OpenVDB  11.0.0
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1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
4 /// @author Dan Bailey, Nick Avramoussis
5 ///
6 /// @file points/PointConversion.h
7 ///
8 /// @brief Convert points and attributes to and from VDB Point Data grids.
13 #include <openvdb/math/Transform.h>
19 #include "AttributeArrayString.h"
20 #include "AttributeSet.h"
21 #include "IndexFilter.h"
22 #include "PointAttribute.h"
23 #include "PointDataGrid.h"
24 #include "PointGroup.h"
26 #include <tbb/parallel_reduce.h>
28 #include <type_traits>
30 namespace openvdb {
33 namespace points {
35 ////////////////////////////////////////
38 /// @brief Point-partitioner compatible STL vector attribute wrapper for convenience
39 template<typename ValueType>
41 public:
42  using PosType = ValueType;
43  using value_type= ValueType;
45  PointAttributeVector(const std::vector<value_type>& data,
46  const Index stride = 1)
47  : mData(data)
48  , mStride(stride) { }
50  size_t size() const { return mData.size(); }
51  void getPos(size_t n, ValueType& xyz) const { xyz = mData[n]; }
52  void get(ValueType& value, size_t n) const { value = mData[n]; }
53  void get(ValueType& value, size_t n, openvdb::Index m) const { value = mData[n * mStride + m]; }
55 private:
56  const std::vector<value_type>& mData;
57  const Index mStride;
58 }; // PointAttributeVector
61 ////////////////////////////////////////
63 /// @brief Localises points with position into a @c PointDataGrid into two stages:
64 /// allocation of the leaf attribute data and population of the positions.
65 ///
66 /// @param pointIndexGrid a PointIndexGrid into the points.
67 /// @param positions list of world space point positions.
68 /// @param xform world to index space transform.
69 /// @param positionDefaultValue metadata default position value
70 ///
71 /// @note The position data must be supplied in a Point-Partitioner compatible
72 /// data structure. A convenience PointAttributeVector class is offered.
73 ///
74 /// @note The position data is populated separately to perform world space to
75 /// voxel space conversion and apply quantisation.
76 ///
77 /// @note A @c PointIndexGrid to the points must be supplied to perform this
78 /// operation. Typically this is built implicitly by the PointDataGrid constructor.
80 template<
81  typename CompressionT,
82  typename PointDataGridT,
83  typename PositionArrayT,
84  typename PointIndexGridT>
85 inline typename PointDataGridT::Ptr
86 createPointDataGrid(const PointIndexGridT& pointIndexGrid,
87  const PositionArrayT& positions,
88  const math::Transform& xform,
89  const Metadata* positionDefaultValue = nullptr);
92 /// @brief Convenience method to create a @c PointDataGrid from a std::vector of
93 /// point positions.
94 ///
95 /// @param positions list of world space point positions.
96 /// @param xform world to index space transform.
97 /// @param positionDefaultValue metadata default position value
98 ///
99 /// @note This method implicitly wraps the std::vector for a Point-Partitioner compatible
100 /// data structure and creates the required @c PointIndexGrid to the points.
102 template <typename CompressionT, typename PointDataGridT, typename ValueT>
103 inline typename PointDataGridT::Ptr
104 createPointDataGrid(const std::vector<ValueT>& positions,
105  const math::Transform& xform,
106  const Metadata* positionDefaultValue = nullptr);
109 /// @brief Stores point attribute data in an existing @c PointDataGrid attribute.
110 ///
111 /// @param tree the PointDataGrid to be populated.
112 /// @param pointIndexTree a PointIndexTree into the points.
113 /// @param attributeName the name of the VDB Points attribute to be populated.
114 /// @param data a wrapper to the attribute data.
115 /// @param stride the stride of the attribute
116 /// @param insertMetadata true if strings are to be automatically inserted as metadata.
117 ///
118 /// @note A @c PointIndexGrid to the points must be supplied to perform this
119 /// operation. This is required to ensure the same point index ordering.
