OpenVDB  11.0.0
LeafNode< T, Log2Dim > Member List

This is the complete list of members for LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >, including all inherited members.

::TestLeaf classLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >friend
::TestLeafIO classLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >friend
addLeaf(LeafNode *)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
addLeafAndCache(LeafNode *, AccessorT &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
addTile(Index level, const Coord &, const ValueType &, bool)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
addTile(Index offset, const ValueType &, bool)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
addTileAndCache(Index, const Coord &, const ValueType &, bool, AccessorT &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
allocate()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
beginChildAll() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
beginChildAll()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
beginChildOff() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
beginChildOff()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
beginChildOn() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
beginChildOn()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
beginValueAll() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
beginValueAll()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
beginValueOff() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
beginValueOff()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
beginValueOn() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
beginValueOn()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
buffer() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
buffer()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
Buffer typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
BuildType typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
cbeginChildAll() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
cbeginChildOff() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
cbeginChildOn() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
cbeginValueAll() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
cbeginValueOff() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
cbeginValueOn() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
cendChildAll() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
cendChildOff() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
cendChildOn() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
cendValueAll() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
cendValueOff() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
cendValueOn() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
ChildAllCIter typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
ChildAllIter typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
childCount()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlinestatic
ChildOffCIter typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
ChildOffIter typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
ChildOnCIter typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
ChildOnIter typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
clip(const CoordBBox &, const ValueType &background)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
combine(const LeafNode &other, CombineOp &op)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
combine(const ValueType &value, bool valueIsActive, CombineOp &op)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
combine2(const LeafNode &other, const OtherType &, bool valueIsActive, CombineOp &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
combine2(const ValueType &, const OtherNodeT &other, bool valueIsActive, CombineOp &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
combine2(const LeafNode &b0, const OtherNodeT &b1, CombineOp &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
coordToOffset(const Coord &xyz)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlinestatic
copyFromDense(const CoordBBox &bbox, const DenseT &dense, const ValueType &background, const ValueType &tolerance)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
copyToDense(const CoordBBox &bbox, DenseT &dense) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
denseFill(const CoordBBox &bbox, const ValueType &value, bool active=true)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
dim()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlinestatic
DIMLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >static
endChildAll() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
endChildAll()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
endChildOff() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
endChildOff()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
endChildOn() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
endChildOn()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
endValueAll() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
endValueAll()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
endValueOff() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
endValueOff()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
endValueOn() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
endValueOn()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
evalActiveBoundingBox(CoordBBox &bbox, bool visitVoxels=true) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
evalNodeOrigin(Coord &xyz)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlineprotectedstatic
fill(const CoordBBox &bbox, const ValueType &, bool active=true)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
fill(const ValueType &value)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
fill(const ValueType &value, bool active)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
getChildDim()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlinestatic
getFirstValue() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
getLastValue() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
getLevel()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlinestatic
getNodeBoundingBox() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
getNodeLog2Dims(std::vector< Index > &dims)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlinestatic
getNodes(ArrayT &) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
getOrigin(Coord &origin) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
getOrigin(Int32 &x, Int32 &y, Int32 &z) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
getValue(const Coord &xyz) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
getValue(Index offset) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
getValue(const Coord &xyz, bool &state, int &level, AccessorT &) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
getValueAndCache(const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
getValueLevel(const Coord &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlinestatic
getValueLevelAndCache(const Coord &, AccessorT &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlinestatic
getValueMask() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
getValueMask()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
hasActiveTiles()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlinestatic
hasSameTopology(const LeafNode< OtherType, OtherLog2Dim > *other) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
isAllocated() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
isChildMaskOff(Index) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
isChildMaskOff() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
isChildMaskOn(Index) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
isConstant(ValueType &firstValue, bool &state, const ValueType &tolerance=zeroVal< ValueType >()) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
isConstant(ValueType &minValue, ValueType &maxValue, bool &state, const ValueType &tolerance=zeroVal< ValueType >()) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
isDense() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
isEmpty() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
isInactive() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
isValueMaskOff(Index n) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
isValueMaskOff() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
isValueMaskOn(Index n) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
isValueMaskOn() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
isValueOn(const Coord &xyz) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
isValueOn(Index offset) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
isValueOnAndCache(const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
IteratorBase< MaskDenseIterator, LeafNode > classLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >friend
IteratorBase< MaskOffIterator, LeafNode > classLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >friend
IteratorBase< MaskOnIterator, LeafNode > classLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >friend
leafCount()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlinestatic
LeafNode classLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >friend
LeafNode()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
LeafNode(const Coord &coords, const ValueType &value=zeroVal< ValueType >(), bool active=false)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlineexplicit
LeafNode(PartialCreate, const Coord &coords, const ValueType &value=zeroVal< ValueType >(), bool active=false)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
LeafNode(const LeafNode &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
LeafNode(const LeafNode< OtherValueType, Log2Dim > &other)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlineexplicit
LeafNode(const LeafNode< OtherValueType, Log2Dim > &other, const ValueType &offValue, const ValueType &onValue, TopologyCopy)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
LeafNode(const LeafNode< OtherValueType, Log2Dim > &other, const ValueType &background, TopologyCopy)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
LeafNodeType typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
LEVELLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >static
LOG2DIMLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >static
