVDB) to buil...
bool hasLongGridName() const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:358
typename SrcNodeAccT::RootType SrcRootT
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:531
CreateNanoGrid(const SrcGridT &srcGrid)
Constructor from a source grid.
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:783
Defines look up table to do dithering of 8^3 leaf nodes.
Definition: DitherLUT.h:19
float FloatType
Definition: NanoVDB.h:1995
Definition: Range.h:28
typename TreeT::ValueType ValueType
Definition: NanoVDB.h:3708
static constexpr bool IS_NANOVDB
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:307
Range< 1, size_t > Range1D
Definition: Range.h:30
This is a buffer that contains a shared or private pool to either externally or internally managed ho...
Definition: HostBuffer.h:114
void gridStats(NanoGrid< BuildT > &grid, StatsMode mode=StatsMode::Default)
Re-computes the min/max, stats and bbox information for an existing NanoVDB Grid. ...
Definition: GridStats.h:722
const NodeType< LEVEL > & node(uint32_t i) const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:321
Compression oracle based on absolute difference.
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:230
Definition: Types.h:456
const std::string & getName() const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:322
disable_if< BuildTraits< DstBuildT >::is_index||BuildTraits< DstBuildT >::is_Fp, GridHandle< BufferT > >::type createNanoGrid(const SrcGridT &srcGrid, StatsMode sMode=StatsMode::Default, ChecksumMode cMode=ChecksumMode::Default, int verbose=0, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT())
Freestanding function that creates a NanoGrid<T> from any source grid.
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:1956
Dummy type for a voxel whose value equals its binary active state.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:272
const char * toStr(GridType gridType)
Maps a GridType to a c-string.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:349
const nanovdb::Map & map() const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:359
Definition: NanoVDB.h:190
const size_t order
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:887
typename TreeType::RootNodeType RootType
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:312
const RootType & root() const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:353
bool hasLongGridName() const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:323
void setTolerance(float tolerance)
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:249
Defines an affine transform and its inverse represented as a 3x3 matrix and a vec3 translation...
Definition: NanoVDB.h:3157
T type
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:371
float getTolerance() const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:280
List of types that are currently supported by NanoVDB.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:317
typename GridType::TreeType TreeType
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:344
uint64_t valueCount() const
This method only has affect when getHandle was called with DstBuildT = ValueIndex or ValueOnIndex...
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:621
typename NodeTrait< TreeType, LEVEL >::type NodeType
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:347
NodeManager allows for sequential access to nodes.
Definition: NodeManager.h:27
typename GridT::TreeType TreeType
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:311
Grid< PointIndexTree > PointIndexGrid
Point index grid.
Definition: PointIndexGrid.h:60
PointIndex< Index32, 0 > PointIndex32
Definition: Types.h:178
typename GridT::ValueType ValueType
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:309
Define compression codecs.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:7839
Internal nodes of a VDB treedim(),.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:4968
TreeT TreeType
Definition: NanoVDB.h:3701
Creates any nanovdb Grid from any source grid (certain combinations are obviously not allowed) ...
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:105
Grid flags which indicate what extra information is present in the grid buffer.
Definition: GridStats.h:38
NodeAccessor(const GridT &grid)
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:315
Attribute-owned data structure for points. Point attributes are stored in leaf nodes and ordered by v...
SharedPtr< GridBase > Ptr
Definition: Grid.h:80
static const int MaxNameSize
Definition: NanoVDB.h:3513
Definition: NanoVDB.h:505
float getTolerance() const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:250
NodeManagerHandle< BufferT > createNodeManager(const NanoGrid< BuildT > &grid, const BufferT &buffer=BufferT())
brief Construct a NodeManager and return its handle
Definition: NodeManager.h:284
void setStats(StatsMode mode=StatsMode::Default)
Set the mode used for computing statistics of the destination grid.
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:554
static int64_t PtrDiff(const T1 *p, const T2 *q)
Compute the distance, in bytes, between two pointers.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:780
uint64_t nodeCount(int level) const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:319
Definition: Types.h:457
typename NodeTrait< const TreeType, LEVEL >::type NodeType
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:314
The NodeAccessor provides a uniform API for accessing nodes got NanoVDB, OpenVDB and build Grids...
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:303
static bool isValid(const void *p)
return true if the specified pointer is aligned and not NULL
Definition: NanoVDB.h:743
const std::enable_if<!VecTraits< T >::IsVec, T >::type & max(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: Composite.h:110
typename GridType::ValueType ValueType
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:343
const nanovdb::Map & map() const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:324
OPENVDB_API uint32_t getGridClass(std::ios_base &)
Return the class (GRID_LEVEL_SET, GRID_UNKNOWN, etc.) of the grid currently being read from or writte...
Leaf nodes of the VDB tree. (defaults to 8x8x8 = 512 voxels)
Definition: NanoVDB.h:6026
const TreeType & tree() const
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:352
C++11 implementation of std::is_floating_point.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:462
const std::enable_if<!VecTraits< T >::IsVec, T >::type & min(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: Composite.h:106
C++11 implementation of std::enable_if.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:492
void enableDithering(bool on=true)
Enable or disable dithering, i.e. randomization of the quantization error.
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:550
AbsDiff(float tolerance=-1.0f)
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:235
int invoke(const Func &taskFunc1, Rest...taskFuncN)
Definition: Invoke.h:64
C++11 implementation of std::is_same.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:441
Definition: Exceptions.h:63
tree::Tree< tree::RootNode< tree::InternalNode< tree::InternalNode< PointDataLeafNode< PointDataIndex32, 3 >, 4 >, 5 >>> PointDataTree
Point index tree configured to match the default VDB configurations.
Definition: PointDataGrid.h:190
Re-computes min/max/avg/var/bbox information for each node in a pre-existing NanoVDB grid...
void setTolerance(float tolerance)
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:279
Blind-data Classes that are currently supported by NanoVDB.
Definition: NanoVDB.h:416
Definition: CreateNanoGrid.h:813