120 template <typename PointDataTreeT, typename PointIndexTreeT, typename PointArrayT>
121 inline void
122 populateAttribute( PointDataTreeT& tree,
123  const PointIndexTreeT& pointIndexTree,
124  const openvdb::Name& attributeName,
125  const PointArrayT& data,
126  const Index stride = 1,
127  const bool insertMetadata = true);
129 /// @brief Convert the position attribute from a Point Data Grid
130 ///
131 /// @param positionAttribute the position attribute to be populated.
132 /// @param grid the PointDataGrid to be converted.
133 /// @param pointOffsets a vector of cumulative point offsets for each leaf
134 /// @param startOffset a value to shift all the point offsets by
135 /// @param filter an index filter
136 /// @param inCoreOnly true if out-of-core leaf nodes are to be ignored
137 ///
139 template <typename PositionAttribute, typename PointDataGridT, typename FilterT = NullFilter>
140 inline void
141 convertPointDataGridPosition( PositionAttribute& positionAttribute,
142  const PointDataGridT& grid,
143  const std::vector<Index64>& pointOffsets,
144  const Index64 startOffset,
145  const FilterT& filter = NullFilter(),
146  const bool inCoreOnly = false);
149 /// @brief Convert the attribute from a PointDataGrid
150 ///
151 /// @param attribute the attribute to be populated.
152 /// @param tree the PointDataTree to be converted.
153 /// @param pointOffsets a vector of cumulative point offsets for each leaf.
154 /// @param startOffset a value to shift all the point offsets by
155 /// @param arrayIndex the index in the Descriptor of the array to be converted.
156 /// @param stride the stride of the attribute
157 /// @param filter an index filter
158 /// @param inCoreOnly true if out-of-core leaf nodes are to be ignored
159 template <typename TypedAttribute, typename PointDataTreeT, typename FilterT = NullFilter>
160 inline void
161 convertPointDataGridAttribute( TypedAttribute& attribute,
162  const PointDataTreeT& tree,
163  const std::vector<Index64>& pointOffsets,
164  const Index64 startOffset,
165  const unsigned arrayIndex,
166  const Index stride = 1,
167  const FilterT& filter = NullFilter(),
168  const bool inCoreOnly = false);
171 /// @brief Convert the group from a PointDataGrid
172 ///
173 /// @param group the group to be populated.
174 /// @param tree the PointDataTree to be converted.
175 /// @param pointOffsets a vector of cumulative point offsets for each leaf
176 /// @param startOffset a value to shift all the point offsets by
177 /// @param index the group index to be converted.
178 /// @param filter an index filter
179 /// @param inCoreOnly true if out-of-core leaf nodes are to be ignored
180 ///
182 template <typename Group, typename PointDataTreeT, typename FilterT = NullFilter>
183 inline void
184 convertPointDataGridGroup( Group& group,
185  const PointDataTreeT& tree,
186  const std::vector<Index64>& pointOffsets,
187  const Index64 startOffset,
188  const AttributeSet::Descriptor::GroupIndex index,
189  const FilterT& filter = NullFilter(),
190  const bool inCoreOnly = false);
192 // for internal use only - this traits class extracts T::value_type if defined,
193 // otherwise falls back to using Vec3R
194 namespace internal {
195 template <typename...> using void_t = void;
196 template <typename T, typename = void>
197 struct ValueTypeTraits { using Type = Vec3R; /* default type if T::value_type is not defined*/ };
198 template <typename T>
199 struct ValueTypeTraits <T, void_t<typename T::value_type>> { using Type = typename T::value_type; };
200 } // namespace internal
202 /// @ brief Given a container of world space positions and a target points per voxel,
203 /// compute a uniform voxel size that would best represent the storage of the points in a grid.
204 /// This voxel size is typically used for conversion of the points into a PointDataGrid.