log2dim()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlinestatic
MaskDenseIterator typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >protected
MaskOffIterator typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >protected
MaskOnIterator typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >protected
medianAll(ValueType *tmp=nullptr) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
medianOff(ValueType &value, ValueType *tmp=nullptr) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
medianOn(ValueType &value, ValueType *tmp=nullptr) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
memUsage() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
memUsageIfLoaded() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
merge(const LeafNode &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
merge(const ValueType &tileValue, bool tileActive)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
merge(const LeafNode &other, const ValueType &, const ValueType &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
modifyValue(Index offset, const ModifyOp &op)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
modifyValue(const Coord &xyz, const ModifyOp &op)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
modifyValueAndActiveState(const Coord &xyz, const ModifyOp &op)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
modifyValueAndActiveStateAndCache(const Coord &xyz, const ModifyOp &op, AccessorT &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
modifyValueAndCache(const Coord &xyz, const ModifyOp &op, AccessorT &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
negate()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
nodeCount(std::vector< Index32 > &) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
NodeMaskType typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
nonLeafCount()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlinestatic
NUM_VALUESLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >static
NUM_VOXELSLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >static
numValues()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlinestatic
offLeafVoxelCount() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
offsetToGlobalCoord(Index n) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
offsetToLocalCoord(Index n)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlinestatic
offTileCount()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlinestatic
offVoxelCount() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
onLeafVoxelCount() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
onTileCount()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlinestatic
onVoxelCount() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
operator!=(const LeafNode &other) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
operator=(const LeafNode &)=defaultLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
operator==(const LeafNode &other) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
origin() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
probeConstLeaf(const Coord &) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
probeConstLeafAndCache(const Coord &, AccessorT &) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
probeConstNode(const Coord &) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
probeConstNodeAndCache(const Coord &, AccessorT &) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
probeLeaf(const Coord &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
probeLeaf(const Coord &) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
probeLeafAndCache(const Coord &, AccessorT &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
probeLeafAndCache(const Coord &, AccessorT &) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
probeNode(const Coord &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
probeNodeAndCache(const Coord &, AccessorT &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
probeValue(const Coord &xyz, ValueType &val) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
probeValue(Index offset, ValueType &val) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
probeValueAndCache(const Coord &xyz, ValueType &val, AccessorT &) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
prune(const ValueType &=zeroVal< ValueType >())LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
Ptr typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
readBuffers(std::istream &is, bool fromHalf=false)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
readBuffers(std::istream &is, const CoordBBox &bbox, bool fromHalf=false)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
readTopology(std::istream &is, bool fromHalf=false)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
resetBackground(const ValueType &oldBackground, const ValueType &newBackground)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setActiveState(const Coord &xyz, bool on)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setActiveState(Index offset, bool on)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setActiveStateAndCache(const Coord &xyz, bool on, AccessorT &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setOrigin(const Coord &origin)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setTransientData(Index32 transientData)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setValue(const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &val)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setValueAndCache(const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &val, AccessorT &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setValueMask(const NodeMaskType &mask)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setValueMask(Index n, bool on)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlineprotected
setValueMaskOff(Index n)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlineprotected
setValueMaskOn(Index n)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlineprotected
setValueOff(const Coord &xyz)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setValueOff(Index offset)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setValueOff(const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &val)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setValueOff(Index offset, const ValueType &val)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setValueOffAndCache(const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &value, AccessorT &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setValueOn(const Coord &xyz)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setValueOn(Index offset)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setValueOn(const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &val)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setValueOn(Index offset, const ValueType &val)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setValueOnly(const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &val)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setValueOnly(Index offset, const ValueType &val)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setValueOnlyAndCache(const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &val, AccessorT &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setValuesOff()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
setValuesOn()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
size()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlinestatic
SIZELeafNode< T, Log2Dim >static
skipCompressedValues(bool seekable, std::istream &, bool fromHalf)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inlineprotected
stealNode(const Coord &, const ValueType &, bool)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
stealNodes(ArrayT &, const ValueType &, bool)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
str() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
streamingSize(bool toHalf=false) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
swap(Buffer &other)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
topologyDifference(const LeafNode< OtherType, Log2Dim > &other, const ValueType &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
topologyIntersection(const LeafNode< OtherType, Log2Dim > &other, const ValueType &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
topologyUnion(const LeafNode< OtherType, Log2Dim > &other, const bool preserveTiles=false)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
TOTALLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >static
touchLeaf(const Coord &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
touchLeafAndCache(const Coord &, AccessorT &)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
transientData() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
ValueAllCIter typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
ValueAllIter typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
ValueIter< MaskDenseIterator, const LeafNode, ValueType, ValueAll >LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >friend
ValueIter< MaskDenseIterator, LeafNode, ValueType, ValueAll >LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >friend
ValueIter< MaskOffIterator, const LeafNode, ValueType, ValueOff >LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >friend
ValueIter< MaskOffIterator, LeafNode, ValueType, ValueOff >LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >friend
ValueIter< MaskOnIterator, const LeafNode, ValueType, ValueOn >LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >friend
ValueIter< MaskOnIterator, LeafNode, ValueType, ValueOn >LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >friend
valueMask() const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
ValueOffCIter typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
ValueOffIter typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
ValueOnCIter typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
ValueOnIter typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
ValueType typedefLeafNode< T, Log2Dim >
voxelizeActiveTiles(bool=true)LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
writeBuffers(std::ostream &os, bool toHalf=false) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
writeTopology(std::ostream &os, bool toHalf=false) const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline
~LeafNode()LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >inline