205 ///
206 /// @param positions array of world space positions
207 /// @param pointsPerVoxel the target number of points per voxel, must be positive and non-zero
208 /// @param transform voxel size will be computed using this optional transform if provided
209 /// @param decimalPlaces for readability, truncate voxel size to this number of decimals
210 /// @param interrupter an optional interrupter
211 ///
212 /// @note VecT will be PositionWrapper::value_type or Vec3R (if there is no value_type defined)
213 ///
214 /// @note if none or one point provided in positions, the default voxel size of 0.1 will be returned
215 ///
216 template< typename PositionWrapper,
217  typename InterrupterT = openvdb::util::NullInterrupter,
218  typename VecT = typename internal::ValueTypeTraits<PositionWrapper>::Type>
219 inline float
220 computeVoxelSize( const PositionWrapper& positions,
221  const uint32_t pointsPerVoxel,
222  const math::Mat4d transform = math::Mat4d::identity(),
223  const Index decimalPlaces = 5,
224  InterrupterT* const interrupter = nullptr);
226 } // namespace points
227 } // namespace OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME
228 } // namespace openvdb
ValueType value_type
Definition: PointConversion.h:43
float computeVoxelSize(const PositionWrapper &positions, const uint32_t pointsPerVoxel, const math::Mat4d transform=math::Mat4d::identity(), const Index decimalPlaces=5, InterrupterT *const interrupter=nullptr)
Definition: PointConversionImpl.h:675
Space-partitioning acceleration structure for points. Partitions the points into voxels to accelerate...
void populateAttribute(PointDataTreeT &tree, const PointIndexTreeT &pointIndexTree, const openvdb::Name &attributeName, const PointArrayT &data, const Index stride=1, const bool insertMetadata=true)
Stores point attribute data in an existing PointDataGrid attribute.
Definition: PointConversionImpl.h:544
math::Vec3< Real > Vec3R
Definition: Types.h:72
void convertPointDataGridGroup(Group &group, const PointDataTreeT &tree, const std::vector< Index64 > &pointOffsets, const Index64 startOffset, const AttributeSet::Descriptor::GroupIndex index, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), const bool inCoreOnly=false)
Convert the group from a PointDataGrid.
Definition: PointConversionImpl.h:647
ValueType PosType
Definition: PointConversion.h:42
Point attribute manipulation in a VDB Point Grid.
Definition: PointConversion.h:197
Point group manipulation in a VDB Point Grid.
PointDataGridT::Ptr createPointDataGrid(const std::vector< ValueT > &positions, const math::Transform &xform, const Metadata *positionDefaultValue=nullptr)
Convenience method to create a PointDataGrid from a std::vector of point positions.
Definition: PointConversionImpl.h:526
Index filters primarily designed to be used with a FilterIndexIter.
void void_t
Definition: PointConversion.h:195
uint64_t Index64
Definition: Types.h:53
void convertPointDataGridPosition(PositionAttribute &positionAttribute, const PointDataGridT &grid, const std::vector< Index64 > &pointOffsets, const Index64 startOffset, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), const bool inCoreOnly=false)
Convert the position attribute from a Point Data Grid.
Definition: PointConversionImpl.h:581
Base class for storing metadata information in a grid.
Definition: Metadata.h:23
Index64 pointOffsets(std::vector< Index64 > &pointOffsets, const PointDataTreeT &tree, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), const bool inCoreOnly=false, const bool threaded=true)
Populate an array of cumulative point offsets per leaf node.
Definition: PointCountImpl.h:52
Definition: Exceptions.h:13
Definition: Transform.h:39
PointAttributeVector(const std::vector< value_type > &data, const Index stride=1)
Definition: PointConversion.h:45
This tool produces a grid where every voxel that contains a point is active. It employs thread-local ...
std::string Name
Definition: Name.h:19
size_t size() const
Definition: PointConversion.h:50
void convertPointDataGridAttribute(TypedAttribute &attribute, const PointDataTreeT &tree, const std::vector< Index64 > &pointOffsets, const Index64 startOffset, const unsigned arrayIndex, const Index stride=1, const FilterT &filter=NullFilter(), const bool inCoreOnly=false)
Convert the attribute from a PointDataGrid.
Definition: PointConversionImpl.h:615
Index32 Index
Definition: Types.h:54
void getPos(size_t n, ValueType &xyz) const
Definition: PointConversion.h:51
Attribute-owned data structure for points. Point attributes are stored in leaf nodes and ordered by v...
Attribute array storage for string data using Descriptor Metadata.
The version namespace name for this library version.
A no-op filter that can be used when iterating over all indices.
Definition: IndexIterator.h:50
Set of Attribute Arrays which tracks metadata about each array.
Point-partitioner compatible STL vector attribute wrapper for convenience.
Definition: PointConversion.h:40